Subject: The Greatest Lesson Thor Taught Me

• Fully modernized initiatory pathworking
• Rituals for evocation, pacts & spells
• DIY help with relics, altars & shrines
• 31+ sigils for gods, goddesses & monsters
• 10 color illustrations of astral rune-scapes
• 100% compatible with Left Hand Path
Midnight on Monday night
• Authored by Asbjörn Torvol
• Rune portraits by Alex Borrison
• Sigils by Gary Rosenberg
The Greatest Lesson Of The Gods & Goddesses... How Thor Hammered Me To Take Full Control Of
My Life On A Cold Snowy Winter Night
Asbjörn Torvol
Asbjörn has innovated Norse Magick. Considered controversial by many, he courageously takes on taboos that others will not.
Hey Friend,
The gods will smile upon you if you can do it yourself.
I made this statement in my very first conversation with E.A Koetting. When discussing the magick I had learned in my pathworking of the Vitki system I explained that while the Gods can be called upon to give you results they will respect you more if you can do it without them. This statement still rings true today perhaps even more so in my developments since. I worked with several of the Gods in my pathworking. The Allfather Odin, The Mighty Thor, The Righteous Tyr not to forget old Loki and beautiful Freyja. However, in my work with them I learned one very important lesson...
Why is it that the gods give with one hand… and take with the other? — Ragnar Lothbrok, Vikings
I remember one of the most synchronistic moments in watching the Vikings TV show one night after my work. It was the scene where Ragnar loses his unborn baby. It hit me like a hammer of relativity. I was at a point in my life where mine was crumbling. I was watching the things I thought I was meant to have crumble before me and new things come forth. I asked myself the same thing to my old Patron Thor that cold snowy winter night in Flagstaff Arizona.
Thor why do you provide me with something I grow to love, care and fight for but then take it away in the name of progress and sacrifice? Worst of all then judge me for it. I realised where the Gods really stood in my path.
The path to Ascent doesn’t begin when asking Gods and Entities to provide you with riches and manifestations in the circle. No, that's what dabblers do. Ascent, begins when you stop asking the Gods to provide and you begin to do it yourself with your own Godlike power. Your own creative divinity within. This was my lesson, to work with the Gods, and learn from them, but manifestation is up to me… not them.
The Path Of The Vitki & Volva Is One Of Responsibility...
To Rely On Gods For Necessity Is Not Enough
The path of the Vitki is a system of magick that requires the practitioner to take full control of their life and this means responsibility, accountability and most of all to be independent. While we all need a helping hand sometimes to ask the Gods to give handouts is a risk and I am the example of this. They can help by teaching you, but the more you ask of them in terms of manifestation the more you risk other things being taken away from you. Yet, when you begin to take your control back and make the manifestations you need through your own will and magick you become the God. This is part of the reason we do this. In this pathworking building favour with the Gods is necessary as is dedication. But the reason for this is not to cash in a handout check. It is to learn from them and be taught the skills to help you climb the ladder of ascent.
My pathworking system cuts out this cheap offer and receive magick and gives you a system that will force you to adapt into taking full control of your life. To rely on the Gods for all your needs is to give away all of your divine power to do that yourself and as a spiritual entity it makes you weak. It is for this reason many fail at this system. They want results but try to get another figure to do it for them. My system will give you back your power and provide you with the tools to allow that power to take you to the throne on which the Gods sit. Do not be a slave to the gods... Be a god!!!!
Stay true,
—The Heathen
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