Subject: The Triple Goddess Hecate: Enter Gnosis With The Mother Of All Witches

Asenath Mason    Zeraphina Angelus    Tuesday March 28
Receive life-changing magical initiations with the 9 most powerful Goddesses of Necromancy by two leading woman authors of the Left Hand Path… featuring Hecate, Kali, and the Queens of Death
9 Goddesses of Necromancy    Clairvoyant Illustrations    Goddess Sigils
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The Triple Goddess Hecate — Enter Gnosis With The Mother Of All Witches And Torch Bearer At The Crossroads Of Life And Death... Traverse The Lunar Phases To Harness Power of The Female Principle
Zeraphina Angelus
Scottish witch & author
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Greetings Friend,
This is Zeraphina Angelus, coauthor of the much-anticipated, and soon-to-be-released Goddesses of Necromancy, which I wrote with the esteemed occult author, Asenath Mason. Please add to your calendar that this grimoire becomes live at midnight, Monday night, March 27, next week.
When we began working together on this book, Asenath and I spent a great deal of time carefully considering which Goddesses we would include. The nine that are featured within the book, are equally magnificent and powerful Goddesses, closely connected to Necromancy and the Underworld
Each is unique in her powers and the lessons she can teach us, as mortals have discovered and recorded within legends and arts, traced like a web across a vast array of cultures, spiritual beliefs and practices and history. One Goddess Asenath and I could not have imagined being absent from our book is arguably one of the best known Dark Goddesses today, Hecate.
Hecate, also referred to as Hekate or Hekat, is the subject of much debate among historians and scholars who seek to trace and confirm her origins in ancient Greece. My relationship to Hecate existed long before the workings described in this book, as like many life-long Witches, I believe she has always been with me. There is such an abundance of signs and associations with Hecate and guidance that she can provide. Allow me to share with you, just a few of the most significant symbols of power and guidance that connect to Hecate so that you can anticipate the alchemy that you can achieve through the rituals and workings that Asenath and I have shared in our book.
The Supreme Goddess Of The Underworld And Guidance Within The Great Darkness
Hecate’s connection to the Underworld can be traced to the ancient Greek legend in which she journeys into the underworld to rescue the goddess Persephone after she is abducted by Hades. In the ancient text, Homeric Hymn to Demeter, it is depicted that Hecate hears the cries of goddess Persephone and joins Persephone’s mother, Demeter, in the search for the goddess. Demeter searches for her daughter for nine days without success. On the tenth day, Hecate joins the search with a torch in her hand and finds Persephone, embracing her and vowing to guide her safely on her journeys to and from the Underworld each year thereafter.
The symbolism of Hecate holding torches to guide Demeter in the search for her daughter within the Darkness, is echoed in her depiction in art which shows her as a beautiful woman and sometimes in her form as a Triple Goddess, holding torches of fire at the Crossroads. This symbolism reveals Hecate’s power in helping those who seek her guidance, to choose between paths when they reach a crossroads in life or in spiritual ascent, as she lights the way and gives great assistance.
Keeper Of The Keys To Protect The Living & Dead
Hecate is often depicted holding keys. These are the keys to the Underworld, as she has the power to open and close these gates, entering and leaving the realms of the dead and of the living at will. She locks the gates of the Underworld behind her, to keep the ghosts of the Dead from straying into the Realm of the Living, and to keep the secrets of this realm closely guarded. In her Necromantic aspect, Hecate can reveal secrets of life, death and all that lies between and beyond. She can teach you transformation in relation to aspects of your existence that should be allowed to wither, and that which you would give new life to, as part of your ascent.
Maiden, Mother, And Crone — The Triple Goddess
The Triple Goddess represents the phases of the moon and the phases of womanhood, which correlate as: the Maiden and new moon, the Mother and full moon, and the Crone and waxing moon. Hecate is often misrepresented as an evil or wrathful goddess, because of her association with the Underworld and powers of Witchcraft. When you connect with Hecate, you will come to know that she has a great depth of compassion. She weeps for the lost souls of the Underworld and lights the Crossroads for those who seek her guidance. These are some of the reasons that Hecate is known as the Mother of All Witches and Supreme Queen of the Underworld.
