Subject: The Dark Mother Kali: Liberate Yourself From Karma In Timeless Immortality

Asenath Mason    Zeraphina Angelus    Midnight March 27
Receive life-changing magical initiations with the 9 most powerful Goddesses of Necromancy by two leading woman authors of the Left Hand Path… featuring Hecate, Kali, and the Queens of Death
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The Dark Mother Kali — A Primal Devouring Force, Both Womb And Grave Of All Life... Let Mother Goddess Kali Liberate You From All Karma Of Your Vehicle Of Consciousness In Timeless Immortality
Asenath Mason
Qliphothic magician & author
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Hello Friend,
Today I’d like to present a glimpse into one of the chapters of the all-new grimoire Goddesses of Necromancy, which I wrote together with sorceress Zeraphina Angelus. This grimoire becomes live very soon at midnight, this Monday night, March 27. In this newsletter, we will take a look at Kali, the Hindu goddess of time, death and change. We will talk about her mythology and I’ll explain why she can be viewed as a “lady of death.”
First of all, let’s look at the mythology of the goddess. Kali belongs to the Hindu lore, where she has many powers and attributes, but her primary associations are with death, time and change. Her name is believed to be the feminine form of “time,” showing that she is the ruthless aspect of the universe that brings change, transition, and eventually death to all things. The word kāla also means “black,” and she is sometimes called Kali Mata, the dark mother, suggesting a primal, devouring force that is both the womb and the grave to all life.
The same word, however, is also an epithet of Shiva, and Kali is often presented together with him as his consort. She is the Divine Mother, the Destroyer, the Protector, and the Liberator. One of her aspects is Mahakali, the universal principle that is infinite, eternal, and unchangeable, binding all and remaining in the center of all. In another one, she is Dakshinakali - the benevolent mother protecting her devotees from mishaps and misfortunes, and at the same time a terrifying destroyer of demons before whom even Yama, the god of death, trembles and flees in fear. Those who worship her believe that through her they can overcome death itself. However, she is also Smashana Kali – black and terrible bringer of death, standing on the corpses of those she has slain, with a garland of severed heads around her neck, holding a vessel to collect the dripping entrails. She is encountered both in a domestic household and at cremation grounds, worshipped by people who seek protection and those who want to slay their enemies, those who long for safety and those who crave for liberation – both in the physical and spiritual sense.
"Red Eyes Glowing With Rage And Fury, And Disheveled Hair... She Has Fangs Protruding Out Of Her Mouth And Her Tongue Is Lolling..."
As you can see, she has many associations with death. In her depictions, she’s portrayed with four arms, black or blue skin, red eyes glowing with rage and fury, and disheveled hair. She has fangs protruding out of her mouth and her tongue is lolling - red and dripping blood of her slain enemies. She is also depicted standing or dancing on the corpse of Shiva, manifesting Shakti, the female force providing the necessary balance between creation and destruction in the universe. In her hands she carries weapons of destruction, usually a sword or trident, which represent liberation from bonds and attachments to the world. In other portraits, we see her with a severed head dripping blood, which typifies the ego that has to be slain in the process of liberation and illumination. Sometimes her hands form mudras showing fearlessness and blessing, displaying her role as the Great Mother, protecting her devotees and guiding them through her mysteries of life and death.
The Endless Life Cycle of Rebirth-Death-Rebirth... The Great Mother Kali Has The Power To Burn Your Karma And Liberate You From The Karmic Cycle
Working with Kali in her necromantic aspect is not about summoning the dead or communicating with the Other Side, like it is in the case of some other goddesses of necromancy. In her religion, there is no land of the dead where the souls spend eternity after they leave their mortal vessels. Instead, they become reincarnated into a new life. When the body dies, the soul undergoes transmigration and is born to the world again, only in a different form. This form depends on the “karma” that has been gathered throughout the life of an individual. If it was filled with good actions and good intent, spent on spiritual practices or works leading to spiritual growth, the next life is good, too. They may even become reborn in a higher form. If the karma is bad, this gets reflected in the future life, too. All human beings are subjected to the endless cycle of birth-death-rebirth, and life is a continuous journey to self-knowledge and self-perfection to eventually end the cycle and achieve the blissful state of freedom. But the same can be achieved by working with Kali, who has the power to burn the karma and liberate her followers from the karmic cycle. This is one of her main roles as the “goddess of death.”
Realize Your Body As A Vehicle Of Consciousness That Is Immortal, Infinite, And Timeless, Not Bound By Laws And Not Subject To Limitations
By working with Kali, we work with the force of death itself – the ultimate liberator from all mundane attachments. This is liberation from all pain, worries, anxieties, and fears, but also from desires, aspirations, goals, and plans. By assuming the consciousness of Kali, we achieve a glimpse of what it is like to be free from all karma and realize that our bodies are only a vehicle for the consciousness that is immortal, infinite and timeless, not bound by any laws and not subjected to any limitations. Therefore, the rituals included in her chapter are not connected with “necromancy” in the traditional sense. Here we will work with death as a liberating force, removing our attachments to the world as well as to ourselves, leading to realization of our immortal and infinite potential that is a part of each of us.
How To Step Into The Womb Of The Universe
In this work, Kali is the dark mother - the primal force that gave birth to the entire universe. This force can be used for transformation and self-empowerment, but it is difficult to harness and to even glimpse into her complexity and power is the work of a lifetime. If you invoke her into your life, she will dissolve all your boundaries, limitations and personal inhibitions. She will confront you with all your fears and bring all issues, struggles, doubts, and weaknesses up to the surface. She will ruthlessly cut the ties that bind you with what is not necessary to walk her path, liberating you from attachments and opening way to complete reconstruction of your personal universe. She will make you revaluate your beliefs, question your goals and transform your perspectives. Once you step into the womb of the universe, you will never be the same. Your views will change, your feelings will be different, and your desires and goals will be transformed. You will be free from limitations of human perception, and you will never look at the world around you the way you saw it before. This is the force of ultimate transformation from which there is no return and which has to be embraced if you want to achieve liberation and self-empowerment.
This is how Kali is approached in my all-new grimoire, Goddesses of Necromancy. In this pioneering book, coauthored with sorceress Zeraphina Angelus, you will find more information about her, the sigil that can be used to invoke her, and rituals to connect with her and to use her power to break through the karmic chains.
Receive Your FREE eBook Chapter Of My New Grimoire "Goddesses Of Necromancy" Right Now
As always, I welcome you to receive a FREE ebook with a sample of chapter one from Goddesses of Necromancy, called “Ereshkigal: The Queen of the Great Below.” In it, you will discover the clairvoyantly-channeled portrait of the Goddess, her magical sigil, a step-by-step guide to performing ritual, invocation, and much more, including a clear exposition on the powers of her magic, history, and demonology.
The grimoire, Goddesses of Necromancy, becomes live to order at midnight on this coming Monday night, March 27. We hope you enjoy working with this book of forbidden magic and knowledge, and that it will take you to a completely new level of self-empowerment!
Darkest Blessings,
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