Subject: Why Ancient Magical Languages REALLY Work

Your Top Questions & Most Common Concerns... Find Out The TRUTH Behind Words Of Power, How To Personalize Advanced Demonic Sigils, And Why Ancient Magical Languages REALLY Work
Ignite the magical fire of Luciferian Gnosis. Explore the masks of Lucifer and connect with his 11 most inspiring god-forms in the grimoire by Asenath Mason & Bill Duvendack
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Asenath Mason
Author of 7 books on magic, religion, and mythology, with a particular focus on the Left Hand Path & Luciferian Spirituality.
Hey Friend,
Save The Date: my new grimoire Qliphothic Invocations & Evocations comes alive on Halloween. That means Monday evening at midnight in the New York City time zone.
Today I’d like to discuss some of the most Frequently Asked Questions I receive about my Qliphothic self-initiatory system. This especially addresses those who are already working with my Qliphothic Meditations and planning to continue the work, but some of these questions will be also useful to beginners on the path. I will spread the Q&A across a few newsletters to not overwhelm you at once.
1. Can I translate the rituals and words of power from your books into my native language?
Many people tell me that they find rituals work better and bring more powerful effects if the incantations are spoken in their native language. I’m not a native speaker of English myself and I can relate to that in many ways, but in my personal practice I don’t always translate rituals. This is because words used in invocations and incantations are usually chosen for a reason, and if you want to translate them, it’s more important to reflect their sense and purpose than to merely replace the words with translated phrases.
Don’t ever use online translators for that! If you believe that translations make the rituals sound more natural and effective for you, feel free to use your native language, but it’s often better to use your own words than poorly translated sentences. The only parts I believe shouldn’t ever be translated are those written in “ritual” languages, like Enochian, Latin, Hebrew, etc. The very use of these languages adds to the magical atmosphere created by reciting the invocations or chanting the mantras, so in this case I recommend leaving them as they are.
2. Do I have to know Hebrew, Enochian, and other languages used in the rituals?
This is another issue causing a lot of confusion. The Tree of Qliphoth and the Qabalah in general belong to the Hebrew tradition and the names of the realms, their demon lords, and some of the incantations used to connect with them are derived from the Hebrew language as well. I also use certain Enochian words in my rituals, such as “Vovin,” for instance, and sometimes I include phrases in Latin. Knowledge of any of these languages isn’t necessary to perform these rituals successfully, though.
The reason I use them is because the power contained in these words and phrases rests on vibrations they produce. These vibrations can alter energy patterns throughout planes and dimensions, attract various entities, and open and activate the psychic senses of the practitioner. They act as words of power and it doesn’t matter whether you know their meaning, the correct pronunciation, or their linguistic roots - on the contrary - often their “barbarous” and “alien” quality is what makes them powerful in rituals.
3. I’m not able to draw the sigils the way you do - can I make my own versions?
Of course! In my daily life I’m a professional artist and the sigils provided in my books are complex and difficult to redraw in detail, but don’t worry if you don’t have artistic skills - it’s not the skill but the intent and energy invested in the act of drawing that matters the most.
In other words, simply draw them the best way you can. If you have my Qliphothic circle, you can use it to work with any Qlipha, and all the sigils you need are already printed on it. Another option is to scan or photograph the sigils in the books and then print them out. Many practitioners believe that sigils work much better if they are drawn by their own hand, though. This is true, and the very effort put into preparation of the sigils is a magical action in itself that can empower the rituals in a significant way.
On the other hand, the sigils provided in my books are artworks in themselves and you can use them for scrying into the concepts and powers they represent, using them as gateways to the gods and goddesses of the Dark Tree. The results of working with your hand-drawn sigils and those printed out in detail may therefore be different. What I recommend is to use both methods, i.e. meditate both on your own drawings and the images in the book, compare the results, and go for the method that works better for you.
The FIRST In Occult History
Ignite Your Rites With My Qliphothic Magic Circle
For a decade I fashioned fabrics and designs to magically inflame my evocation rituals with the Dark Gods & Goddesses. Honestly, it would take so many hours to hand-paint these intricate demonic sigils over and over again on hundreds of sample fabrics. I finally found a textilist who could provide a gorgeous permanent-print version of my Qliphothic Magic Circle and anyone can use this magic circle to empower their rites.
If you wish to lift the veil and penetrate the Dark Tree, I strongly suggest you try my magic circle. It acts as an anchor to ground the Energy of Sitra Ahra in your space and facilitates the presence of the Dark Kings & Queens.
• Accelerate your astral travel
• Sleep on it to lucid dream
• Lay it under your crystal ball or black mirror for clairvoyant divination
• Summon your favorite spirits with it as your energy anchor
• It features 11 key sigils of the Dark Tree
You may find out more and try one for yourself right here:
As always, if you would ever like to submit a questions or concern to me, you may find me on Facebook and drop me a message!
Talk again soon,
Qliphothic Magic Circle
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