Subject: Norse Sorcery For Left Hand Path Pagans

Birth Of The Nine Worlds According To Norse Sagas, Eddas & Uncovered Magickal Relics... Ground Zero For Your Ascent With Viking Magick
E.A. Koetting
I have authored eight cult classics and co-created Become A Living God where hundreds of thousands of magicians experience Ascent.
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Hey Friend,
I’ve been telling you about this Viking Black Magick course that is coming out this December.
And I’ve mentioned the 9 Worlds of Norse Mythology quite a few times now.
But, how were they created?
How The Nine Worlds Were Created
In the beginning was the abyss, called Ginnungagap. Ginnungagap can be translated a couple of different way: "gaping or yawning abyss” is the most common translation.
An alternative etymological study links the “ginn-” prefix to other sacred or spiritual words, usually pointing towards infinite magickal potential.
Looking at it this way, Ginnungagap then can be seen as the primordial abyss that is not empty, but that is unformed, containing every possibility at once.
As is said in many ancient myths, the void was not lifeless, but slowly churned and moved. In the churning of the abyss, pure heat and pure cold - elemental Fire and Ice - crept toward each other until they met in Ginnungagap.
The fire melted the ice, creating water and steam, and the drops formed into Ymir, the first embodiment, and the father of all giants. Ymir was said to be hermaphroditic, and his drops of sweat became other giants born from Ymir’s body.
The ice continued to melt, revealing more beings, and eventually the first Aesir God Buri, grandfather of Odin emerges from the melted ice.
Odin and his brothers, Vili and Ve, slew Ymir and constructed the worlds from his body.
They made the oceans out of his blood, the earth from his skin and muscles, plants and trees from his hair, and the sky from his skull.
Man & Woman’s Place Among The Gods
Most accounts state that Odin, Vile and Ve then created the first humans, Ash and Elm. Some more cryptic accounts give the names of Odin, Heimdallr, and Loki as the creators of humanity.
In retelling the creation of humans, the Eddas state:
There stands an ash called Yggdrasil,
A mighty tree showered in white hail.
From there come the dews that fall in the valleys.
It stands evergreen above Urd’s Well.
This is the tree upon which all of the worlds reside. The human being is the tree. All gods, all worlds, all realities are here, within your body!
Make sure to subscribe for updates, exclusive offers, and secret discounts, and keep an eye on these newsletters and on my weekly videos, as I’m going to drop an arsenal of information on the world over the next couple of months leading up to this release!
Talk again soon,
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