You may have already connected with Hecate either consciously or unconsciously. Some of the signs that she is calling you to connect with her include noticing signs and symbols connected to her such as keys, crossroads and the triple goddess. You may have dreams of her, or about her best known animal familiars, the black dog and the polecat. Whether you have a lifelong connection to Hecate or you are only beginning to explore working with her, you will find guidance to enrich your experience beyond expectation, in the rituals created and shared by Asenath and I, within the Goddesses of Necromancy.
Receive Your Free eBook Chapter "Ereshkigal" From My All-New Grimoire "Goddesses Of Necromancy" Coauthored With Asenath Mason
You are more than welcome to download a free ebook chapter from Goddesses on Necromancy, specifically on “Ereshkigal: The Queen of the Great Below.” In it, you will discover the clairvoyantly-channeled portrait of the Goddess, her unique magical sigil, a step-by-step guide to performing ritual, invocation, and much more, including a clear exposition on the powers of her magic, history, and demonology.
The grimoire, Goddesses of Necromancy, becomes live to order at midnight on Monday night, March 27, next week. Asenath and I sincerely hope that you enjoy working with this uncensored grimoire of Left Hand Path magic and forbidden knowledge, and that it will take you to a completely new level of self-empowerment.
Let The Scottish Witch Perform A Life-Changing Ritual For Your Spiritual Ascent According To Your Exact Personal Life Needs
How it works — When you book a custom ritual with me, I’ll contact you within two business day by email to discuss the details of what you expect and how it can be handled. The procedure may involve personal contact with you on Skype before the ritual is performed for certain preparations. We will clarify all your needs in detail until we reach a full agreement. Then I’ll perform the ritual for you and provide a detailed account of the working. Video recordings are not possible at the moment, but I will provide you with the photographs of items used in this work, description of the procedure, and anything else that you may request.
Ritual 1. I Will Evoke Lucifer To Connect You With Your Soul Mate
I believe that everyone has a soulmate and that Lucifer can influence circumstances to remove any blockages between you and them. This allows you to be brought together in the circumstances most conducive to facilitating a romantic connection and long-lasting relationship.
Most love spells and rituals focus on attracting a specific partner. This ritual allows Lucifer to create a clear path for you to meet the one that you are destined to be with for optimum happiness and fulfillment. This may be someone that you already know or a person you’re yet to meet. I designed this very special ritual after meeting my soulmate, with the guidance and blessings of Lucifer and wish to facilitate this opportunity for my clients.
Ritual 2. I Will Evoke The Demon Of Your Choice To Make A Pact That Manifests Your Very Best Life
I will evoke a Demon of your choice and guide you into a pact that will help you manifest your short- and long-term goals, be they spiritual or material. Whether you want prosperity, love, success, knowledge, or power, this all can be obtained through a personal relationship with gods or spirits. No ritual will manifest these things for you overnight, but I will open powerful astral gateways for the influence of the chosen spirit’s or deity’s energy to flow into your life and bring forth what you desire into your personal universe.
I will ask you to describe the guidance you’re looking for from the entity and we can discuss what you will offer in return, for example bi-weekly or monthly rituals of dedication. We can discuss the types of offerings that are recommended and techniques for connecting with the entity and strengthening your relationship to them.
Ritual 3. I Will Evoke Lucifer In A Protection Ritual For A Spiritual Cleansing To Annihilate All Negative Influences
Inspired by a powerful group ritual I performed on the last Super Blood Moon, I have created this ritual with Lucifer, to remove anything from your life that is standing between you and true happiness.
Sometimes our energy can become blocked by the negative energy of those we interact with on a day-to-day basis, by ill health or by the low vibrational energy of places we visit. Our energy can be blocked by trauma, stress and by addictive substances. In this ritual, I ask you to tell me what you would like to remove from your life and what you would like to manifest. This can be specific or as general as “remove what is not serving me and replace it with what will serve me.” I petition Lucifer to surround you with his all-powerful light, destroying any negative energy, entities, or obstacles that are hindering you and allowing you to manifest that which will serve you.
Once these negative attachments have been removed, the space that remains will attract an abundance of positive forces in your reality. This could be love, good health, prosperity and abundance and spiritual ascent. Lucifer has the power to remove all that does not serve you and replace it with all that will.
I will see you at midnight on Monday night, March 27, and also in a tarot reading. Let me know when you're ready to venture into the dark unknown...
Darkest Blessings,
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Consider this adult knowledge, and not legal or medical advice. Use this newsletter at your own risk. Become A Living God is not responsible for your magick. This newsletter is for readers of age 18 or older only.