Subject: Egyptian Goddess Nephthys: Friend Of The Dead & Mistress Of The Afterlife

Asenath Mason    Zeraphina Angelus    Live March 28
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The Goddesses Nephthys — "Friend Of The Dead" And "Mistress Of The Afterlife" In Ancient Egypt... Evoke Her To Guide The Newly Deceased And Comfort Relatives Mourning Their Grave Loss
Asenath Mason
Qliphothic magician & author
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Hello Friend,
Today, I would like to give you a glimpse into chapter 8 of Goddesses of Necromancy — the chapter dedicated to Nephthys. This new grimoire becomes live to order at midnight, Monday night, March 27.
In ancient Egypt, Nephthys was a goddess having a strong connection to funeral rites and mourning. Her role as a “goddess of death” was associated with the mysteries of the underworld, death as a principle, and rites of embalming and preserving both the body and the soul of the deceased. Here we will take a look at these concepts, and more information is provided in the book itself.
Nephthys is one of the major deities of ancient Egypt, although her role is often underestimated. From her mythology, we learn that her parents were Nut (the goddess of the sky) and Geb (the god of the earth). In myths and legends, she is either paired with Set as his wife and consort, or she is presented together with her sister Isis. They both preside over magic, but while Isis is the mistress of life, wisdom and health, Nephthys is associated with death, darkness and sacrifice. She is a goddess of the night and a mistress of magic, who protects the dead and prepares them for their journey into the afterlife.
Immortality Of The Soul And Continuation Of Life After Death In Ancient Egyptian Magic
Death and the afterlife were an important part of the ancient Egyptian outlook. People believed in immortality of the soul and continuation of life after death. For this reason, they were preparing for death already during their lifetime. Pharaohs and nobility had their tombs built long before they died to ensure they would have the proper conditions to continue living in the afterlife. This is also the reason for the popularity of mummification practices and rituals that opened the way to life beyond death. One of such ceremonies was the ritual called “opening of the mouth,” which included purification of the body, anointing it with special balms, and incantations that symbolically “opened” the person’s senses and restored their ability to speak, smell, hear, taste, and touch. Food and drinks were placed in the tombs to provide nourishment to the dead, as well as household objects which the deceased person used during their life. Ancient Egyptian sources are full of funerary texts, which consist of prayers, magic spells, and all kinds of formulas to help the dead pass safely to the afterworld.
The Dangerous Soul Journey Across The Underworld To Reach The Gates Of The Afterlife
The soul of the deceased had to travel through the underworld, which was full of dangers and monsters lurking to devour it before it could reach the gates of the afterlife. The land of the dead was known as Duat, or Amenti, and consisted of seven divisions, which led to the Hall of Judgment. There the soul was judged in the weighing of the heart ceremony, which was overseen by the jackal-headed god Anubis. The person’s heart was placed on scales, counterbalanced by a feather that represented Maat – truth and justice. If the heart was equal in weight, the person was allowed to enter the afterlife and live forever. If not, it was devoured by the terrifying monster Ammit and denied existence in the afterworld. Nephthys was associated with most of these rites, and her function was to prepare the deceased for their journey – make sure their body is properly embalmed and the soul is ready to leave the world of mortals and enter the path to the afterlife.
The Mistress of Grief, Consolation, And Guidance To The Newly Deceased And Their Mourning Relatives
As a goddess of necromancy, Nephthys is believed to be the mistress of death, lamentation and funerary rites. She is associated with the afterlife and venerated as a friend and companion of the deceased, offering guidance to the newly dead and comfort to the relatives of the one who died. It is Nephthys who assists Isis in gathering the dismembered parts of the body of Osiris after he is murdered by his brother Set. She is the protector of the mummy, and along with Hapy, she guards the lungs in their canopic jar on the north cardinal point. Her son, the jackal-headed god Anubis, is a patron of mummification, the guide of souls and the lord of the underworld. In art he is depicted as a “black god” - the color that stands for rebirth and the discoloration of the corpse after the completion of the embalming processes. The goddess herself is often “black” as well, although this does not refer to her depictions in art but to the color of her astral energy and her associations with darkness and nighttime. In many myths and ancient texts, Nephthys is called “the Friend of the Dead,” and described as a companion of the deceased on their journey into the underworld. Her hair is compared to the strips of cloth that shroud the bodies of the dead, she protects the mummy - the earthly vessel of the deceased soul, and she defends the pharaoh in life as well as in death.
The Fierce Dark Initiatrix Aspect
From the initiatory point of view, Nephthys is also a goddess of transformation. This aspect is not the gentle, nurturing side of the goddess, but includes all her fearsome traits that are connected with transformation as a cleansing but painful experience. She transforms through destruction, kills the old parts of the Self to make way for growth, and demands a sacrifice of something in your life. She is the Mistress of Darkness and the Lady of Sacrifice. As a dark initiatrix, Nephthys requires that you sacrifice to her something of great value in your life, and if you do so, she will reward you in ways that will make it all worth it. As the goddess of transformation, she represents the harsh life lessons that you have to learn so you can progress on your path.
These and other traits and aspects of Nephthys are included in the chapter dedicated to her as a “lady of death.” You will find there a ritual of magical self-sacrifice that will initiate you into her mysteries, an invocation that will take you on a journey of spiritual alchemy, and a guided meditation inspired by the journey to the afterlife as described in the Egyptian Book of the Dead. This all shows how to approach her in a practical way, so watch out for this release.
Receive Life-Changing Magical Initiations With The 9 Most Powerful Goddesses Of Necromancy By Two Leading Woman Authors Of The Left Hand Path…
The all-new grimoire, Goddesses of Necromancy, features nine carefully chosen Goddesses from various powerful world mythologies by two leading Left Hand Path magicians and coauthors, myself Asenath Mason and Zeraphina Angelus. Every one of the presented Goddesses possesses a close magical connection to the Death Current and the Underworld, and each represents a different primary aspect of the universal Death Principle across humanity.
All nine chapters are arranged according to the same pattern:
  • Clairvoyantly-channelled portraits and unique sigils of the Goddesses of Necromancy
  • Key historical and magical backgrounds and introductions of the Goddesses as a Lady of Death
  • Ritual initiation performances to connect through gnosis with the Lady of Death in her necromantic aspect
  • Clairaudient invocations for personal communion with the Goddesses
  • Elaborate pathworkings and guided meditations for soul flight, astral travel, and lucid dreaming to her royal astral realm, or to bring her lasting energy back into your magick temple
  • Lengthy expositions on the magical meanings and careful designs of the talismanic sigils used in the workings
  • All-new innovations and breakthrough discoveries in the critical study of Necromancy, Demonology, and Goddesses Magic
Receive Your FREE eBook Chapter Of My New Grimoire "Goddesses Of Necromancy" Right Now
As always, my coauthor Zeraphina Angelus and I welcome you to receive a FREE ebook with a sample of chapter one from Goddesses of Necromancy, called “Ereshkigal: The Queen of the Great Below.” In it, you will discover the clairvoyantly-channeled portrait of the Goddess, her magical sigil, a step-by-step guide to performing ritual, invocation, and much more, including a clear exposition on the powers of her magic, history, and demonology.
I will talk to you again soon, and see you at midnight on the night of Monday, March 27.
Darkest Blessings,
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