Subject: [Order Now] "The Oracle Of Qayin" Tarot Deck By S. Ben Qayin

Interfacing With The Construct Of The Consensual Reality Matrix; Utilizing The Technology Of Predestination And Free Will Within The Sorcerer’s Personal Reality Grid
Perform dark divination with the Oracle of Qayin. A complete deck inspired by the hidden symbology of the Left Hand Path. Created for those who walk in the shadows.
Only 250 decks signed and consecrated by SBQ!
S. Ben Qayin
I authored three grimoires, and believe that Magic is a scientific system that we can harness to manipulate reality. I offer many services to harness this power.
Hey Friend,
I have created, signed, and consecrated 250 artisan tarot decks inspired by the hidden symbology of the Left Hand Path.
It features:
• 22 major arcana cards
• 56 minor arcana cards
• My keenest insights for dark divination
• Gateways to its astral figures & spheres
Only those who have walked in the shadows can truly appreciate the subtle emotion and depth each card reveals to the sorcerer. Every card carefully depicts fully immersive occult scenes, with figures, landscapes and hidden symbology. This feature, combined with Case Watson’s keen artistic manipulation, captures the dark current that flows within these cards, and makes this a tarot deck that will be called upon for many moons to come.
The Magical Technology Behind Tarot...
When one thinks of the tarot, they generally immediately begin to think of the Major and Minor Arcana, the different suits and their meanings. However, one normally does not consider ‘how’ the cards work, they simply believe, ‘they just do’. In my opinion this is truly sad. As I have said, “Magic is not ‘Magical’, it does not ‘just happen’, nor is it ‘miraculous’. Magic is a scientific system based on a process that we have yet to fully understand scientifically”, this fully applies to the tarot and the underlying system it operates on. Here I will attempt to briefly explain this.
There is a technology that exists behind…reality. A system that has been put into place that has guidelines and rules. Many believe in ‘Free Will’, the philosophy that states we as individuals choose our paths through life, that no outside force governs that choice. However, science/magic is gradually proving this philosophy to be false, instead leaning towards the concept of ‘Predestination’. There are many examples of the (sometimes unnerving) philosophy that we are on a predetermined path. Though the Akashic Records are said to contain a history of everything that has and ever will occur. How could this be if we are in control of our destinies ? If one were to view this story of the earth and humanity as a novel, then the book has already been written long ago, and now sits upon the proverbial bookshelf gaining dust, presumably resting alongside other ‘novels’. In 2012 meta-analysis of experiments from seven independent laboratories over the last 35 years, found that the human body,
“...can apparently detect randomly delivered stimuli occurring 1-10 seconds in the future” (Mossbridge, Tressoldi & Utts, 2012).
How is this possible, if the future does not exist, only the moment of ‘now’ ? How have great prophets such as Nostradamus been able to see hundreds of years into the future to predict events so accurately, there leaves little doubt of his abilities ?
“There is a technology that exists behind…reality.”
Though both cases hold weight, I have always felt they were independently incomplete. The tarot itself holds the belief that the cards are not set in stone, that they read the situation as it is, and the ‘most likely future’ as it is seen at the time of the reading. This eludes to the train if thought, that the future can be changed to some degree, and that there are ‘multiple paths’ at hand and that one’s choices do matter to some degree. So, by default, the tarot embraces Free Will, and Predestination. How is this possible ? Well, it is my belief that there are a set number of possible paths each of us have. It is as if we journey along through life on a bar of music.
Sometimes we make choices that bring us ‘up’, and sometimes we make choices that bring us ‘down’, as a melody we travel on. The ‘highs’ are positive experiences, life is good and joyful. And, the ‘lows’ are hard, often exposing one to negative life experiences. However, there are only a certain number of paths as we see above in the example. And, sometimes regardless of the path, all converge upon a point called a ‘fixed point’. This is an event or situation in one’s life that must occur, it is predestined and must be experienced. So, with this model, it allows for free will to exist within a predetermined construct.
“It is as if we journey along through life on a bar of music”
But how do the cards work ? Well, reality is very interesting. We essentially create our own reality within the construct of the Consensual Reality Matrix. This is a very complicated subject, and I won’t go into it here, as it would be a lengthy paper on its own. However, because we assign value/meaning/importance to cards and positions, we empower them to become important in our reality. This may be a difficult concept to understand. Noting is trivial. Magic is everywhere…The same concept is used when one flips a coin to decide if they should go right or left at a fork in the road. They assign a value/meaning to each side, then it no longer is simply a coin, but an interface with reality itself. It forces reality and the predetermined construct to answer one’s queries, and help them look into possible futures and make decisions. Any object can be used for this, the cards themselves aren’t ‘magical’, the sorcerer is by assigning them importance in their reality and accessing the Construct of the Consensual Reality Matrix. If we want something to mean something, it does, and it is accepted into the system as such. It becomes an important factor now in consideration of the whole. There are so many abilities literally at one’s fingertips, they must only be able to see and understand how to access this technology. We are all sorcerers, we must only awaken to this.
I Formulated A High-Powered Tarot Deck Over The Years To Harness This Magical Technology... It Is Called The Oracle Of Qayin
The ability to understand how you have traveled on your path through life, what dangers or unforeseen opportunities lie in wait around the corner, and where your life path leads, is a power no magician should be without. To look into the future and behold what awaits one, is truly utilizing sorcery, and is exactly what magic entails. The tarot is accessed to assist the magician in divining for themselves, as well as for others, and many different card spreads exist and can be applied. Of course, the magician can also create their own personalized spread and powerful layout, customized to their individual tastes and needs.
Come experience the dark divination for yourself! We have created a batch of 250 decks, and I hand-signed and consecrated every one in ritual. You will find that my magical imprint on the obverse tarot card links you to the Current more strongly. Learn more RIGHT HERE:
Et Facti Deo,
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