Subject: Shemyaza: Leader Of The Fallen Angels

Awakening Lucifer by Asenath Mason & Bill Duvendack available June 12th
Shemyaza: The Leader Of The Fallen Angels...
Infernal Spirit From Books Of Enoch & Leader Of The Watchers—Initiators Of Humanity
A first look inside Chapter Four of my upcoming grimoire...
Asenath Mason
Author of 7 books and numerous essays on esoteric, religious and mythological subjects, with a particular focus on the Left Hand Path and Luciferian Spirituality.
Hey Friend,
Today I would like to give you a glimpse into chapter 4 of Awakening Lucifer: the chapter dedicated to Shemyaza. This mythological character is known in the Christian lore as the leader of the fallen angels, or the angels that descended to earth to live among mortal people. His mythology is similar to that of Lucifer in many ways, and the most important to us is his role of the leader of angels, his passage of gnosis to humanity, and his connection to sexual aspects of the Luciferian current. We will take a brief look at these concepts here, and more information is provided in the book itself.
As a Luciferian archetype, Shemyaza is a very interesting character. Known from the Books of Enoch, he is the leader of angels known as the Watchers and one of the first initiators of mankind. In the Bible we only find a few short lines about the fall of the angels, and these just say that when men began to multiply on earth, and daughters were born unto them, the sons of God saw that they were beautiful and left heaven to take wives among mortal women. With their human wives they conceived monstrous offspring, known as the Nephilim, a race of half-human half-divine beings that was later destroyed in the Flood.
The Books of Enoch elaborate on the story in more detail, naming the leaders of the fallen angels, among them Shemyaza and Azazel, and saying that with their descent, the angels brought to earth the knowledge of things divine: arts and crafts, the art of divination, knowledge of weapons and war, and all magic and spiritual sciences. This knowledge made the human race advance in a fast way, and soon God became so terrified with what was happening on the earth that he sent the Flood to destroy mankind. As we know, it didn’t happen, but that tells us about the power and importance of gnosis that Shemyaza and the other Watchers passed down to man, thus initiating the evolution of the human race.
Shemyaza Means "He Who Sees The Name"...
What Secret Knowledge Does He Possess?
What are the main Luciferian features in the legend of Shemyaza and why can he be considered a Luciferian archetype? First of all, this is the question of knowledge and learning. The name “Shemyaza” means “He who sees the name,” which implies that he is in possession of some secret knowledge. According to many interpretations, this knowledge is the secret, ineffable name of God. There is a lot of meaning in that and the four-fold name of God in the Qabalah is a complex magical formula in itself. Some might even say that it contains all the secrets of the universe, as well as the power of creation and destruction. The fact that Shemyaza knows all these secrets makes him a powerful and attractive model of initiation and self-deification, just like Lucifer, who was God’s favorite angel and had access to the same secrets of power. This concept of learning and striving to become something better, being equal to God, is found in all Luciferian myths.
Another similar concept in the legends of Shemyaza and Lucifer is fire as a symbol. We have already discussed that while talking about Prometheus, and we know that fire generally stands for creation, passion, and a driving force on the path. It is Kundalini, the Serpent Force, which burns in every human being as a spark of godhood, our inner potential of transformation and evolution. Like Lucifer, Shemyaza was originally one of the Seraphim, the angels known as “the burning ones.” Apart from being creatures of fire, the Seraphim were also described as winged serpents or dragons, which implies that we are dealing here with the metaphor for the Fire Snake. One of the key concepts in the gnosis of Shemyaza is the evolution and elevation of man, and in terms of Luciferian magic, this is symbolic of the Ascending Flame, the inner potential of man that is awakened by raising the Serpent Force and making it a tool of ascent. This is another characteristic feature of the Luciferian current.
Lust As The Force Of Transcendence!
However, the most significant aspect of Shemyaza as a Luciferian archetype is lust and desire as force of transcendence. According to the legend from the Books of Enoch, Shemyaza descends to earth because he falls in love with Lilith. The whole legend is therefore a story of love, passion, and erotic initiation, presenting the power of lust as a force that can drive one either to ascent or to damnation. The descent of the angels is beneficial for mankind, because it gives rise to all crafts and arts, but the angels themselves are punished and the gates of heaven become locked for them, just like the gates to the Garden of Eden after the exile of Adam and Eve after they tasted the forbidden fruit. In a lot of interpretations, the forbidden fruit in the Bible is sexual act, and here we have the same motif - lust as the origin of all transgression. This tells us that lust is power, but there is a price to pay, and it has to be handled with responsibility. As a Luciferian archetype, Shemyaza shows the sensual and lustful side of Lucifer, eros as a force of transgression and personal evolution, but at the same time there is a focus on the dark side of the archetype, and that is creation of monsters. After all, it was the fornication with the daughters of men that created the Nephilim. This ability to create half-breed monsters is a specific magical formula, but that is a subject for another discussion.
In the book itself you will find much more information on this interesting archetype. You will also find his sigil and rituals showing how to connect with him and how to use his Luciferian features in a practical way, so watch out for this release at midnight on Monday evening, June 12th!
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My work with the Qliphoth began over 15 years ago, when I was introduced to the subject through the writings of Kenneth Grant, Aleister Crowley, and other magicians who peered into the dark side of the Tree of Life and shared the results of their work through their publications.
The idea of a shadow realm existing behind the veil of the world as we know it has always fascinated me, and after studying many magical systems and traditions, I found that the Tree of Qliphoth was truly the path I sought – the path offering individual power instead of submission to any higher forces, leading to concrete and tangible results in a relatively short time, advocating freedom, individuality, and self-awareness.
I penned a grimoire Qliphothic Meditations and it harnesses the forces of these Dark Gods & Goddesses:
Lilith: The Queen of the Night - Ch. 6
Gamaliel: The Obscene One - Ch. 7
Samael: The Poison of God - Ch. 8
A’Arab Zaraq: The Raven of Dispersion - Ch. 9
Thagairion: The Disputer - Ch. 10
Golachab: The Burning One - Ch. 11
Gha’agsheblah: The Smiter - Ch. 12
Daath: The Abyss - Ch. 13
Satariel: The Concealer - Ch. 14
Ghagiel: The Hinderer - Ch. 15
Thaumiel: The Twin God - Ch. 16
In Qliphothic Meditations, I personally arrange intimate encounters with the numerous male and female Devils whom haunt the 11 Qliphothic Realms native to the Tree of Death. I have created immersive, full-page illustrations of these beautiful and terrifying kingdoms based on my own astral visions, dreams, and meetings with the Dark Gods.
I welcome you to discover the Nightside with me.
Darkest Blessings,
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