Subject: The 10 best veggies for juicing or blending for fat loss...[list]

One of the things I like about juicing (or blending/grinding
of whole foods) it that it's like a nutritional punch in the face...
it's a way to get TON of nutrients that you simply can't get
in a normally-eaten diet (or even from supplements!).

For those of who don't get the recommended daily servings of fruit and veggies
(I include myself in that group), juicing and blending can be incredibly useful.

It's difficult, if not impossible, to get the same array and amounts of nutrients by
just eating whole food...even good quality, organic food. You could pretty much
spend almost your whole day eating and still not get comparable nutrition.

In fact, juicing can actually be an extremely beneficial both for fat loss AND for
building muscle. The benefits are many...

1. Wider range of micronutrients
2. Improved immune system
3. Improved digestive health
4. Juicing provides micronutrients that are more bio-available
5. More energy, from a healthy source
6. Fighting inflammation and winning
7. Hormone balance and regulation
8. Faster recovery for faster gains
9. Increased testosterone levels
10. A multi-step attack on body fat

So today I've got a great guest article for you here from fitness expert Vince
DelMonte and health expert Drew Canole, creators of a new recipe guide
"Get Juiced: 101 Muscle-Charging Juicing Recipes" detailing their 10 favorite
vegetables for juicing.

All vegetables are good for you and each one contains different micronutrients
that you need to get healthy, lose fat and build muscle. That said, there are
some vegetables that should absolutely be included on your juicing menu.
These vegetables provide large amounts of the essential vitamins, minerals
and antioxidants...nutrients that you DON'T have to get (and often CAN'T
get) from supplements.

Top 10 Juicing Vegetables for Faster Fat Los

1. Spinach

Dark, leafy greens are some of the most nutritious vegetables on the planet
and spinach is a superstar among dark, leafy greens. It's loaded with iron
and packed with Vitamin C. It's essential that you get enough Vitamin C in
your diet every day in order to strengthen the immune system, reduce
inflammation, burn stored fat and fuel cell repair.

Fresh spinach is inexpensive, produces a plentiful supply of juice and is
pretty mild-tasting as a juice too. If spinach is a little bitter or plain for
your taste, add half of one pear or apple to your ingredients to sweeten
it up a bit.

2. Carrots

Carrots are a juicer's dream. The juice they give you is surprisingly sweet,
which is great for those of you that prefer a sweeter taste to your juice but
are trying to cut back on the fruit. Carrots are also loaded with antioxidants,
particularly beta-carotene. Most people associate carotenoids with eye health,
but they're also extremely important to cardiovascular health. A recent study
showed that the yellow/orange group of vegetables was the most effective
in preventing cardiovascular disease, and in that group, carrots were the
most beneficial. Carotenoids are also important to bodybuilders because
they not only reduce oxidative stress, but can repair oxidative damage to
the body.

Carrots also contain polyacetylenes, another phytonutrient, which has
been linked to a reduced risk of colon cancer. You young guys may not
be worried about colon cancer at the moment, but the time to prevent it
is long before you're "old enough" to get it.

3. Beets

Beets are another vegetable that has a satisfyingly sweeter flavor, but their
taste is just one of the many benefits to bodybuilders. Beets contain a
hefty supply of a very important group of phytonutrients called betalains,
particularly the betalains betanin and vulgaxanthin. These two workhorses
have been widely studied and shown to be extremely effective at aiding
liver detoxification and reducing inflammation.

It's important to know that these betalains are extremely unstable and
that you can lose up to 25% of the betalain content of beets by cooking
them. This is one of the great benefits about juicing; you consume the
vegetables raw which means you get all of their nutrient content without
losing a bunch of it to heat degradation.

4. Parsley

Most people think of parsley simply as a garnish that you ignore when
you are eating out. But parsley has been seriously undervalued. It has a
ton of folic acid and several other antioxidants that can help to prevent
damage to your body's cells from certain free radicals known as oxygen
radicals. Free radicals can cause inflammation and hormonal imbalances
that slow muscle gain and virtually stop fat loss.

