Subject: Is eating meat REALLY as bad as smoking?

If you hadn't seen this already, a study recently
came out essentially implying that eating meat
is as bad for you as smoking

Meat and Smoking

The question, of course, is whether this is actually true or total
BS strategically arranged to just make headlines!

My friends at just published an EXCELLENT in-
depth article on this it was set up, the methods they
used, and whether the study should really be taken seriously.

It's great information...and if you like no-hype, science-based
analysis, this is going to be right up your alley.

Here's the direct link to the article...

And check out the questions they bring up in the article...

  • “Does exercise exert a protective effect?” - this study did not
    measure exercise.

  • “What about sources of protein?” - this study did not
    measure anything beyond whether it came from an animal
    or plant. Chicken breast is not comparable to processed
    bologna meat.

  • “Do these results apply to persons younger than 50?” - we don’t know

  • “What about eating your veggies and fruits?” - vegetable and
    fruit servings were not counted, just carbohydrates and fats.

  • “What did they eat in place of protein in the low protein
    group?” - protein as a percent of caloric intake was assessed,
    but not levels of carbs or fats (beyond group averages before
    division into thirds for analysis), so we don’t know if the
    macronutrient used to replace protein had a protective effect
    or not.

  • “Fast food versus home cooked?” - not measured.

  • “Could a healthy lifestyle completely circumvent these effects?” -
    perhaps, but the study never looked into ‘a healthy lifestyle’
    beyond macronutrients

  • “What about weight loss?” - the study controlled for ‘attempted
    weight loss’, so it would be prudent to assume that no
    significant weight loss occurred in most subjects. Due to this,
    any questions pertaining to whether weight loss exerted a
    protective effect (usually does in other studies, if the weight
    loss occurs in obese persons) cannot be answered by this study

I'm a big fan of the site...their ENTIRE site is dedicated
to bringing this kind of detailed, in-depth, SCIENTIFIC analysis to
the world of supplements.

And for the next few days, you can get access to their full Supplement
Reference guide for a reduced price of just 29 bucks...until Wednesday
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Great info and if you take supplements, you'll save more than this
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Learn more here.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

P.S. If you know anybody else who might benefit from this
information, feel free to forward this email to them!

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