Subject: Uncensored Magick Training For The Dark Warrior & Warrioress

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Uncensored Magick Training For The Dark Warrior & Warrioress — How To Summon And Merge With The Shadow Self To Overcome All Obstacles On The Magickal Path And In Your Normaly Daily Life
E.A. Koetting
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Hello Friend,
Did you know that inside of you is a being that is capable of transforming all of your darkness, taking all of your negative thoughts and feelings, and turning them into power? Today, I want to tell you how to access this Dark Warrior or Warrioress and what that’s going to do for your magick.
A Fearful Childhood Surrounded In Darkness
My early life, as you may or may not know, was extremely difficult. On top of being abandoned by my birth parents, abused from basically birth onward, I witnessed my first murder at two years old. It was obviously a memory that was very deeply buried. Most of us don’t remember anything from this age, but somewhere in my infant mind, that memory remained, and it eventually surfaced as I was coming into my own magical self. As I started opening the gateways of power and started pushing into the spiritual realm, I opened the floodgates. I began to realize that I had been dealing with the repercussions of this event for my entire life.
Because a firearm was used in this murder, weapons and violence in general were kept away from me by my adoptive parents. I wasn’t allowed to have toy guns or swords, and any toys that came with weapons had them removed before they were repackaged and given to me. Of course, as with any child, this made me more interested in such things, and I became obsessed with violence, weapons, and warfare from an early age.
I wasn’t a particularly violent child, but the few fights I do remember getting into as a child were intense. As soon as I engaged in the fight fully, rather than resorting to a little push and some name-calling, a switch would flip, not just in my head but in my whole being. I remember in one case, I dashed at the other child, performing a series of kicks I didn’t even have experience with, then jumping on him and punching him over and over again. My adoptive brother, who had come across the scene on the playground, pulled me off, and I distinctly remember the look in his eyes. He looked at me like he had never seen me before, as if he was trying to figure out who had gotten into his little brother’s body.
Once I hit high school, I joined the Navy Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps, which set my sights on what I wanted to do with my life. I wanted to give my inner warrior permission to come out, to use all the power and rage inside of me. Eventually I joined the Marine Corps, which lasted about a year. I was a spectacular Marine, until I wasn’t. Much like with almost everything else I do, I took their intensity too far, and they were glad to get rid of me, as I was of them. After I left, I continued to explore the warrior, the darkness within me, often in ways that I’m not able to discuss publicly. But why am I even telling you about this? How does this relate to magick at all? It’s simple: everything relates to magick. When you are magick, everything that you do, everything that you experience, that you are, is magick. The ritual never ends.
Finding And Training The Dark Warrior & Warrioress
A previous mentor of mine put a key piece into the puzzle that I hadn’t gotten anywhere else. As I went over some of this personal history with him, and the fears that I had of my future, he looked at me and said, “Where is your Dark Warrior?” I had to stop and reflect on this, because I wasn’t even sure what he meant. Maybe my Dark Warrior was still in the Marine Corps, still on the battlefield somewhere. I didn’t really know, but he insisted, “Invite your Dark Warrior to walk with you.”
I’d like to ask you to reflect on this for a moment. Where is your Dark Warrior? When you’re feeling afraid, especially of yourself, when you’re unsure if you have the power or strength to do what needs to be done in your life, seek your inner Dark Warrior. It’s not hidden. You’re hiding from it. You need to invite your Dark Warrior to walk with you.
The Dark Warrior wants you to do terrible things, things that you don’t ever want to let it do. What do you do to harness this, to channel it in the right direction? You train it to be a master of these terrible things, to be a monster. Why does this work?
There are many psychological and spiritual perspectives on this, especially from a Jungian perspective. From my view, the Dark Warrior within is hungry to be recognized because it’s there for a reason. It came to life within me because of danger and fear. There’s darkness everywhere. There are forces in the world that are constantly seeking to harm each of us, and we must be vigilant. This entire situation is shifted and reframed by my relationship with the Dark Warrior. If I continually ignore danger until it’s at my doorstep, the danger will always be there. So instead, I train the Dark Warrior daily, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. When I do this daily, I’m no longer at war with myself. I’m not finding conflict where there is none to be found. Instead, I’m channeling this energy to protect and defend the things that actually need my protection.
Embracing The Darkness — Turning Obstacles Into Targets On Your Lifelong Journey Of Ascent
Now, how does this relate to magick? How does this relate to you? If you acknowledge your Dark Warrior, invite it to walk with you, and intentionally feed it, it will transform your mind, your body, and your spirit. It’s going to give you fuel that you can bring to every engagement in your life. The Dark Warrior doesn’t just know how to be violent, to be cruel and aggressive. He also knows how to love and form relationships, how to work, how to run a business, how to encourage and motivate people, how to patiently parent a child who’s going through some problems. It’s capable of much more than you might realize, because it doesn’t see obstacles. It sees targets. Once you get in league with your Dark Warrior, you’ll begin seeing these targets all around you, not as obstacles to be destroyed, but as goals to be accomplished. You’ll start seeing the fact that you have a lot of things that you can do with your time, and that you have a huge wellspring of power that you can bring to the table.
When you meet with the Dark Warrior, fully integrate it, and aim its focus in the magickal realm, you become a true immortal warlord, risen from the palaces of pain and set upon your throne of glory. Nothing is impossible for you. All doors are open, all paths are laid out before you, because you don’t see obstacles anymore. All you see are targets. All you see is a world that is filled with limitless potential. All you have to do is decide what you want to focus on, and you will succeed. But you can’t do this if you’re hiding from the part of yourself that has the power, the skill, and the rage to make it happen. If you want to become a Living God, you’re going to have to face the fact that you’re also The Devil. If you want to ascend, you’re also going to have to descend and accept the darkest part of yourself, because that’s where your real power is going to manifest.
Let Asmodeus Initiate You Into True Love Magick And Teach You How To Love Yourself With The Uncensored Guidance Of 11 Top Demonologists Worldwide
Prior to my pathworking with Asmodeus, I never truly liked love spells. However, the Lord of Lust helped me to recognize that love spells transcend simply “getting laid” and fully transform a magician into a human who naturally manifests true love in people around them. A world full of more humans loving one another sounds like a utopia to me. Asmodeus awakened my Dark Warrior within the context of intimate human relationships.
My biggest breakthrough with love magick occurred when I finally fell in love with myself and became a better lover — patching over holes and untying knots from past traumas. The ultimate power of love magick is not in causing others to love you, but in helping yourself to become better at loving others — a Warrior of Love so to speak.
11 of the world’s top sorcerers welcome you to enter gnosis with Asmodeus, the Lord of Lust, and finally let yourself love yourself…
Talk again soon,
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Consider this adult knowledge, and not legal or medical advice. Use this newsletter at your own risk. Become A Living God is not responsible for your magick. This newsletter is for readers of age 18 or older only.