Subject: "Satanic Panic" - Ex-Catholic Reveals The REAL Truth About Satan

New by Qliphothic astrologer, tarot reader, and author Bill Duvendack,
featured in the new 10-author grimoire SATAN: The Adversary
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Live to order Tuesday, December 29
Pioneer Western Demonologist, Bill Duvendack, Navigates You Through The TRUE History Of Satanism And How The Adversary Fits Into The Landscape Of Modern Demonology And Magick
Bill Duvendack
Qliphothic Tarot Readings »
Editor's Note: You can watch this newsletter narrated as a video on YouTube.
Greetings Friend,
Qliphothic astrologer and tarot reader, Bill Duvendack, here.
“So it really is Old Scratch knocking at the door.”
— The Prince of Darkness, a film by John Carpenter
Satan. What does that name mean to you? Outside of your ritual circle, how have you connected with Satan? Because we are all in this Western tradition that has been greatly influenced by Abrahamic faiths, all of us have been touched by this being in one way or another. Even if it has just been through Hollywood entertainment. We have all had Satanic experiences, at least in passing, and many of us have had more encounters than most. About the only thing we can agree on is that no two experiences have been the same.
Unlike the other essays in the final volume of the Nine Demonic Gatekeepers Series, I am going to write about Satan’s influence over the last fifty years, but will also give insight from the perspective of living through it. All of us have these unique memories, and it is by seeing what really happened vs what history has recorded, that we come to actually know Satan, and not just study him.
If you are looking for a definitive writing about Satan, this is not the piece to read. Rather, this is the piece to read if you want a front row seat to history. But, I do stay humble, and admit that there are people older than I that remember more details, and have written better things about him.
He is the adversary, and in that way is highly subjective. He represents our inner adversarial nature, the rebellion against self, but he also represents those things that are adversarial to us through life. It was all of this nature of his that rose to prominence in the 1960s EV in the USA, and spread out to influence the world from there. A key point most people don’t realize is that actual, legal, Satanism, began in the USA. Even though we have stories and characters having to do with Satan that go back for centuries before that, it was only through the Church or Satan that evolution occurred. Regardless of what they are now, or how you perceive them, they were the first. Of course, following them was the Temple of Set, and from there, as they say, the rest is history. This essay will be from my perspective, a citizen of the USA that came of age during this rise of Satan. Remember that it was such a profound movement and development that even Black Sabbath wrote the definitive phrase about him: “Satan laughing spreads his wings.” While they use it in context of the military-industrial complex, it is also true when it comes to simply his influence expanding planetary.
Outside of the context of occultism, what are your memories of Satan in your life? Have they aligned with what you have learned through society? I was born and raised Catholic, which included going to a Catholic elementary school, which occurred in the 1980s EV, the height of the Satanic Panic, and I can assure you it put quite a different spin on Satan and everything that was happening at that time. In my article, I discuss that in depth, as well as other things that were happening in society during that time, to give you a full picture of what it was like when his name was literally part of a social movement. But, don’t worry, this won’t be a dry article. In it, I also discuss the biggest platform for the devil, as most parents will tell you. That’s right, I discuss music. After all, what kind of discussion can you have about the devil if you don’t talk about his supposed music? Although I do think he is more of a smooth jazz fellow, but I digress.
December 29th brings the conclusion of the series, so watch for Satan: The Adversary, Compendium 9, coming out from Become a Living God, and join me in an exercise in reflection on Old Scratch, and he with so many names…
I welcome you to download your free chapter ebook from the Compendium, and I will see you in my grimoire, December 29.
BREAKING: World Renowned Astrologer Unlocks The Left Hand Path’s First Codex Of Qliphothic Astrology… Find Your TRUE Patron Demon With The New Occult Science Of Demonic Astrology By Bill Duvendack
Learn the "mother of all magick" — this 232-page codex & grimoire features bleeding edge knowledge of astrology that any black magician can harness to elevate their gnosis with the Demonic Kings & Queens further than ever — whether Qliphothic, Goetic, or new traditions:
  • Essential history of occult astrology from Mesopotamia & Ancient Greece to modern time
  • A 100% Left Hand Path guide to magick of the Planets, Signs, Houses, Aspects, Hours & more
  • New breakthrough codex of astrology behind the Demonic Kings & Queens of the Qliphoth
  • Highly advanced grimoire unlocking the demonic astrology behind the 22 Tunnels of Set
  • Step-by-step worksheets & tables to precisely formulate Demonic Birth Charts for anyone
  • Clairvoyantly received sigils, portraits & gnosis from spirit orders who gatekeep the Tunnels
Elevate your gnosis further than ever with the first complete “master codex” of astrological correspondences behind the Demonic Kings & Queens of the Qliphoth & Tunnels of Set. My grimoire will guide you on a Tunnel by Tunnel journey through all 22 Tunnels of Set to unlock their unique magick, harness power of their spirits, and tap into as much gnosis as possible.
My magick partner Asenath Mason and I embarked on a ritual pathworking through the Tunnels of Set in the summer of 2017. I faithfully recorded my in-depth experiences in a journal whereby I provide my exact encounters with the native spirit-orders who dwell in these tunnels. In addition, Asenath carefully illustrated key sigils that she channeled during ritual. These completely original, new sigils will give you the keys to unlocking the numerous gates at the entrances of the tunnels.
As you approach this book, I would like to leave you with a few words of wisdom. If you are a serious magician, then you will come to a point in your journey where it feels time to innovate your own magickal system — above and beyond any magick you learn in my astrology codex or any other grimoire.
I say to that, “Excellent, do it!”
When you formulate your demonic birth chart and pathwork the Qliphoth, you will experience magick uniquely and encounter spirits privately. They will affect your life in a manner relate to you, and you alone. These unique experiences open the door to your new, personal system.
Order your copy of Qliphothic Astrology in leather edition and receive a 30-minute Qliphothic astrology reading with me on a video or telephone discussion to GUARANTEE that you maximize your comprehension of this new breakthrough science. Take advantage of my "ask me anything" ethos. Furthermore, order right now and SAVE BIG. If you act today, you will immediately get 48% off for a limited time only.
Talk again soon,
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