Subject: The workout that just about killed me...[this is good stuff]

I'll keep this short and sweet...if you like time-efficient
training that builds serious strength and muscle mass, you'll
enjoy this one...

1. Hybrid Cable-Barbell Deadlifts (I'll show you how to do them)

done with

2. Compound Exercise Overload Training (I'll tell you how it's done)

done within

3. Muscle Explosion: 28 Days to Maximum Mass (my plateau-busting muscle-gain program)

And I caught it on video.

This is one of the toughest workouts I've ever done and it was
just 20 minutes long...then the next day it was 25 minutes of the
same thing...then 30 minutes the next...then 35 tonight and
finally 40 minutes of it tomorrow.

They don't call me the "mad scientist" for nothing... [insert
maniacal laughter here]...

Seriously though, if you haven't checked out Hybrid Training
and/or Muscle Explosion yet, this workout will give you good
insight into what they're both all about and the kind of results
you can get with them, especially combined like I'm doing myself
right now.


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