Subject: Leviathan's Oracle: The Newest Advancement In Qliphothic Magic

Asenath Mason    Bill Duvendack    OCTOBER 29
BREAKING: Two world leaders in Qliphothic Magic unlock the first Draconian Tarot System with an all-new, demon-powered deck of 78 sinister cards & guide to gnosis with the Serpent of Chaos
Receive 3 FREE Major Arcana cards & grimoire ebook preview now
The Complete Oraculum Leviathan features:
Tarot Deck - 78 tricolor cards & cardboard box
Wooden Box - Custom-made Leviathan box
Grimoire Guide - Color-printed hardback in leather & cloth
Advancing The Draconian Tradition Of Qliphothic Magic & Pioneering A New Era Of Divination Among Black Magicians With A Pure Left Hand Path Tarot System For Luciferians, Lilithes, Satanists & More
Bill Duvendack
Author, astrologer & tarot reader
Editor's Note: You can watch this newsletter as a video right here.
Hello Friend,
Greetings, Bill Duvendack here!
In her last newsletter, Asenath laid the foundation for the upcoming tarot set. Let’s take a closer look at it, focusing on the differences that are present here that are not found in other tarot decks. After all, with so many tarot decks out there, what separates this one from them?
Left Hand Path Magicians Have Been Forced To Use Right Hand Path Tarot For Decades, Even Though They Often Contradict Each Other
There are virtually no tarot decks out there that are specific to the Left Hand Path as it pertains to the Draconian Tradition of Qliphothic Magic. Other than The Shadow Tarot, virtually no decks focus specifically on the LHP, which can leave the serious student feeling an undeniable void, a void which Oraculum Leviathan finally fills.
It is this, along with other reasons, that urged Asenath and I to create this deck. In addition to using Left Hand Path imagery on the cards, the guide-book itself goes into depth comparing and contrasting Oraculum Leviathan to mainstream tarot decks. This can be very useful to those who are familiar with those, and can serve to ease the transition into a tarot deck that is more appropriate. Besides the fantastic artwork of Asenath Mason, the cards themselves contain key elements that are found in traditional quality tarot decks too. But of course, though, this symbolism isn’t simply converted from mainstream tarot decks, it is changed to align with the Left Hand Path, in particular the Draconian Tradition. In this newsletter, I offer a few examples so you know what to expect.
Finally... A Serious, Pure, Draconian Tarot For Qliphothic Magicians, Luciferians, Lilithites, Black Magicians, And Demonologists
As most practitioners know, each of the four elements corresponds to a particular kingdom of beings. Traditionally, they are as follows: Air-Sylphs, Fire-Salamanders, Water-Undines, and Earth-Gnomes. In Oraculum Leviathan, these are adjusted to match the Left Hand Path paradigm. In it, the creatures are as follows: Air-incubi and succubi, Fire-dragons and dragon kin, Water-Cthulhian beings, and Earth-zombies and skeletons. You can see that the general themes are carried through, but looked at from a Draconian perspective. In the accompanying book, these are discussed, parallels are viewed, and alternate perspectives are considered.
What this means with regard to to the upcoming book is that, if you are not familiar with astrology, now is the time to at least brush up on the fundamentals. I say that, because in the book there is a primer about astrology to teach you the basics that are necessary for the rest of the material in the book going forward.
In addition to this, you will commonly find the Qliphoth referenced, not only in the cards, but also in the book as well. This ranges from pictures on various cards to implied artwork in Asenath’s unique, stunning style. The Tree of Qliphoth has been interwoven as is currently the case of the general direction of development of the Left Hand Path. While the book contains the bulk of the information, the cards serve as individual portals to those realms themselves.
The Entirely Unique Tarot Spread — The Leviathan Spread
Finally, in the book is a tarot layout that is entirely unique to this deck — The Leviathan Spread. It is not only meant for this deck, but I created it with this deck in mind. When I tested it, it turned out to be more profound than I thought it would be. This is not the only layout in the deck either, as I wanted to give the reader another one that is more commonly known, so included in the book is a version of the Celtic Cross I routinely use.
Just these few points illustrate the void that this deck fills. This is a deck and book set that is meant for the serious Left Hand Path Practitioner, but has been created in line with traditional tarot principles and teachings. I have been reading tarot cards for 25 years, and at this level for the last 12, and through my studies I have had a deeper and thorough exposure to the tarot, and bluntly, as much as I know, I will also admit there is so much more to learn! Don’t take my word for it, though. Pick it up for yourself at midnight, Tuesday, October 29, and check it out!
I welcome you to sign up right now to receive your 3 FREE tarot cards — The Fool, The Magician & The Emperor — and also your eBook preview of my grimoire. Asenath and I will see you October 29.
Talk again soon,
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