Subject: The Ars Goetia - Evoking Demons In The 21st Century

The Ars Goetia Orlee Stewart
A Black Magician's Guide To Evoking Demons in the 21st Century
My “dummy’s guide” to unlocking the magick behind rituals, talismans, sigils & weapons from the Lesser Key of Solomon
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How To Perform Effective Demonic Evocation With The Ars Goetia In The Twenty-First Century... Demystifying The Lesser Key Of Solomon With Lifelong Witch And Tarotist Orlee Stewart
Orlee Stewart
Tarot Readings
Hello Friend,
In my opinion, every serious sorcerer needs to know how to summon The Spirits to ignite their ascent. The magick of evoking spirits, a.k.a. spirit summoning, awakens your godlike power, because it allows you to harness your omnipotence and become the true god or goddess of your life. In fact, the archetype of witchcraft normally features a gothic woman surrounded by candles summoning a mighty spirit to life.
As you also know, every serious sorcerer pathworks The Ars Goetia at a point in their magickal journey. The Lesser Key of Solomon has become the most popular — and feared — demonic grimoire in world history. However, despite its prominence, many black magicians experience trouble with unlocking the talismanic magick behind this cryptic grimoire.
I sympathize, because it took me over a decade to finally “crack the code” of this high-powered grimoire and experience full manifestation of the Demons — it does not need to take YOU that long. In fact, with my expert guidance, you can learn to perform demonic evocation and harness infernal power in a small fraction of that time. How do I know? Because I have initiated many aspiring magicians into the Lesser Key of Solomon, and with my help, they have became masters of evocation.
The 6 Most Common Bugaboos Of Beginner Magicians, Muggles & Outsiders
Let me ask: have you always wanted to unlock the Ars Goetia too, but…
  1. …worry the spirits won’t answer your call?
  2. …become confused by the outdated, pomp and circumstance of rituals?
  3. …feel awkward reciting religious-sounding incantations and conjurations?
  4. …worry that these “evil demons” might harass and haunt you?
  5. …feel overwhelmed by the 72 available spirits and don’t know who to evoke, why, and when?
  6. …do not even believe in magick yet and need to “see it to believe it.”
Regrettably, these common bugaboos have caused a lot of black magicians to abandon The Ars Goetia altogether and never learn to perform evocation, thus they never awaken the omnipotent power needed to ascend further.
The Ars Goetia has become one of most influential pieces of magical literature that fell into my path. Over many years of study and experiments with the text, I have deciphered the formulae to evoke demons to visible form and achieve far more than the grimoire alludes unto. These demons have transformed my existence in conjunction to my desires.
Here's What The Spirits Want Me
To Communicate To You
Through approaching The Goetia as black magician, I have received such remarkable things by working in harmony with the infernal kingdom instead of fear. This journey began with such a moment of significance, wherein I decided to take control over my life and summon a demon to help protect me. Through calling upon what I feared, I would conquer all the fears that life could unveil. This is what the sprits want me to communicate to you, as your adventure will truly begin once nothing can dissuade your will. Overcoming my own fear was the first step to mastering the programming of my life through demonic interference and The Ars Goetia is my favorite piece of literature to unlocking such freedoms. My personal love of this book is due to the black magician who introduced it into my life and how I have learned to approach the material with such controversial methods.
I began teaching magicians on how to work with The Goetia and exorcism in 2014 due to demand based on my personal experiences and continue to learn more and refine my practice as the spirits never cease to reveal further mysteries unto me. The process of creating this video course and companion ebook has taken me further into the study of preternatural intelligence than ever before as I have accumulated all the helpful information from the text, stripped it of religious dogmas and present it in a way for black magicians to harness the powers hidden within. In this course, you will learn the absolute essence of how I have learned to evoke the Goetic demons through knowledge that is beyond what the book itself contains, insights that only a black magician can experience.
