Subject: A warm-up trick for bench to INSTANTLY increase your strength...

This is something very few trainers know...and it's
going to help you improve your pressing power
the very first time you do it.

(and no, it's not that ^)

When you do a typical bench press rep, a good percentage of the
last part of the movement (as you come to lockout) is used by the
body to decelerate the bar.

The lighter the weight you use, the greater this percentage is. The
heavier you go, the lower this percentage is.

This is a safety mechanism used by the body to prevent joint injury.
It senses the load on the muscles and joints and will actively work
against the movement in order to slow down the resistance and
protect the joints.

This nervous system inhibition, while useful for not wrecking your
joints, will actually reduce your strength in heavier lifts. Even though
the weight is heavy and basically slows itself down, your body still
tries to actively work against the movement as you come to the top.

This means as you get to the lockout in a heavy bench press
attempt, your body is trying to slow the bar down and you may
not be able to lock it out!

Here's the simple warm-up trick that's going to help you FIX that...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad
Scientist of Muscle"

P.S. If you know anybody else who might benefit from this
information, feel free to forward this email to them!

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