Subject: The Age Of Godhood: We ARE The Antichrist

E.A. Koetting • Michael W. Ford • Kurtis Joseph • Edgar Kerval
Bill Duvendack • Orlee Stewart • V.K. Jehannum • Enoch Petrucelly
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The Age Of Godhood Rises And Brings End Times — You And I Herald The Reign Of The Antichrist Because We ARE The Antichrist... Enflame Your 'Heretical Hubris' To Become The Lord Of Darkness
E.A. Koetting
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Hello Friend,
It seems like every time I take a step forward in this Gatekeeper pathworking operation, I have to redefine for myself and for everybody what this is all leading to, what the end result of all of this is.
The Gatekeepers themselves have been vague, but in some respects they have also been very specific:
This is going to result in the evolution of the human being.
If you and I could get into a time machine and travel back to the last evolutionary stage that we underwent before we became human beings, before we became Homo Sapiens, and we were to talk to these genetic ancestors of ours, and we were to tell them what they were going to become, if we were to point up to the moon and to Mars and say that we are going to build ships that can sail across the sky and into the blackness of space and land upon the moon and Mars, if we were to give them the schematics for the machinery capable of doing that... would they understand any of it?
No, absolutely not. Nor can we really understand what we are becoming until we have become it.
These beings, these Gatekeepers, as they influence me and as I call them up, and as I let them solidly become a piece of me, a new puzzle piece comes into play that shows me a little bit more clearly what we are Becoming — what I am Becoming.
Because that is at least half the riddle: what is the human being Becoming?
The Gatekeepers Have Foretold That They
Will Walk And Talk With Us As Men Do
The aim and the outcome of this operation, this pathworking with the nine Gatekeepers, is it's not meant to climax in the war that ends all wars, nor is it meant to climax at the point of the manifestation of some sort of alien species showing up in futuristic metal ships.
Azazel has said that he will one day come to me as a doctor, as a physician, and a scientist, as a living being stepped out of the darkness into manifestation.
These beings have said that they will walk and talk with us as one man walks and talks with another.
This can produce a lot of interesting thoughts, a lot of visions of a future of a co-mingling between humans and demons.
I'm here to tell you that that day has already come.
As you evoke these beings and they appear to you, and indeed you walk and talk with them as one man walks and talks with another, an even greater connection and communication is had in that.
This future is already here.
The Real Purpose Of This Pathworking Is To
Bring To Pass The Reign Of The Antichrist
So what's the real end purpose of all this?
It is to bring to pass the reign of the Antichrist; it is to bring to pass the full seating of the Infernal Empire here on Earth.
You need to know, though, that this is a personal Apocalypse.
As he walked and talked with me, Abaddon revealed a key, a powerful key, an answer to where this is going, and at the same time a way of getting there.
To truly become the living incarnation of the supreme self deification, you must fully embody every deity and devil within your own pantheon simultaneously, thus transcending form through the infinite expansion of self rather than through self-sacrifice.
You must know with certainty then that you are the chosen one, that you are the destroyer, the antichrist, and the sole savior and the only hope for humanity.
This heretical hubris is magnified by Ascent and validated magically by those who dare accept their stations as lords of this world.
You have to expand yourself, your identity, into the bodies and identities of the gods, the heroes, the angels, and spirits of every religion, or of the system of pantheon that you are dominating.
Then you must turn against and become the devils, and become the Antichrist. You must fully know without any reservation, with full conviction, that you are the Chosen One, whatever that might mean.
You must know that the prophecies of old were written about you, and this is Heretical Hubris.
And this self-aggrandizement, when pushed forward magically, when accepted and embraced, when you can fully say and know that you are God, and you are also the destroyer of God, then you've made it to the next level.
This whole process beckons the End of Days on a personal level, destruction of apocalyptic proportions within your own life, and it should culminate in your own death and resurrection, in that the person that you have been cannot exist unchanged for you to become the person that you need to become, the being that you are evolving into.
So those of us Children of Darkness, those of us who hold and know, and those of us who are truly powerful, will meet one another on the field and we will all equally be the Antichrist, embodying the Lord of Darkness. We will be the Prince of evil, and it is then that our real work finally begins.
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