The materials discussed will reveal knowledge on Goetic practice from both my personal teachers of the dark arts and my own independent work. I also will explain many different methods for spirit communication and techniques to test the information obtained from the spirits to calculate evocation as a scientific process. We will go through The Goetia and uncover all that traditional theurgists miss as they are not inclined to the true power of this text when wielded by a black witch with the powers of darkness at her side. This course has been composed especially for you, to insure that you will understand exactly how this forumae functions and how to apply those principals into your own magical practices when working with The Ars Goetia and all magical rituals in your path.
Through learning this art, you will be able to call upon any of the Goetic spirits and create all the elements and sigils which formulate an environment for ritual evocation with results. We will also go through every aspect of the text which is focused upon methods that are against the taste of a black magician, be they disrespectful to the spirit or involving orations that invoke undesirable names to children of darkness. I will provide alternative ways to work with the same structure to achieve manifestation whilst also teaching you how to create your own methods.
The Spirits Can Provide Far More Than Material Gain
The demons are waiting for us and these spirits have the ability to alter reality in every possible way. Watch my video course, The Ars Goetia, to completely understand how to work with this system of magick. In this course, I have filled the gaps within the text to include valuable information on how to develop spiritually along with these demonic forces at our sides. The Goetia can provide far more than material gain alone as the spirits within the grimoire can inspire us and enlighten us through creating a psychic link through the connections made during these workings. Look into the darkness beyond the thinning veil of fear and find out for yourself.
Why Harness Demonic Power From The Lesser Key Of Solomon Instead Of Another Grimoire?
Thousands of magicians over 100+ years have proven that rituals from the Ars Goetia not only evoke demons to manifestation, but can completely transform your life. As a black witch, you do not simply “evoke spirits” for no reason — you summon these ancient deities and cosmic forces to completely reshape your entire life and undergo self-deification.
This particular grimoire, the Ars Goetia, provides an incredible formula to empower magicians to enter gnosis with the highest nobility of the Demonic Kingdom. The Lesser Key of Solomon gives you tools to access spirits with such a diversity of magick powers that they can help to manifest virtually any ambition in your life, whether money, law, love, sex, forbidden knowledge, and more. I recommend The Goetia above all other literature on the demonic kingdom as it will strengthen every aspect of magical practice by providing all the tools necessary to actually be able to witness demons within ritual and forge a relationship between them and us.
By uniting with the Kings and Queens of the Demonic Hierarchy, you can essentially re-design any area of your life and experience ascent. My course initiates you into the Current of the Goetia and demystifies it for a beginner.
Armed with knowledge from both the Goetia and my course, you will learn to destroy your fears and build your new demonic empire on the ashes of your previous self.
The Ars Goetia Orlee Stewart
Receive A FREE Consultation With Your Course
To guarantee your success, you will receive a FREE 20-minute private telephone consultation with your course — no strings attached, no cost. I will literally answer any questions and concerns that you experience as you perform evocation from the Lesser Key of Solomon with my course.
As I explained earlier, beginner magicians and outsiders tend to suffer what I call "the 6 bugaboos"...
  1. Worry that spirits won’t answer your call, or worry that you cannot see and hear spirits when they come
  2. Confusion over the outdated, pomp and circumstance of rituals
  3. Awkwardness reciting religious-sounding incantations and conjurations
  4. Fear that “evil demons” will harass and haunt you
  5. Overwhelmed by the 72 available spirits, not knowing who to evoke, why, and when
  6. Disbelief in magick and a need to "see it to believe it"
I consider every single one of these healthy and normal — they are rational worries for beginners and outsiders who have become indoctrinated by Abrahamic religions. Mainstream religions today have brainwashed you to fear witchcraft, demons, and the supernatural. Guess what? Your first visible, helpful relationship with a spirit will completely dissolve them. When a spirit appears to you, and you can hear them talking with your magickal hearing, you will possess what E.A. calls "perfect peace and certainty" in your power and safety.
My course became live today, and I welcome you to watch it right now. Click this button below to learn more about how to claim your free consultation with me, and unlock the magick behind The Ars Goetia.
I will talk to you again soon!
Infernal Blessings,
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Consider this adult knowledge, and not legal or medical advice. Use this newsletter at your own risk. Become A Living God is not responsible for your magick. This newsletter is for readers of age 18 or older only.