Subject: The Dragon & The Oracle: Forbidden "Power Couple" Of Occult History

The New Draconian Tarot Deck & Grimoire Guide
Asenath Mason    Bill Duvendack    MIDNIGHT TONIGHT (ET-USA)
BREAKING: Two world leaders in Qliphothic Magic unlock the first Draconian Tarot System with an all-new, demon-powered deck of 78 sinister cards & guide to gnosis with the Serpent of Chaos
Receive 3 FREE Major Arcana cards & grimoire ebook preview now
The Complete Oraculum Leviathan features:
Tarot Deck - 78 tricolor cards & cardboard box
Wooden Box - Custom-made Leviathan box
Grimoire Guide - Color-printed hardback in leather & cloth
The Dragon & The Oracle: The "Power Couple" Of Occult History... How The Serpent Of Chaos Manifests In Ancient Cultures As The Exemplar Of Transformation And Inspiration To Visionaries
Asenath Mason
Editor's Note: You can watch this newsletter as a video on YouTube right here.
Hello Friend,
In this newsletter, I would like to say a few words about the leading theme of Oraculum Leviathan, my new tarot deck & grimoire available to order tomorrow. The title of the deck refers to the Serpent of Chaos as the embodiment of the Draconian Tradition. If you’re familiar with my books, you most likely know what that means, but if you’re simply interested in the deck because of the art or its connection to the Left Hand Path in general, a little bit of explanation is necessary to understand the idea behind this project.
Leviathan's Oracle — Ancient Greek Divination
And The Occult Meaning Of Oracle
To explain the title, we need to go back to the origin of the concept of an oracle. Today’s definition of the oracle is that it is a person providing advice or prophecy inspired by the gods by means of divination. The concept itself is derived from Ancient Greece, where the most famous of all oracles was the one in Delphi. People would go to the temple of Apollo, where they would consult a priestess sitting over the chasm in the earth from which Apollo was believed to send visions and messages through intoxicating fumes arising from the opening. According to the legend, these fumes came from the decomposing body of a dragon called Python, living in the center of the earth, who was slain by Apollo. They carried a sweet, intoxicating smell that made the priestess fall into trance in which she could channel the messages from the god. Python as a primordial dragon corresponds to Leviathan of the Hebrew myths, both of them signifying a mystical force that permeates the universe and can be accessed by those working with the draconian symbolism for the sake of self-empowerment. This idea of using the symbolism of primordial dragons and serpents to depict the inner evolutionary potential of man is the core of the Draconian Tradition. More about it can be found in my other books, especially in Draconian Ritual Book, which explains this subject in detail.
Why Leviathan? This mythical serpent is known from the Bible and the Hebrew myths, and in the ritual system presented in my books he typifies the “Dragon” as the primal, atavistic force of creation and destruction that underlies all evolution and entropy in the universe. The name is derived from The Old Testament (Book of Job, Book of Isaiah, Book of Psalms) and the apocrypha (Book of Enoch, Book of Esdras), where it refers to a serpent, dragon, crocodile, whale, or generally - sea beast. Leviathan is also mentioned in rabbinical literature and Gnostic accounts, and in the medieval encyclopedia of biblical art, the so-called Liber Floridus, we can see him as a beast carrying the Antichrist on its back. This image reflects the serpent’s role within the Draconian Tradition as well: Leviathan is the intermediary between Lilith and Samael/Lucifer, the Dark Goddess and God of Sitra Ahra, the Other Side. The symbol of these three forces united together is Baphomet, who represents the union of opposites and the fully integrated consciousness of the initiate on the Path of the Dragon, embracing both the Holy Guardian Angel that belongs to the Dayside and the Beast 666, or the Antichrist, which is the concept of the Nightside.
The Gnostics believed that this primordial serpent is the Anima Mundi, the soul of the world, the eternal beginning and end, the element of chaos within, the divine potential lying dormant in the dark recesses of the human psyche. In the Draconian Tradition, Leviathan is the Dragon Within and the Dragon Without - the spark of divine fire that we all carry within us and which successively becomes the Ascending Flame of Lucifer on the Path of the Dragon. We can find this force by immersing ourselves in the depths of the unconscious, in dreams and visions through which the impulses of the unknown are brought to the light of consciousness. This is a part of the Left Hand Path initiatory process, where we gradually awaken and embrace our inner potential of power and growth by descending to the roots of the Tree of Knowledge and exploring the Darkness Within. Leviathan is the symbol of the whole Draconian Path – his scales are the steps that lead us to the depths of the underworld, his fiery breath is the weapon that we use to remove the obstacles on our path, his shining eyes are the torches that light up our way through the darkness of the night, and his body is the void where we create and destroy both our universe and ourselves. In other words, by assuming the form of the Serpent of Chaos we ourselves become divine beings, existing outside structures and laws of the universe, powerful and independent on our way to self-salvation.
Saving Yourself: Finding Salvation Inside, Not Outside
This concept of self-salvation, or self-initiation, is the central part of the ritual system presented in my books, and this is also what has been included in the images of this tarot deck. The tarot itself is an allegory of an initiatory journey, from the first step on the path, which is typified by The Fool, to complete self-realization and the crowning of the path, which is represented by The World. In this case, we are speaking of the initiatory process of the Left Hand Path, where each successive step brings us closer to self-deification. The story of initiation presented in Oraculum Leviathan is therefore the way of a Left Hand Path adept, who enters the roots of the Qabalistic Tree through the Cave of Lilith and walks through the Dark Night of the Soul to emerge victorious from the Darkness of the Underworld and be crowned as a living god at the Throne of Lucifer.
This is a process of inner transformation and self-realization through the successive awakening and mastering of the Serpent/Dragon Force that is known in Tantra as Kundalini and in the ritual system presented in my books it corresponds to Leviathan, the Serpent of Chaos that binds all, like the Gnostic Ouroboros. This also shows another important facet of the path – it is not linear, but cyclic – like the ancient serpent devouring its own tail, continuously destroying and creating itself anew. On the Path of the Dragon we destroy and create ourselves as well. When one initiation is completed, another begins, and our goals, aspirations and the way we perceive the world change and evolve as we progress on the path. The allegory presented on the cards of Oraculum Leviathan shows what this process looks like for the Draconian Initiate and what stages and ordeals on the path we have to face on our way to divinity. It is therefore not only a tool of divination, but also a graphic depiction of the initiatory journey into the Womb of the Dragon – the source of all creation and all manifestation.
I have undergone this journey myself and now I teach it in the Temple of Ascending Flame and through individual ritual work and consultations. Oraculum Leviathan is a graphic depiction of these teachings, created not only for those who use tarot for divination but also for those who want to embark on a self-initiatory quest through the Tree of Qliphoth. The symbolism and imagery included in the deck will help you connect with gods and spirits of the Dark Tree, awaken the Serpent Force that lies behind the whole Draconian Tradition, and open gateways for you to travel through realms and pathways of the Other Side - and I hope that this journey will be as fascinating and empowering for you as it has been for me.
Making Pacts With Spirits:
From The Legend Of King Solomon
To The Faustian Current
The Book of Mephisto    Asenath Mason    Live Midnight March 11
Unlock the magic of the demon Mephistopheles with his first Left Hand Path grimoire and guide to occult art of the diabolical Faustian Tradition.
Darkest Blessings,
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