Subject: Sinister Symbols: A Crash Course In Dark Magical Imagery

Asenath Mason    Bill Duvendack    OCTOBER 29
BREAKING: Two world leaders in Qliphothic Magic unlock the first Draconian Tarot System with an all-new, demon-powered deck of 78 sinister cards & guide to gnosis with the Serpent of Chaos
Receive 3 FREE Major Arcana cards & grimoire ebook preview now
The Complete Oraculum Leviathan features:
Tarot Deck - 78 tricolor cards & cardboard box
Wooden Box - Custom-made Leviathan box
Grimoire Guide - Color-printed hardback in leather & cloth
Performing Tarot Magic Of The Left Hand Path — Featuring Dragons, Warriors, Sea Monsters, Zombies, Necromancers, Demons & More... The New Qliphothic Tarot "Oraculum Leviathan"
Asenath Mason
Editor's Note: You can watch this newsletter as a video on YouTube right here.
Hello Friend,
In this newsletter I would like to explain the symbolism and imagery used in the Oraculum Leviathan tarot deck. As you can see in the preview images, the cards embrace mostly three colors – black, red and white. This has a deeper meaning than purely aesthetic and here I would like to discuss the symbolism behind each color and show how they tie into the Draconian/Typhonian Tradition.
First of all, it is important to note that all images included in Oraculum Leviathan were to a certain point inspired by the traditional tarot symbolism. This includes the traditional concepts behind the Major Arcana as well as the key terms connected with the Minor Arcana, called the Suits. The difference and what makes them unique is that they have been developed and expanded by visions obtained through my personal work with each concept and archetype presented on the particular cards. As an active practitioner and initiate of the Draconian Tradition, I approached this work from a magical perspective and focused on depicting the journey through the Tree of Knowledge that I have undergone myself and now I teach to my friends, students and ritual partners. Therefore, if you are familiar with my writings, this tarot deck will enhance your personal work with this fascinating magical tradition. If not, you will find a detailed explanation of each card on the pages of the book, together with instructions of how to use it in a practical way. Here we will focus on the meaning of the key symbolism used throughout the whole deck.
RED: Fire, Passion, Blood, Sacrifice, Energy & Willpower
Let us start with the colors. The one standing out in the imagery of the deck is red. This is the color of fire and passion, blood and sacrifice, energy and willpower. In the Draconian Tradition, the red color stands for blood that is offered in rites of self-initiation, passion that drives us on the path, and energy that makes all creation and all destruction possible. One of the primary symbols of the Draconian Tradition is the Red Dragon, which stands for the source of energy that we all have within us and throughout the ages has been known as Kundalini, Prana, Chi, Orgone, Ruah, the Breath of Life, and under many other names. This energy is the life-force of every living being. It is lust, sexuality, creativity, willpower, courage, desire, and all that drives us to achieve our goals. Red is therefore the foremost symbol of the Fire Snake, the energy behind all growth and evolution, and it is the attribute of the Dark Feminine – the blood of Lilith, the first and the last initiatrix on the path.
BLACK: The Abyss, Void, Emptiness, The Canvas Of Creation
The second color used in the deck is black. Generally, black has many negative associations. It is the color of death and mourning, grief and depression, evil and ill-wishing. In its positive sense, it stands for mystery, initiation and power. It is feared because the power it carries is unknown, hidden, unrevealed to the eyes of the profane. In Draconian magic, black represents the absence, the emptiness, the void. It is the black canvas onto which we project our will in order to manifest it on the physical plane. It is the color of the ritual outfit that we wear to make ourselves invisible for the sake of solitude and protection. It is the symbol of each rite of passage, in which something dies so that something new might enter our life. Black holds all other colors within, creating a powerful tool for a magician working with the Left Hand Path. It also stands for the shadow side of the Fire Snake, signifying the force of death as complementary to that of life.
WHITE: Revelation, Illumination, And The Light Bearer
The third color used in the deck is white. It is often said that what black hides, white uncovers. It is the color of light and understanding, perfection and purity, wholeness and completion. It is the symbol of a new beginning, enlightenment and clarity, a new stage on the initiatory path after walking through the Dark Night of the Soul. In the Draconian Tradition, white is the color of revelation and illumination as well. One of the patron deities of the path is Lucifer, the Light Bearer, who appears as the Morning Star each time at sunrise to herald the beginning of a new day. This is the beginning of the path and of each stage within it, followed and preceded by darkness that stands for each rite of passage in the initiatory process.
The colors used in the deck are important, but so is all the imagery included in the cards. Traditionally, the Major Arcana represent an initiatory journey, from the Fool, which signifies stepping into the unknown, to the World, which stands for the completion of the path. Usually, this path is associated with the Tree of Life and in many depictions of this Qabalistic concept we find tarot cards ascribed to the particular paths and realms. In Oraculum Leviathan, this is a journey through the Tree of Knowledge. Each of the cards depicts a different archetype that is worked with or encountered at the particular stages of the journey. While these archetypes signify the major concepts and greater rites of passage, the Minor Arcana reflect the ordeals and tribulations that we are faced with in our day-to-day life, showing a temporary influence that affects us at a particular moment.
The Suits In The Draconian Tarot
Wands: Dragons & Warriors
Air: Incubi, Succubi, Astral Spirits & Ghosts
Cups: Octopi & Sea Monsters
Pentacles: Zombies, Skeletons & Necromancers
There are usually four different suits within the Minor Arcana. These are: Cups, Pentacles, Swords, and Wands. Traditionally, they represent a number of things based on the correspondences to the basic elements in the Western Esoteric Tradition: fire, air, water, and earth. For instance, fire stands for the spiritual realm, creativity, passion, energy, and motivation. It is represented in the tarot by means of the Suit of Wands, where each card depicts a specific number of wands, staves, or clubs, showing a different concept to work with. Air stands for the intellectual realm, reason, logic, thoughts, and actions, and is represented by the Suit of Swords. Water signifies the emotional realm, feelings, intuition, and creativity, and is represented by the Suit of Cups. And finally, earth stands for the material realm, work, business, and generally, the experience of the body, and is represented by the Suit of Pentacles.
These correspondences go much further, though. The elements appear throughout the whole deck, both in the Minor and the Major Arcana, and are represented also by specific imagery – people, animals and objects included in the cards. In Oraculum Leviathan, the suits are presented by means of the Draconian and Left Hand Path imagery. And so, the Suit of Wands includes dragons and warriors representing the fiery aspect of the path. The Suit of Swords shows succubi and incubi, spirits existing on the astral plane, which represent the connection to the element of air. The Suit of Cups is presented by means of watery creatures, octopi and monstrous entities, resembling those known from the Lovecraftian Cthulhu Mythos and the Necronomicon. And finally, the Suit of Pentacles includes zombies, skeletons and necromancers working their magic to uncover the treasures of the earth. This imagery has been chosen to specifically reflect the Draconian and Left Hand Path concepts, unlike other tarot decks, which usually focus on the general meaning of these notions.
All this makes it a unique deck among the others. You can use it for divination as well as meditation, scrying and astral journeys into realms and concepts portrayed here, and you can also enhance your rituals by using the cards as altar decorations or meditate with them before sleep to enhance lucid dreaming and trigger magically inspired dreams. I have designed this deck for other Draconian Initiates and for anyone interested in working with the tarot symbolism from the Left Hand Path perspective, and I hope that all of you will find it a useful and effective tool in your work.
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