Subject: SATANIC ASCENT — Uniting Your Beasthood & Godhood Together

New 21,000-word grimoire by rising sorcerer, Conner Kendall,
featured in the new 10-author grimoire — SATAN: The Adversary
E.A. Koetting    Edgar Kerval    Bill Duvendack
Orlee Stewart    Rose Crowley    J.S. & Barbie Garrett
Conner Kendall    Zeraphina Angelus    Vaetorious
Live to order Tuesday, December 29
Opening The 9th & Final Gate To Outer Darkness Along The Path Of Abomination With The 9th & Final Gatekeeper — Satan Summons And Unites Your Inner Beasthood & Godhood Together
Conner Kendall
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TUES DEC 29  SATAN: The Adversary, Compendium 9, becomes live to order in less than two weeks. This group grimoire features top demonologists worldwide: E.A. Koetting, Edgar Kerval, Bill Duvendack, Orlee Stewart, Conner Kendall (me), and many more.
Hello Friend,
I am sorcerer and author, Conner Kendall.
The Ninth Gate to me can only be described as the Path of Abomination, because that is what I had to become in order to go further than ever before. Contained herein is the harsh and raw truth of my difficult journey with Satan, the fact that I resisted him and the dire consequences that has and how this affected my life.
Ritual #1 — The Great Dark Rite Of Outer Darkness
I was going to walk away from it all, I was going to just end this pathworking at the eight gate, yet Satan would not allow me. Included in this contribution is not only my story and journey through the path of the Ninth Gatekeeper, but an array of rituals too. The first ritual is called The Great Dark Rite of Outer Darkness. In this ritual, you'll construct the altar of The Nine, opening its vortex and pulling all the powers within these nine separate gates into the self.
As the powers course and converge within the self, you'll experience empowerment unparalleled in demonic magick. Infuse the black light of the Qliphoth and the darkness of the hell realms into the various levels of oneself. This one right acts not only as an empowerment, but also a rite of psychic immersion to commune with all Nine simultaneously, and acts as a exercise to fully immerse you deeper into this system than you ever thought possible.
Becoming Evil — Uniting Beasthood And Godhood
Included here is an array of documented evocations and lucid dreams, wherein there is communication between Satan and myself, regarding topics such as infernal gnosis, hidden Qliphothic connections, the number of the Beast and the Black Sun, just to name a few. In this path, I was told to embrace the darker side of my nature, why this is very critical in a black magician's growth and the truth about what some would call "evil." Uncover the hidden meaning of the number of the Beast, to achieve the union of the Beast and Dark Godhood.
Satan's Song Of The Infernal Empire
Invocations, rituals, incantations, a powerful satanic litany, the serpentine possession formula, the chaotic elixir — as you can see, there are many magickal arts given and taught to be by the dark ophidian known as Satan. Also included in this array of magickal methods and techniques is something that Satan himself refers to as The Song of the Infernal Empire. Recite and state this potent demonic incantation to summon all the power of the Infernal Empire, collectively.
Can you imagine the limitless possibilities, the entire conjoined power of the entire Infernal Empire? Can you imagine wielding such a power? Use this infernal song for all rites, spells and exercises related to the infernal, dark, and demonic to supercharge and empower all that magick.
From The Body Of Darkness To
The Body Of A Living God & Goddess
Learn how to fall deeper into the anatomy of your Body of Darkness, to take that to a whole new level. Wherein, your whole spiritual anatomy changes from a Body of Darkness to a Body of a Living God or Goddess of spiritual darkness. Assume your ultimate dark godform to impose your true potential, power and will over your entire reality and beyond. Moving beyond the channeled magickal instructions, beyond the gnosis, beyond the experiences, beyond the exercises and applicable powerful sorcerous methods. At the very end of this journey, I perform what I could only describe as The Final Grand Rite, wherein I evoke all the Nine Demonic Gatekeepers, at a stone circle site of ancient Celtic human sacrifice. This rite involves evocation, invocation, and envocation (reverse possession) and various other methods — to literally merge with the Nine and evoke the Father of Darkness himself to become him.
Yeah that's right — become the ultimate Adversary, the Prince, the Lord and Father of Ancient Darkness, and become the assumption of when beasthood meets godhood. This is surely a Path of Abomination, a Path of Evolution, becoming and dark ascent, becoming who you are meant to be.
Tuesday December 29 — SATAN: The Adversary
Download Your Free Ebook Right Now
SATAN: The Adversary, Compendium 9 becomes live to order Tuesday, December 29. Download a free ebook chapter right now, and I will see you Tuesday along with E.A. Koetting, Edgar Kerval, Bill Duvendack, Orlee Stewart, and more top demonologists.
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