Subject: The Dark Goddess Ereshkigal: Keeper Of The Secrets Of The Dead

Asenath Mason    Zeraphina Angelus    Live March 28
Receive life-changing magical initiations with the 9 most powerful Goddesses of Necromancy by two leading woman authors of the Left Hand Path… featuring Hecate, Kali, and the Queens of Death
9 Goddesses of Necromancy    Clairvoyant Illustrations    Goddess Sigils
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The Dark Goddess Ereshkigal — The Dark Queen Of The Great Below And Keeper Of The Secrets Of The Dead... Evoke Her Majesty For Safe Passage Through The Lands Of The Living And The Dead
Zeraphina Angelus
Scottish witch & author
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Greetings Friend,
This is Zeraphina Angelus, co-author of the much-anticipated, and soon-to-be-released Goddesses of Necromancy, which I wrote with the esteemed occult author, Asenath Mason. Please add to your calendar that this grimoire becomes live at midnight, Monday night, March 27.
This unique grimoire contains the keys to unlock the fiercely guarded, ancient secrets of the Underworld, allowing you safe passage to connect with each of the nine most powerful Goddesses of Necromancy, guiding you through invocations, pathworkings, and clairvoyant experiences.
We start our journey of exploration of the nine Goddesses, with Ereshkigal: The Queen of the Great Below. In fact, you can download a free ebook chapter on Ereshkigal right now. Please allow me to introduce you to this Dark Goddess further, and give you some key insights into what you will come to learn through connecting with her Dark Majesty.
The Dark Queen Of The Underworld And Keeper Of The Secrets Of The Dead
Ereshkigal is one of the most ancient of all Mesopotamian Goddesses. Known by several names, including Queen of the Great Below and Queen of the Dead, she rules the Underworld along with her consort, the God Nergal. She guards the wandering and tortured souls of the dead, secured by seven guarded gates so that they may never escape, taking with them the coveted secrets of the afterlife. In reading this chapter, you will come to learn of the legends in which Nergal sacrifices half of her rulership of the Underworld, to Nergal. Theirs is a love story containing the most powerful and compelling ingredients of any truly ageless legend: lust, love, rage and power.
How To Solidify Your Unique Gnosis With Her To Transcend The Lands Of The Living And The Dead
Once you have learned of her history, you will be guided on creating and performing a powerful ritual to connect with Ereshkigal, before solidifying your contact with a unique invocation of the Goddess and beginning a guided pathworking. Asenath and I have shared our preferred methods of contact with the Goddess, giving you all the tools and knowledge, you need to either follow step by step or to use as a basis and alter to your own preference. The ritual to connect will guide you through the candle flame within your gaze, deep into the underworld where you will unlock the seven gates and stand before the Goddess in all her beautiful and terrible darkness. As you call to her, with the words of this ritual, you offer your weakness and limitations to her, to be burned away by the flame of the candle before you, creating space for endless possibilities of Goddess-like consciousness.
To invoke Ereshkigal is to dare to transcend the worlds of the Living and the Dead. It is to pass through the seven gates of the underworld, descending deeper and deeper into the darkness, with every step between the world of the living and the gates at the edge of Kurnugia. Let us walk with you, in the darkness, as you perform this ritual invocation. You will learn the deepest meanings of light and darkness, representing the polarity of the Upper and Underworlds, life and death. These polarities, as you will learn, are embodied by the dark Goddess Ereshkigal and her sister, Goddess of the light, Inanna. As the darkness unfolds and your spiritual sight adjusts, you will see clearly, the secrets of light and dark within yourself, understanding, reconciling and knowing the path you must take, for the ultimate transformation in your ascent.
The lessons you learn will be unique to you. Only you will know what they mean for your spiritual journey.
Safe Passage Through The Seven Gates Of The Underworld To Unite With The Goddess Of Death
Once you have made a connection and invoked Ereshkigal, you will be ready for the next step in your journey with her: The Pathworking. Asenath and I have designed a pathworking based on the Sumerian myth of Inanna’s descent into the underworld. In the myth, the Queen of Heavens sets on a journey to the Nether Regions to visit her sister and to attend the funeral rites of Gugalanna, Ereshkigal’s husband. Like Inanna, you will pass through the seven Gates of the Underworld, leaving a part of your mundane self at each gate, to finally unite with the Goddess of Death in the heart of her realm.
