Subject: ASMODAY: "Become A Master At Your Personal Evils"

ASMODEUS: The Lord Of Lust, Compendium 8
The Black Dragon Teaches Dangerously Powerful Love Spells
E.A. Koetting    S. Connolly    Edgar Kerval
Bill Duvendack    Orlee Stewart    6 More Authors
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The Secret To Merging Darkness And Light — Awaken Your True Nature To Achieve Maximum Balance And Strength On The Left Hand Path, And Become A Master To Your Personal Evils
E.A. Koetting
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Hello Friend,
As you may have heard, we have the Compendium of Asmodeus out right now. You can go pick it up now. To say that Asmodeus and the other Gatekeepers have changed my life would be the biggest understatement in history. They have opened the doors for me to become the person that I always wanted to be, but never thought I could. They helped me reach inside of myself and rip out the parts that I hated, the parts of myself that have always held me back. However, simply removing weaknesses from oneself is often not enough, as they can come rushing right back at you.
Replacing Weakness With The Essence Of Spirit
To genuinely remove weaknesses, we have to gather the insights that they point out in our lives. There is value in everything, even weakness. Paying attention to these weaknesses is crucial, because every soul has them. Everyone has a weak, sick, schizophrenic part of their psyche that is always attempting to sabotage everything that they do. I tend to call these aspects of oneself “false soul bodies,” because they’re not who you really are. They’re merely pretending to be you, and once you’ve gathered what you need to learn from them, they can be cast into the hell mouth, the infernal cauldron.
Removing something and leaving an empty place behind isn’t enough either, because that empty place is a vacuum waiting to be filled. Drugs, apathy, and insanity are often what lesser people fill these holes with. There’s a much better solution, though – spirit. When I fill the holes in myself left behind by my weaknesses, I have to either bring spirit into myself or expand my true spirit to fill those empty spaces.
I’d like to touch on this subject in a very personal, deep way. If you’re not ready to go deep, I’d suggest closing this newsletter now, because depth is the very core of Asmodeus. He is a Lord of lust, the Lord of the infinite depths of lust and the eternal heights of glory.
The Secret Wisdom Of Asmodeus: “Tell The Truth”
Within my Grimoire of Asmodeus, I provide something that I didn’t think I was ever going to publish. I give you some of the most powerful, controlling love spells I’ve ever used. I didn’t want to at first, but Asmodeus showed me some things about both the spells and my true self that I needed to see. Not only did His teachings inform how I wrote this grimoire, but they have changed my ascent on every level, both as an ascending spirit and as a human being.
Embracing The Darkness By Accepting The Light
In order to protect the world from myself, and to protect myself in general, as well as live in a world filled with hopeful daughters rather than spiteful mothers, I created a moral code for myself where casting love spells was wrong. Asmodeus’s silent presence reminded me that these beliefs were rooted in fear, rather than fact. “Tell the truth,” the Gatekeeper insisted. It’s real, heavy information, maybe not for you, but definitely for me. That’s okay. For me, it drives at the core of everything I hate and am afraid of in myself.
Asmodeus’s silent presence reminded me that these beliefs were rooted in fear, rather than fact. “Tell the truth,” the Gatekeeper insisted. It’s real, heavy information, maybe not for you, but definitely for me. That’s okay. For me, it drives at the core of everything I hate and am afraid of in myself.
Asmodeus did something for me that no one else has really ever done or suggested. He told me to stop running from my darkness, and I’m telling you the same thing. When I say that there is an unfathomable darkness within me, I’m not exaggerating. There have been periods in my life, sometimes spans of years, where I’ve clenched my fists and white-knuckled my way through every day, knowing that If I let myself out of control, I was going to hurt people. A lot of this might just come from being a sick individual, I suppose, but it also comes from being raped repeatedly as a child, from being abused by every family that took me in, swearing to love and protect me. Those things never manifested, so I carry an intense darkness with me to this day.
Why am I still so obsessed with this darkness? Because it’s home to me. It’s all I’ve known. What Asmodeus helped me with was to embrace my darkness, to not only accept that I am an evil person who can do evil things, but to embrace it. For me, this takes the form of many of the arts of war, whether they be martial arts, archery, firearms training, or baneful magick. I train myself constantly to kill and destroy, both physically and magickally. If darkness alone was my sole preoccupation, this world would be in for some heavy trouble. Thankfully, that’s not the only lesson that Asmodeus taught me. He also led me to examine what truly brings me strength.
I draw nearly all of the true strength that I possess from my love for my daughter. From the moment that she was conceived, I began doing things for myself and others that I had never considered before. I needed something other than myself, someone that I could love more than I ever loved myself, before I was able to manifest true strength in my life. I can take all the darkness, evil, and malevolence inside myself and channel it into a different form, using it to empower her, to protect her in all the ways that I was never protected as a child. Asmodeus’s silent guidance showed me why it was essential for me to bring such an amazing person into being. My love for her has driven my ascent beyond anything I ever could have done for myself alone.
Balance: The Ultimate Success Of The Left Hand Path
At this point in my life, with my darkness and light in equal balance, things are ridiculously easy for me. Within seconds, I can close my eyes and manifest anything that I want in my life. This is the real challenge and the ultimate success of the Left Hand Path. Discover your internal monster and find out what you need to do to feed and train it. But also discover what the light in your dark world is, what the person, thing, or ideal is that brings you true hope and strength. Once you have that light in place, hold on to it, because it is the one thing that will keep you balanced and prevent you from doing terrifying things.
Again, you can find much more about all of these subjects in the the new group grimoire, Compendium of Asmodeus, in leather & cloth version, along with an essential video course, Pathworking of Asmodeus, and a certified pact with Asmodeus, called Asmoday's Inferno Rite. When you place an order for these altogether, you receive as much as 60% off. Please act now though, because this limited-time savings expires on the New Moon, September 17. Jump headfirst into the merger of darkness and light that Asmodeus offers.
Talk again soon,
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