Subject: World's Top Mystic Shows How To Astral Travel In 30 Days Or Less

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I'll Show You How To Awaken Your 5 Magical Gifts For Spiritual Ascension, And You Don't Need Psychic Genetics Or Special Past Lives To Do It...
Robert Bruce
2pm Wed live chat
with E.A. on Odysee
G'day Friend,
I'm author and mystic Robert Bruce down under in Australia.
For over 50 years now, I've been on an ambitious mission to help as many human souls as I can to awaken to the Greater Reality of spirituality, and experience lifechanging evolution.
When I commenced my journey, there were no books on metaphysics readily available to me. There were no internet forums,, or yoga centers where I could unlock the secrets truths of magic.
I was totally on my own!
But the fact is, this adversity was a tremendous blessing in disguise, because it forced me to develop my psychic abilities through independent hard work. It freed me to avoid the most common problem plaguing truth-seekers, namely, analysis paralysis. I never became entangled in "too many books".
There's a forthright affirmation Buddhists voice in the East to eliminate the mental distractions of novice aspirants. It roughly translates to: sit down, shut up, and meditate.
As you explore my work, you'll discover I take this mantra to heart. I'm all about rolling up my sleeves, and performing exercises that activate spiritual powers. Real practice is the only way to get results!
Now let me ask you... what kind of results do YOU want?
Learn Secrets Most People Will Never Know About The 5 Spiritual Gifts... Discover How To Unlock Your Godlike Powers And Experience Evolutionary Growth
Did you know that there are 5 spiritual gifts, also known as psychic abilities?
Power 1. Energy Work - harmonizing your chakras and raising Kundalini.
Power 2. Astral Projection - out of body experiences and astral travel
Power 3. Psychic Self-Defense - safety and peace
Power 4. Clairvoyance - divination, prophecy, and auric vision
Power 5. Healing - health, wellness, and immortality
These 5 spiritual gifts comprise a well-rounded and evolutionarily advanced human soul. They are called "extrasensory" abilities.
While it's true that virtues like honesty, positivity, and politeness will improve your character as an adult - you must realize that to FULLY AWAKEN to the Greater Reality, you need to learn to open up your "5 gifts of spirituality".
When we do, we ASCEND.
These 5 spiritual gifts comprise a well-rounded and evolutionarily advanced human soul. They are called "extrasensory" abilities.
Performing safe, effective techniques that I've designed over the years, you are going to begin accessing your 5 Godlike Powers in your everyday life. You will literally raise the vibrational frequency of your energy body, and gain higher awareness to the etheric and astral planes.
Now, I don't want to get too technical too early, but there is more to spirituality than being a nice person. You need to *PRACTICE* too.
Let me introduce to you the fundamental training of my educational catalog:
Allow me to introduce you to my catalog one by one below:
The Godlike Powers Series With Mystic Robert Bruce
The ULTIMATE GUIDE to massive success with having out of body experiences. Learn how to astral travel in 30 days or less with this 15-hour intensive course.
Learn my proven technique to awaken your Kundalini... how to ignite your chakras, boost your energy, and have the ultimate spiritual experience...
Get your "black belt" in psychic self-defense. Learn to eprform "martial arts" against vampiric demons, baneful magick, and toxic energy with my battle-proven magic.
Receive spiritual counsel with a living master. Let a lifetime of experience with astral projection, energy work, and psychic self-defense solve your problems on a live video chat or telephone.
This is just the beginning. I'm always in my studio writing and crafting new courses to expand my educational catalog, so YOU can learn the 5 Gifts of Spirituality, as I did.
Furthermore, I want to make it as easy as I can for you to enjoy your evolutionary growth with me. This is why every single video training has a 7-day money back guarantee. It's my way of showing you how confident I am in the efficacy of my work. Plus, I'd never want you to keep something which you don't absolutely LOVE.
Before I go, let me remind you of a profoundly amazing fact.
Humans have sought spiritual growth since the dawn of time. When you study ancient cultures, there has always been a search for truth. The calamity is that very few ever got the chance to pursue mysticism, and unlocks its secrets. You are living in an extremely opportune time, where information abounds, and unprecedented resources are at hand.
My Astral Dynamics is the culmination of thousands of years of spiritual knowledge. You and I together are forerunning the quest for evolutionary ascent. Never before have you had REAL TRUTH available at your fingertips so easily.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for joining Astral Dynamics. May you discover your 5 Magical Gifts with my help, and experience all the joy in the world.
Talk again soon,
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