Ask yourself now, are you ready to leave behind, all that does not serve you? Will you cast aside the mundane shackles of toxic people, thoughts and actions? Are you willing to venture into the dark unknown, to trust in Ereshkigal, to set you free from your bindings? Are you ready to embrace all that stands to serve your greatest good and ascension? The Goddess is ready for you.
Receive Your Free eBook Chapter "Ereshkigal" From My All-New Grimoire "Goddesses Of Necromancy" Coauthored With Asenath Mason
You are more than welcome to download a free ebook chapter from Goddesses on Necromancy, specifically on “Ereshkigal: The Queen of the Great Below.” In it, you will discover the clairvoyantly-channeled portrait of the Goddess, her unique magical sigil, a step-by-step guide to performing ritual, invocation, and much more, including a clear exposition on the powers of her magic, history, and demonology.
The grimoire, Goddesses of Necromancy, becomes live to order at midnight on Monday night, March 27. Asenath and I sincerely hope that you enjoy working with this uncensored grimoire of Left Hand Path magic and forbidden knowledge, and that it will take you to a completely new level of self-empowerment.
How To Unlock Clairvoyant Meaning From The Language Of The Spirits For Life-Changing Guidance In Your Personal Spiritual Ascent
Did you know that I can perform clairvoyant tarot readings? In fact, every one of my tarot readings includes a free pendulum reading with it. Did you know that I can perform personalized rituals of power and protection with the Demonic Gatekeeper Lucifer?
In regard to the magick of tarot, not all readings are created equal. While it has become popular to learn the traditional meanings of the cards, those of us with psychic ability are able to look beyond those one-dimensional meanings and intuitively see the deeper meanings applicable to the querent. I have had this magick ability since childhood and often shock my clients with the precise accuracy of my interpretations of their readings.
We all need guidance through the dangers of our life path — allow me to share the messages I receive through the tarot cards from the Spirit World to help guide you in your spiritual ascent.
Tarot is a spiritual language. As the cards speak the truths of the spirits, I will translate their magick messages to you.
I have been reading Tarot and performing Pendulum Divination to seek answers and guidance from the Spirit World and the deities I work with, since I was thirteen years old. I have a natural ability to see beyond the generic meanings attributed to the cards and find the deepest meanings and interpretations, meant specifically to guide the person I’m reading for.
With a Tarot and Pendulum Reading, you’ll receive:
  • A highly accurate, in-depth, clairvoyant reading
  • Clarity and advice on the options available to you in the areas of your life you wish to focus on or improve
  • Key divination for love magick, wealth magick, health and wellness, baneful magick, and more
  • Spiritual guidance on your past, present, and future journey
  • Ask and discuss anything in strict secrecy
For your convenience, you can book either a simple 30-minute reading or complex 60-minute reading.
Book Your 60-Minute Or 30-Minute Tarot Reading And Receive A FREE Pendulum Reading With It
Join me in real time on any of your favorite online apps like Messenger, Skype, Zoom and more with a video chat, audio chat, or even email. When you book your tarot reading, the cart will allow you to identify your preferred hour, day, and app from the available calendar.
Sessions are available in two different time increments, a full hour and a half-hour. The main difference between the two is the amount of material we will cover, but rest assured, not matter which way you choose, we will address your query and discuss applicable solutions and ways to proceed.
Again, tarot is a spiritual language — the language of the Spirit World. As the card speak their truths, I remain there to translate their message to you.
I will see you at midnight on Monday night, March 27, and also in a tarot reading. Let me know when you're ready to venture into the dark unknown...
Darkest Blessings,
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Consider this adult knowledge, and not legal or medical advice. Use this newsletter at your own risk. Become A Living God is not responsible for your magick. This newsletter is for readers of age 18 or older only.