Subject: Rise On The Path Of "The Shining Ones"

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Rise On The "Path Of The Shining Ones" And Clear The Channels For Ida And Pingala To Travel Unrestrained... The Secrets Of The Pharaos Will Illuminate The Power Eye

Hey Friend,

In my last newsletter, I laid the foundation for an approach to Opening your 3rd Eye that finally counteracts the lies that have until now been accepted as true.

So far, we’ve explored the ancient roots of the 3rd Eye and have found references to it in nearly every founding culture and tradition.  However, it wasn’t thought in these systems to merely be an eye that sees, but that it is the Eye of Power, capable of making the physical world bend to your will, granting the individual control over every stream of supernatural power.

But, what if you don’t want to annihilate everything in existence?  What if ambitions are fixed on more productive uses of your energy?

The story of Shiva’s role in the turning of the Wheel  of Dharma provides us with two prime inspirations, which, interestingly enough, initially appear to be opposite of each other, one denoting a sure supernatural power over this world to the most extreme extents, while the other draws towards a mystical transcendence of this world.  With only a little bit of examination, though, it is obvious that these two principles are in fact one in the same.

1. The Power Of The Ajna Chakra...The power of the Ajna Chakra is being illustrated, as both an invitation and an admonition.  Those who are ready to step up to the challenge to Become Living Gods recognize that if this force can be used to instantaneously ignite all-that-is so that it is consumed and all that is left behind is Vibhuti, or Sacred Ash, then surely this same force can be tempered and filtered through the lens of Intention and directed by the focus of the Will so that with it, the individual can literally accomplish anything whatsoever.   Those who insist that such power must never be tampered with, lest the wrath that only Shiva can hold back is unleashed upon us all – these are men made of dust and shackled by attachment.

2. The Second Teaching... The second teaching is more esoteric, hidden, but quite obvious.  The utter destruction of all things in this universal mythology is only allowing for a new, more perfect permutation of existence to rise from the Sacred Ash of the universe.   This myth has many counterparts throughout the world and throughout history, every culture embedding these teachings into their canon doctrines.   In most of these, a single moment after all of existence is  destroyed it is recreated, or resurrected, or reincarnated.  And, in most of these mythologies, that which is created is an improvement upon that which was destroyed.  The most insightful spiritual systems look beyond linear timeframes, so rather than proposing that everything was once created and everything will at some point be destroyed, and that is that, older and wiser cultures recognize the cyclical nature in everything around them.  Things are created, and then things die, and from the ashes or from the corpses or from the detritus, new life springs, and that new life carries the potentiality for limitless evolution.  Something to keep in mind at all times, though, is that every myth is meant for humans.  They are meant for our benefit.  They are meant for our understanding.  They are models to be followed, or to be avoided, or simply to be aware of.  The characters in these myths, then, are gods and heros and archfiends, yet at the same time every character is you, and me, and anyone else who is paying attention.  These myths were created for us, because we are the Gods who must meet their twilight at the end of time.  The catch is this, though: it’s already happened.  And it’s going to happen again.  The End Is Near, because the destruction of everything as we perceive it takes place as each moment passes and a new moment and new experience and new permutation of the self is formed.  Collapse the kalpas down from 4.2 billion years down to 4.2 beats per second, and then hold that micro-kalpa for just long enough to be filled with Shakti, the Power Itself whose ecstasy is manifest as a deep and ever-sinking Rapture, and you will find that all of creation is annihilated, melted, dissolved into meaninglessness, and all that remains is the void, in which the Gods may assemble and commune.  Only within this black nothingness, this Crossroads wherein neither this world nor the worlds beyond exist, can anything be truly created.  Only here are we freed from the mayas that we have previously created at an integral enough level to allow us to formulate a new and better maya.  And only here, where all things have been destroyed, can our imaginings seed a whole new universe, improved, evolved, transmuted.  This myth is pointing at the fact that the destruction is not a destruction of the world around us, but an absolute annihilation of the worlds within us, for we are the creators of what we observe,  yet we are imprisoned by it.  Once the Ineffable Names vibrate from your core and shake the foundations of existence into dust, all that is capable of existing from that point forward is that which you create.  It doesn’t matter at all what you decide to change or improve upon, or if you choose to change anything at all.  Even if you put the world back together with every grain of sand in its previous place, all that is important is that YOU have created it from Nothing, and therefore have become the Master of Creation and Destruction. 

