Subject: Lucifer's Ancient Covenant With Mankind

The Demonic Gatekeeper Lucifer-Amaymon Certified A Covenant With Mankind Thousands Of Years Ago... The Black Sun Now Delivers On His Promises... Will You Receive Your Birthright?
The Black Sun Covenant
E.A. Koetting, Kurtis Joseph & YOU
The Full Harvest Moon
E.A. Koetting
Dear Friend,
Thousands of years ago, Amun, one of Lucifer’s earliest known incarnations (later known as Amon-Ra) made a covenant with Egypt to protect them, to teach them, and to establish them as the greatest empire on earth.
He was one of Egypt’s oldest gods, and was so powerful that his shadow was an umbrella that protected all of the other gods; As Lucifer, he is Amun Ra, the all powerful sun god. As Amaymon, he is the all knowing Black Sun. His name means “hidden light” and he was called “The God of Kings and King of Gods.”
Pharaohs even referred to themselves as “Beloved of Amun” and their famous eye makeup and golden relics were tokens of their Black Sun Covenant, which they claimed was responsible for all of their wealth, fertility, and power.
I Was Instructed To Become A Vessel For A Message From Amaymon To Humanity
Lucifer-Amaymon promised to make Egypt the greatest empire on earth, and now thousands of years later we still marvel at their creations.
Since then, though, there has not been a single recorded instance of Lucifer offering to make a binding pact with an entire civilization… until now
In one of my most powerful evocations of Lucifer-Amaymon, I was instructed to become a vessel for a very specific message for humanity. That message was a promise, a Covenant between Amaymon and any mortal who willfully enters into this agreement with him.
The Black Sun Covenant is Lucifer-Amaymon’s pact with you, which he extends because he wants you as his ally! As an Illuminator and Initiator, Lucifer knows how powerful you can become once you’ve united with him.
The demonic Gatekeepers are preparing humanity for an unprecedented shift in human evolution, and it all begins with the Black Sun Covenant. The last time this happened, the greatest empire in history rose up out of the deadly deserts of Egypt. What is in store for us this time? There’s only one way to find out!
I’m Joining Forces With Kurtis Joseph To Perform This Blood Pact Ritual
I’m joining forces with Kurtis Joseph to perform this Black Sun Covenant Ritual for all who are ready, willing, and brave enough to sign up for it. You will be able to sign up for this ritual on August 28th with the release of The Compendium of Lucifer, and Kurtis and I will perform the ritual on the Harvest Moon, when the Black Sun burns brightest in its Darkness.
This kind of opportunity only comes around once in nearly 10,000 years!
This is a synergistic group ritual and blood pact with Lucifer-Amaymon, the Ancient Hidden Light, The Black Sun, and most powerful of all the gods.
Some of the things that he promises to deliver are:
  • Spiritual awakening unlike anything you’ve gone through before
  • Personal mentorship in the secrets of Dark Magick
  • Enhanced clairvoyance
  • Increased magickal power to use for whatever you want
  • Spiritual Immortality and mastery over reincarnation
  • Knowledge of the unknowable
All that he asks in return are these 3 simple things:
  1. Receive his mark and accept the Black Sun Covenant. This is done in the ritual that he has instructed me to perform in your behalf.
  2. Watch the ritual video that I’ll send you after the ritual is complete, and follow the instructions that I will provide for your part of the ritual to call Amaymon into your life.
  3. “Seek after Amaymon,” which means that you’ll need to study the Lucifer Compendium, perform the meditations, rituals, and magickal practices to the best of your ability, essentially becoming Amaymon’s personal apprentice!
From the Serpent's lips flow venomous breath that kills a mortal man in order to give birth to a god in his place...
Why would Amaymon extend such an invitation? Because he - and the other Gatekeepers - have a vested interest in human evolution. As we look to them in awe and reverence, wishing to be more like them, the truth is that they look to us and desire to become more like us. As we Ascend, they Descend. As we become more capable in the unseen worlds, they become more capable in the physical world. For some reason that I have yet to uncover, our destinies
As a final word of warning: This ritual is not for people who are simply curious, and it is not for those who just want to see if it will work. This is a lasting and binding Covenant between you and one of the darkest entities I’ve ever worked with.
Amaymon’s final words on this matter were:
I covenant that I will awaken you from your slumber. I covenant that I will not let you rest but that I will drive you and pull you, and drag you in the path of your Ascent.
I welcome you now to stand beside Kurtis and me in our blood pact with Lucifer-Amaymon. You can perform this ritual with us on the Full Harvest Moon on September 24th and receive a full-length video recording to watch our experience as proof.
The world's first Grimoire of Amaymon becomes available at midnight on Monday night as part of Compendium of Lucifer. Arrange your affairs in advance and participate with us on this unholy evening.
Talk again soon,
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