Subject: VIA SINIESTRA - Rise To Your Apotheosis...

Supercharge your experience with the ultimate solar power. Book your double-certified blood pact with Lucifer-Amaymon right now. E.A. Koetting & Kurtis Joseph perform the Black Sun Covenant on Lucifer's favorite night... the Full Harvest Moon on September 24.
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VIA SINIESTRA - Rise To Your Apotheosis...
The Black Torch Spreads Its Astral Flames And Guides The Adept To Self-Devour Limitation And Become A God Or Goddess On This Plane
Edgar Kerval
Editor's Note: Edgar lives in Colombia and speaks English as a second language. We have preserved his writing in original condition without perfect grammar because we find his authenticity utterly beautiful. Thank you for understanding.
Hello Friend,
It is too difficult to walk the painful path of self-deification, to walk through the walls of ignorance and limitations. So due to this, we release this book, in order for people to find the respective path to explore the ineffable light of Lucifer, and learn how to drink from its luminous darkness in order to self-liberate from such elements that stop the development of individual in the many stages of life.
To work with Lucifer-Amaymon is the rising of the quintessence of man, the emanation of the black torch spreading its flames through the grey desert, where the adept walks searching the inner light, that guide him/her to self-devour everything and to become a god and goddess in this plane. Here the fire of Lucifer is exalted and enthroned by the will of the magus.
In the following working with the Luciferian alchemy through the mask of Amaymon, I do an extended reference to the different points of ingress, invisible atavisms and powerful explorations. The complete balance and inner equilibrium to work with Lucifer-Amaymon is to understand the powerful method to joing the masculine and femenine through a deep exploration of the sences and a strong process of discipline and inner awakening that help us in the search of the promethen fire burning inside us. This fire is an emanations that carry us to hidden temples and unseen worlds, chthonic structures which tear the veils of negative existence, and take us beyond the time and space, taking us to their Astral temples and showing us its knowledge secret. Through the workings, the adept seeks self- transformation in the flame of lucifer representing part of his / her material and spiritual balance.
The wisdom gotten through the deep workings with Lucifer-Amaymon, begin with a process of transmutation, an deep inner developent. The Luciferian alchemy creating constant changes such as spiritual, mental and physical that guides the adept into the deconstructive process of the black sun through the magickal work known as Via Siniestra. To learn in the process to sinister path its own methods to identify him/ herself with the powerful energies of Lucifer-Amaymon. Every man and women would experiment awakening the inner fire, but all of them will have different points and angles at the final result, due each one of us are in a Alchemical metamorphosis to enter again to such deep levels of our subconscious minds, to return to the promethean aspect of self-knowledge and to be enlighten and guided by the spectral light of Lucifer which moves inv spirals as a sole potent force, when we find the roots of our inner nature, to penetrate its astral temple and learn how to absorb part of its sacred mysteries.
You may find my complete grimoire "The Alchemy of Lucifer Amaymon" in Compendium of Lucifer alongside E.A. Koetting, Kurtis Joseph, Bill Duvendack, Asbjorn Torvol and Frank White on August 28. Download a free chapter below:
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