Subject: To Master Life, You Need To Master Death - Here's How

THE NECROMANCER: Path Of The Descended Masters
You’re about to learn secrets that most magicians will never know about Spirits of the Dead… learn to perform rituals to master the Crossroads of the Afterlife with the Gods and Goddesses of Death
Conner Kendall    305 Pages    Tuesday, January 26
Download a FREE ebook of Chapter 2 right now,
"The Foundation of Necromantic Preparation"
Here's The REAL Truth About Necromancy...
To Fully Master Life, You Need To Master Death... The Magick Forces Are United Together And You Cannot Dominate One Without The Other
Conner Kendall
Find my latest grimoire in
The Compendium of Satan
Hello Friend,
Necromancer and author, Conner Kendall, here. There is an underlying current that flows through all traditions, myths, religions, cults, systems, and paradigms. It interconnects them and it is the hidden backdoor into them all. That current is death, and this abysmal river is one that has been often horribly misunderstood.
From the shamanic necromancers, to priests performing burial rites of the dead and preservation of the dead, to the Aghori, tantrikas, and the death cults of the ancient civilizations — death is in it all, and there is no escaping it. So, if we look at it logically then, he/she who is connected to this force, anchored and immersed into this ancient current would then be a formidable magician and necromancer. Countless magicians, witches, and more have come to me over the years with the goal of expansion and the limitless unfolding of their being. To that, I recommend to them necromancy and death magick. They are often surprised when I do so, but this truly is the key to limitless expansion.
Beyond Contacting The Spirits Of The Dead
Necromancy has been seen as merely a method of communication with spirits of the dead, but in actuality it is so much more than that. The communion with other forces is only the surface of it all; the question is whether you really have what it takes to go deeper. I am not an edgy guy, nor have I ever wanted to be, and while I may be a magician, I am also a logical one. Hence, my decision to enter necromancy and death magick — as logic dictates it — is a cornerstone practice for one's own evolution, expansion, and ascent/descent. The beings of this path are infiltrating our world more and more as time goes on. Truthfully, this system of sorcery is more than just "necromancy," which is why I personally prefer the term "death magick."
For a moment... imagine ancient gods and goddesses, infernal fiends, demons, devils, an angel of death, the saint of the dead, descended disincarnate masters of these putrid arts, the jinns of the ancient civilizations older than the sands of time — all of these beings, and even the dead themselves, are aligning and guiding you, providing you with the blessings and knowledge beyond your wildest imaginings.
The Alchemy Of Transmuting Poison Into Nectar
The arts of necromancy and death magick aren't just that of a baneful and decaying nature. It can used for any and all use, it all depends on your intent, whatever the goal with these powers, each desire is destined to manifest. Besides the material benefits, I personally as a necromancer have spiritually evolved in ways which are indescribable. From internal alchemical transmutation of the most toxic energies into energies that actually feed and empower my being. Some would call this the alchemy of transmuting "poison" into "nectar." The benefits of this are immense, it is liberation through putrefaction, enlightenment through madness, similar to the Aghori. If pushed even further, the necromancer will be able to absorb and consume any spiritual attack, curse, or hex placed upon you. Instead of it harming you, the necromancer is able to transmute it within the inner cauldron of their spirit.
Besides this, the necromancer will access abilities such as calling on plagues, sicknesses, and viruses to reign down upon who ever they see fit; to not only cause these illnesses or ailments, but actually heal it with the same success as you when you cause these illnesses. The necromancer will be able to call and dismiss the dead at will, conjure forth any and all beings of this current with absolute efficiency, and to walk between the worlds of the living, the dead, the afterlife and all underworlds. They can conjure literal armies and send them forth into the world, to merge with your inner jinn or devil, or what's more commonly referred to as your Qareen — taking you one step closer to your own spiritual liberation and apotheosis.
Discovering Your "Dead Name" From The Book Of Azrael With The Most Ancient Form Of Magick
This may sound like a lot, but it is not, it is only the tip of the iceberg. The black magician takes the mantle of a necromancer when they discover their "dead name" from the Book of Azrael. They take another step, or even leap, into what they are truly capable of, what their true potential really is. This is why I prefer the term death magick. See, necromancy was only ever seen as a form of divination through the arts of death or communing with the dead. The word "necromancy" is adapted from late Latin, a compound of the Greek (nekromanteía) or (nekrós) meaning "dead body" and the other word, (manteía) meaning "divination by means of."
Yet, its been shown time and time again, that this system of spirituality, like all other systems of ancient magick and sorcery, has evolved and become something else. Often called "necromantic sorcery" and "death magick," it's debated where and when exactly earliest necromancy began. Some believe it is an evolution of ancient shamanism, while also found in Homer's Odyssey, with the guidance of a powerful sorceress Odysseus travels through the underworld in order to gain aid in the journey by raising the dead through the use of the spells taught to him. See, we can sit around and debate where it originated all day, but I can assure you regardless of origins, this system is within all systems, legends, myths and beliefs. Why? Because it is the ultimate spiritual current that many know but in most cases would not dare travel through.
The point is this: if you are truly serious about your spiritual evolution, about the path of dark ascent, the unfolding of your being, and experiencing apotheosis — then, I recommend you dive into this underlying current. And this book is perfect for those who truly would like to master life through mastering death. It's time brothers and sisters... do you hear the call beyond the tribal gateway, beyond the secret backdoor that is death? If so, then do you dare open it? Well, this book is a key to open it here and now!
Download a FREE ebook chapter of THE NECROMANCER: Path of the Descended Masters right now, called "The Foundation of Necromantic Preparation." It will give you a look into this forbidden grimoire, and you can see a sample of the beautiful illustrations therein by sorcerer and graphic designer, Aserial Krabat. THE NECROMANCER becomes live to order Tuesday, January 26, and I will see you there.
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Darkest Blessings,
Necromancer, author
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