Subject: Why The Demon "Ant'harratu" Ruined My Love Life

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The Faithful Transcript Of My Gnosis With Azazel's Chief Nether, Ant'harratu — Learn The Lesson Of "Inverse Nirvana" And How Ant'harratu's Counsel Ruined My Love Life To Enhance My Ascent
E.A. Koetting
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Hello Friend,
Most of us already understand that we are our own worst enemy; we are our own greatest blockage.
If you don’t understand this most fundamental truth, then you are lying to yourself, and you have no business practicing magick with that sort of delusion infecting your ego.
One of the most important aspects of magick was summarized best by Ron Popeil’s adage: Set It And Forget It!
The more you obsess about whether or not the ritual is going to work, the less likely it is that it will work. After the ritual is performed, you need to turn your mind away from the ritual, and start taking action to make your end result come about through any and every route available, mind and heart certain of the success you will achieve.
A rule of thumb that I developed years ago is that your ritual workings will bear fruit as soon as you’ve forgotten that you performed the ritual.
An even more important principle is congruency. When you ask the spirits or the Powers of Darkness for something, you need to act, think, feel, will, and be in harmony with that thing. Sometimes that means that you’ll have to sever relationships that are destructive to you, or stop doing things that are contrary to your goals, etc.
This is how I stand in my way the most, I think: I’ll refuse to let go of things and people and situtations until they become intolerably toxic.
I Finally Left My Toxic Life Partner
As I write this, I have just left my partner of eight years because that relationship had been holding me back from my highest Ascent and Destiny, and in the process had become toxic to both my teenage daughter and to me — and I place the mental health of my daughter above everything else.
But it’s not like I didn’t see this coming, the Gatekeepers have been preparing me for this transition, and now it is being executed perfectly through magickal intervention.
A year ago, while working through Azazel’s Pathworking, I knew the relationship was falling apart, but I didn’t want to let it go. Check out the conversation that I had with Ant’harratu about this below:
“Ant'harratu, how do I banish attachment?” I asked. “How do I embrace non-attachment in the face of passion and anger?”
The demon laughed. He laughed, and said, "You cannot. Attachment is a sin," he says. "Attachment is all you have. If you lose attachment fully, this world goes away."
I considered this, and couldn’t disagree. “Yes, Ant'harratu, and as this world goes away I then will become master of it?”
"You are in each moment that you enter the Gates,” he replied. “Each moment that you become silent and withdraw, you are not attached and the world disappears. But then you go and live in the world, of the world, for the world as if any of this mattered. It doesn't matter, only if it matters to you. You confuse non-attachment with another principle, and that is the principle of confidence, of a full knowledge of your power, of a full awareness of your ability to be lord of all things. Yet, you fear to take command. You fear to that which you must do."
“Ant'harratu, you are right,” I agreed. “You are right. You are right. There is a fear in me, of stretching my Black Hand to the center and forcing others to obey me. I fear that their obedience will only be temporary, and then when they return to themselves it will be a harsh whiplash, a harsh blow back.”
"Then do not change them but change yourself,” Ant’harratu answered right away, already knowing every question that I would ask, before I asked them. “Those relationship positions, they do not require specific people.”
He had peeled away the self-deception to deliver the practical truth within seconds. “You have to cut yourself loose," Ant'harratu said. "Those people you love, you can love them always and they can love you always but you cannot live for them. You cannot be for them. You must decide who you are and what you want, and let nothing obscure your path to it. The problem, my son, is not attachment.” I winced at the odd and uncharacteristic familial title of “son,” as if he's a priest and I'm his altar boy.
"The problem, my son, is not attachment. The problem is making sure that you are attached to the right things. All of your power will flow to those things that you are most deeply attached to and that you move forward towards power with. But you are attached to impossibilities. You are attached to impossibilities. You are attached to others not changing. You are attached to yourself not changing. You are attached to your life, not changing. You are attached still to the feeling of change without the danger. The sense of change without the risk. Go on an adventure, and when it is done you will look back and you will call that adventure your lifetime. Pursue new things, new people."
“Ant'harratu, does this mean I abandon the people that I now am attached to?” I asked, truly afraid of what I might lose. “Does this mean that I forsake them?”
"No,” he whipped the word at me. “If you lead the way, they will follow. They will follow. Some will complain. Some will protest. Some will tell you how right you are. But they will all follow you, Archaelus. They will all follow you. Become the one who leads, then they will follow. Become severely attached to that."
My body breathed, sucking in air in a fast gulp, but before I could repossess it, Ant’harratu had already done so, using my body to blow out the single blue candle’s flame. Then he left my body, left my Temple, and left this dimension.
I sank into my body and leaned forward to blow out the remaining two candles.
“Thank you, Ant'harratu,” I said, humbly knowing that I had a lot to meditate on, and even more to put into practice. “Thank you, Ant'harratu. Thank you. So it is done!”
The Meaning Of My Concept: Inverse Nirvana
In truth, life is not about living in a condition of radical non-attachment (nirvana), and this explains why I am not an ascetic mystic. I do not believe in hiding from the illusion of the phenomenal world. Instead, I embrace it and become god of my world. Identify the helpful forces that enhance your ascent and attach to them, while you identify the toxic forces that disrupt your progress and detach from them. In this sense, I actually call for radical attachment to ascent — hence, I call this "inverse nirvana."
Of course, it hurts to detach from a woman whom I had allowed into my heart and soul, but this newfound solitude also enhances my ascent, as it will provide much-needed time to perform new magick and lose myself in gnosis of the spirits without disruption.
Ant'harratu counseled me to "commit the sin" of attachment to progress, and to detach from any force that "obscures my path." Unfortunately, abiding by the counsel of the Demonic Gatekeepers often requires painful experiences that seem confusing at first — but they are only temporary. Ride them out, and the hidden beauty of your new ascent will finally reveal itself to you like a sunrise after a stormy night.
Renewing Our Ancient Vows With The Demonic Gatekeepers
E.A. Koetting    Michael W. Ford    Edgar Kerval
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