Being omnipresent, all that exists exists within you.  Change your observation, and that which you observe will change.  Do this with a few items or situations or relationships, and you’ll find that miracles flow forth into this world from you, as its center.  All of it – EVERYTHING that you can observe – is and has all along been an illusion, a spell that you’ve cast on your own self.  And, if you’ve followed your path far enough to realize that, then you’re also the type of person who will see no option other than breaking the spell.  Knowing that it is a useful spell (the Ultimately and Critically Useful Spell!), you will want to cast another one similar to it, but perhaps better, more advantageous, but in any case under your command and control as your creation.

This all sounds fine and dandy in theory, but what about in practice?  We could spend kalpas talking about these mystical concepts of personal de-existentialism.  But, we’re not mystics or philosophers; we are Magicians.  We assert ourselves as Gods over our worlds.

So did those who designed this myth, for your benefit and for mine.  They asserted themselves as the Avatars of their own Supersouls, incarnated in human form to come here and to change things!  And so did the Pharaohs as the whole of their focus and their force was narrowed and funneled through the Wadjet Eye, the Eye of Horus, the Power-Eye, which “has been laid like paint upon your face,” and which “lead you unto the Gods… to establish you amongst them.”

The Eye here as well is that which catalyzes the transfiguration of the mortals and establishes them as Living Gods.  Once possessed in full, the Eye is capable of causing any stone to move, any mountain to crumble, any sea to shrink back from the shore upon which stands the Living God.  It grants immortality beyond death to one who bears the Eye, as well as the converse of the Gods, and the favor of every spiritual and natural element, for all things indeed know the countenance of their Creator.

So certain were the Pharaohs that the activation of the Eye of Wadjet was the opening to the “Path of the Shining Ones” that instructions were given in precise detail concerning the method of opening this Eye of Power on several of the walls of the Great Pyramid.  Using these methods as prescribed would open the inner pathways of godhood for the Pharaoh, giving him access to supernatural and godlike abilities.  Interestingly, nearly identical methods have been preserved and passed on through many yogic and tantric paths, as well as the Vamachara and Kaulachara disciplines.

These instructions, of course, assume that the Initiate is already quite proficient or even adept at accessing the chakras in the ordinary sense, enabling the Seeker to clear the path for the Ida and Pingala kundalini pathways to rise unrestrained.  A good deal of experience in pranayama is also assumed, and some gurus will not teach these advanced methods of Third Eye Activation to anyone who has not experienced Samadhi

I do agree that some firm familiarity with Chakras, kundalini, and your various Soul bodies is going to be required to fully open your 3rd Eye of Power.  Luckily, all of these once-secret teachings and so much more has already been prepared for you in my "Mastering Soul Travel: Omnipresence" training course. You can have all of the knowledge, powers, and abilities of the greatest Masters.  Not only will you finally have access to teachings and techniques that until now has been reserved for Pharaohs and Mahatmas, but you’ll be able to study and practice these methods whenever and wherever you want!  You’re reading this newsletter because you want to gain access to your full spiritual and magickal potential, but you just don’t have the knowledge or skills that you need to make any real progress, or if you’re looking for your next giant leap in Ascent, click this button:

Inherit The Privileged Secrets Of The Mystics

And, finally, in the next and final installment in this special newsletter triad, I’m going to reveal the final formula of the full opening, and empowering of the 3rd Eye,  and I’m going to tell you, step-by-step, how you can use it to awaken your greatest Godlike Powers!

Let Me Introduce You To Rising Author And Black Magician—TIMOTHY... We Release His New Treatise "Black Magick: The Left Hand Path" In Early 2015.

TIMOTHY illuminates the philosophy of the Left Hand Path in such a unique and unforgiving way—it clarifies the mysteries of black magick impressively. Look for it in early 2015 alongside my film-course on the same subject. It will smash paradigms. Follow his Facebook page to meet him, right here.

I'll talk to you again soon...

You friend,

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