A couple of smaller benefits of parsley are that it's very cheap, it helps
keep your breath fresh and can even reduce body odor.

5. Kale

Kale is one of the most important vegetables you can juice in regards to
fighting oxidative stress and inflammation. There are more than 45
flavonoids in kale, including kaempferol and quercetin, which are especially
effective against inflammation.

Kale is also an excellent source of isothiocyanates, made from glucosinolates,
which play a really important role in lowering the risk of several cancers,
including colon and prostate cancer.

6. Celery

You may be used to thinking of celery as something you only eat for the
fiber and negative net calorie content, but there has been a lot of
important research on celery in the last several years that shows celery to
be a huge weapon against inflammation.

The polysaccharides in celery, especially apiuman, are particularly good
at repairing and preventing inflammation in the digestive tract. This is
very important for bodybuilders. If your digestive tract is loaded with
toxins and waste and suffers from chronic inflammation, you're on your
way to becoming malnourished. Micronutrients are absorbed in the
small intestine. If that intestine is compromised, you won't be absorbing
the majority of the micronutrients you're eating. That lack of nutrients
means hormonal imbalances, blood sugar issues and slowed muscle
growth and muscle recovery.

7. Cucumber

Cucumbers are another vegetable that doesn't usually come to mind when
you think of nutrient density, but they're undervalued as well. Cucumbers
are loaded with lignans, which are a specific group of polyphenols, which
have been shown to fight colon cancer.

They are also packed with several antioxidants that inhibit certain enzymes
that promote inflammation and oxidative stress.

Another great thing about juicing with cucumbers is that they are loaded
with water and very mild-tasting, so they're great to throw in with
stronger-tasting vegetables like kale, mustard greens and spinach. If at
all possible, buy organic cucumbers (even organic they are very cheap)
so that you can juice them with the skin on. A lot of the antioxidants in
cucumbers are contained in the skin.

8. Romaine lettuce

Romaine lettuce is packed with some of the most important micronutrients
you need. It's an excellent source of both beta-carotene and Vitamin C and
when those two work together, they can help lower bad cholesterol. Romaine
is also a great source of both folic acid and potassium.

Romaine can be a little bit bitter on its own, but when combined with
beets, carrots, apples or pears, it tastes great. This should definitely be
one of your "go-to" greens for your greens drinks.

9. Swiss chard

Swiss chard is one of the most nutrient-dense vegetables you can eat. It's
loaded with a huge variety of antioxidants, but there are also specific
flavonoids in Swiss chard that can also help regulate blood sugar. Swiss
chard is a great source of a flavonoid called syringic acid, which inhibits
an enzyme called alpha-glycosidase. Alpha-glycosidase breaks carbs down
into simple sugars. When it's inhibited, fewer carbs are turned into sugar
and blood sugar levels are lowered.

High blood sugar is a serious problem for bodybuilders, as it causes more
insulin to be released into the bloodstream, which prompts the body to
store fat.

10. Broccoli

Broccoli is one of the best vegetables you can juice to help detoxify your
body. Broccoli is one of the few vegetables that contain the combination
of three glucosinolates called glucoraphanin, gluconasturtiian, and
glucobrassicin. Taken together, these glucosinolates kick some serious
butt when it comes to detoxifying the liver. A healthier liver means better
hormone production and secretion, including production of testosterone.

Broccoli doesn't give much juice, but you don't need much of it to reap
the detox benefits. Just toss a spear in with a greens drink or with carrot,
beet or cucumber juices.


When it comes to juicing, any vegetable you add to your drinks is a good
one. These ten just happen to have specific micronutrients or such a huge
supply of micronutrients that I consider them the top 10.

However, you really can't go wrong with any fresh vegetable, especially if
it's organic, locally grown and in season, so that you get the maximum
nutrients into your juice.

Ready to start juicing the right away?

==> Click Here to get a copy of Get Juiced: 101-Muscle Charging Juicing Recipes


Nick Nilsson
The "Mad
Scientist of Muscle"

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