Subject: Can losing fat make you MORE toxic? 4 foods that can help...

Beyond just storing calories (which we all
know about!), fat actually has another
function in your body...

That purpose is protecting you from the massive load of
toxic garbage that ends up in your system every single day
and over your entire life.

You see, your fat cells are like tiny storage bins...when your
body detects toxic material, if it can't simply flush it out, it
traps it within a fat cell so that it doesn't damage your other cells.

This is not theory...this is how the body works...(e.g. pesticides
such as DDT and chemicals like PCB's regularly show up in
fat cell samples when tested for).

Over the years, you can just imagine how much toxic
waste has built up in your fat cells...

...and when you LOSE fat, that stuff gets released from your
fat cells and starts floating around your body again.

This is one of the reasons why it's SO important to drink a lot
of water when you're losing helps flush that stuff out
of your body.

Now, beyond water, there are four other foods that can help
you flush that garbage out of your system...

One is a spice...two are fruits...and one is type of vegetable...
simple stuff that you can get in any grocery store.

These four common foods can help you clear that stuff from
your system once and for all.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

If you know anybody else who might benefit from this
information, feel free to forward this email to them!

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