Subject: I Discovered Magick Squares That Unlock REGNUM SPIRITUS

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A secret society initiates a child prodigy magician to decode an ancient Skeleton Cipher. Can you unlock the cryptic magick squares to summon forth angels and demons from Regnum Spiritus? Inspired by a true story...
Entering Interdimensional Portals In Search Of New Magick... Discovering Alien Worlds Filled With Astral Entities — A Look Back At My First Book
Kingdoms of Flame: A Grimoire of Evocation & Sorcery
E.A. Koetting
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Hello Friend,
Any Initiatic Order worth its trouble does not simply advance their members to the next level of initiation until the initiate has actually proven that he or she is ready, that the lessons have been learned, and that the magician is capable of putting the theory into practice in the real world.
My legacy occult order, the Ordo Ascensum Aetyrnalis, is no exception.
While many have assumed that the O.A.A. was my creation, I can’t accept credit for it. In reality, I was a novice magician trying to figure out how magick and Ascent actually work, and my mentors gradually guided me towards the teachings of the Order, which was only a spiritual construct at that point. I worked through the grade rituals and lessons, I received the initiations, and I struggled through the Flames until I eventually was given the edict to bring the O.A.A. into physical manifestation in this reality.
Around the year 2001 I received instructions for my 16th Flame Initiation:
Through astral travel and evocation, discover an undiscovered part of the astral plane, inhabited by powerful entities. Discover gateways that can be made to that Kingdom, how specifically to evoke the entities of that Kingdom, outline their hierarchy, and obtain names, sigils, and attributes of no less than 33 spirits.
Make a written record of your findings, to serve as an Inner Order grimoire, to be shared amongst the Grand Emissaries.
It seemed like an unreasonably massive task, and perhaps it would be for most magicians, but I took a deep breath and dove right in!
The Lesson Instructions Themselves Pointed Me In The Right Direction
During the next several months, when I wasn’t at work painting houses, I was immersed in Soul Travel, evocation, and divination, opening gateways into the astral plane, wandering the spirit world searching for something still waiting to be discovered.
Luckily for me, the lesson instructions themselves pointed me in the exact direction I needed!
In fact, now that I think of it, the first contact that I made with the spirits of the Kingdoms of Flame happened when I wasn’t even trying to make contact! I had performed dozens of rituals and had logged several hours in astral projection, without as much as a single sigil to show for my work.
I was working as a custom house painter and apprentice faux finisher at the time, and was masking off windows and woodwork when the first revelation hit me.
It was the Gateway into “Regnum Spiritus,” which is basically the overlap between the astral and physical planes.
I ripped a piece of brown masking paper off of my masking machine and scribbled the image of the gateway as it flashed in my inner vision.
The Night Sky Above Me Became My Scrying Mirror
I was finished with work a few hours later and only stopped in at my house to grab my notebook, some candles, and a box of chalk, which I took with me to an abandoned open-air racquetball court that I often used for ritual.
Trying to keep my hands from shaking while I drew the Gateway on the ground in white chalk, I could feel a strange gravity pulsing from beneath the concrete floor. I laid the candles in their places, lit the wicks, and laid down in the center opening of the Gate.
Within seconds my astral sight opened, the night sky above me becoming a scrying mirror, the white mist forming like a thin sheet above me, soon after pierced by points of light forming a mirror image of the Gateway drawn beneath me, floating in the air above me.
Without any real effort from me, I rose from my body and was pulled into the Gateway above me, to walk the landscapes of the various Kingdoms of Flame, to meet their inhabitants, and to uncover their secrets of magick.
The rest, as they say, is history.
It wasn’t until years later, though, that I made the choice to release my findings to the public. When the time was right, when I could feel the force of my destiny pulling me and compelling me to do so, I finally sat down at my computer and ironed my raw notes into my first ever published book, Kingdoms of Flame.
Even though at the time I thought that only a few people might be interested in reading anything that I would write, I heard the call and I followed it. Now, nearly 15 years later, I am so glad that I did!
How To Learn The Most Advanced Black Magick And Also Save Literally Thousands Right Now
In regard to my Complete Works of ten grimoires — my (a) eight canon grimoires plus (b) initiation guide to the O.A.A. and (c) Become A Living God eBook...
Two possibilities exist:
1. You place an order for my Complete Works in all-new, redesigned Second Edition right now with at my unprecedented, low rates.
2. You place an order for used copies of my First Edition at extremely high rates elsewhere.
At this moment, my first edition grimoires sit on Amazon and eBay and require hundreds if not thousands to receive a single copy only. See two screenshot example above.
You can literally save THOUSANDS right now when you place an order for The Complete Works of E.A. Koetting in my new, gorgeous second edition in this glossy graphic hardback. Here, come take a look at it and learn how to I shattered through an occult 'glass ceiling' in my journey as an author!
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