Subject: The Secrets Of The Power Eye

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Learn The Astral Secrets Of The Power Eye—The Ajna Chakra, The Vortex Of Command—And The Truth About The 3rd Eye Lenses

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The final frontier of magick comprises soul travel. The ability to transcend physicality and access the astral plane, mental plane, soul plane, and more constitutes the capstone on the pyramid of Ascent in black magick. If you struggle to escape the confines of your physical body, or find it difficult to exit the prison of the physical world, I recommend you investigate Mastering Soul Travel, because it stands as the FIRST truly comprehensive education on the subject.

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Hey Friend,

A few years ago, I was in Salt Lake City preparing for a major group ritual, when a friend suggested that when you are learning any new system, learning as much as you can about the language of that system will always be key to any real understanding of its deeper virtues.

Specifically, the ancient languages of the desert sorcerers, encompassing all of the Semitic languages, possess unique powers of telepathic delivery of ideas to the conscious mind.  Studying not only the concepts that the words describe but also making a study of the words and alphabets themselves cultivates a substantial link between your consciousness and the minds of the ancients who natively practiced that system.

Learning the original words for the chakras, for example, can lead you to enormous realizations of the various aspects of your Infinite Self.

An example of this is the whole concept of the 3rd Eye.   By referring to this as such, we are very limited in understanding the true nature of this most powerful spiritual mechanism.

The term “3rd Eye” is deceptive, as the eye is a purely receptive organ, aside from minute pupil and iris changes that might register subconsciously to a casual observer.

The original word for this Spiritual Power Eye in the Vedas is “Ajna Chakra.”  The word “Chakra” does not simply mean “wheel,” but literally means “turning,” or “spinning.” The indication is that each chakra is indeed a vortex of power.   One more step in the direction of clarity is t hat these vortexes are not receiving energy from the universe around them, but instead the chakras are emanating the force of creation at all times, building the world around us as we walk through it.

The word “Ajna” is translated as “Command,” or “Summon.”  These are not describing any sort of passive receiver of impressions.  The very word “Ajna” rings with tones of sorcery and supernatural power.

The meaning of Ajna Chakra is “The Vortex of Command.”  Every magickal operation is empowered by creating a Vortex of Command within the Circle, whether through circumambulation, dancing, watchtower-calling, energy-weaving, incantation, mantra, and the millions of other types of energy-raising practices magicians will utilize.  Yet, the true Vortex of Command is already literally right before your eyes.

It is often assumed that it is called a “3rd Eye” because it is seated in the middle of the head, centered above the other two eyes.  This is a reasonable explanation, but could use a bit of depth.

All of the images of the symbolic 3rd Eye include three parts – the most common being the circle of the eye itself, with two lotus petals on either side of it, one for the sun and one for the moon.  The Eye, then is the product of the fusion of the solar and lunar forces, giving form to all things here in physical existence.

The Ajna Chakra is fed directly through the two paths, Ida and Pingala, which distributes energy throughout the spiritual and physical system.  Again, the elements of the Sun, the Moon, and Earth are all represented.

The Astral Anatomy Of The Ajna Chakra

In astral-anatomy, there are three manifestations of the Ajna Chakra.

1.One of these is the classical 3rd eye, opened like a Cyclops eye. 

2.Then, behind that Eye, at the base of the skull, a stream of energy runs to another spot, the Ze’al chakra, which connects to the Ajna Chakra, the Vishuddah Chakra, and the Sahasrara Chakra, and grounds these higher chakras.   When the 3rd Eye is activated, though, the Ze’al no longer grounds the power of the Ajna, but instead it opens the flood gates, and keeps the flow of energy escalating.

3.The 3rd lens of the 3rd Eye is the one that very few people know about, because very few people have ever opened it.  Those few who have either aren’t able to find words to describe it, or they are concealing its location and attributes, due to the incredible power that will be available to anyone who learns how to gain full access to it.  I’ve found the secret of the 3rd lens of the 3rd eye, and I’ll tell you where it is, what it is, and how you can open it.  Before that information would be useful to you, though, the experiences of the opening of the other 2 lenses need to be understood.  And then I’ll tell you everything that you want to know!

When your Ajna Chakra starts to “power up”, this often feels like a slight yet growing pressure developing in the forehead.  This pressure is not at all like a headache, or any other medical condition, but instead feels like a golf ball is solidifying just behind the skin, bulging and throbbing, trying to push its way into this world.

In my experience, one of the best tactical ways to awaken the astral percetion of the third eye is the praxis of divination, i.e. scrying, tarot, tea leaf reading, etc. In fact, my favorite technique for ecstatic divination is fire gazing. To access educational material which introduces you to magick techniques of divination, go right here:

Techniques To Awaken Your 3rd Eye »

When The 3rd Eye Starts Opening, Here Is What You Feel

When this 3rd Eye starts actually opening, the first sensation will usually be the feeling of waves of energy rushing up through the entire body and culminating in the 3rd Eye.  Honestly, most people don’t make it this far in their chakra exercises.  Most aspirants will chase the chakras up to the 3rd Eye, yet the intensity and unfamiliarity of the sensations experienced while it is opening makes them feel like something is wrong, like they’ve somehow messed up their visualizations or mantras, or maybe that their karma is off balance.  What you are experiencing at this stage is a solid and undeniable merger between the worlds of power and energy, and this world of matter.  Rather than the worlds colliding through astral gates, though, they are instead converging within you, and specifically within your Ajna Chakra.

Again, let me point out that this breakthrough is so real and so profound that most people who experience it flee from it.  Do not flee.  Sit with it.  Not only should you continue doing what you are doing, but amplify it.  Your job here is not to push harder, because the 3rd Eye is doing all of the work at this point in the process.  Your job is to release any resistance that you might have towards your own Godhood.   Accept your place as the observer-creator and resident ruler of your world, and allow your own Endless Power free passage through the vessel of your body and mind. 

The waves, which are in actuality merely the sensation that accompanies the flow of the Ida and Pingala pathways from the Muladhara Chakra to the Ajna Chakra, will shorten and quicken, seeming no longer like waves, but instead seeming as one continuous, unending surge of omnipotent force streaming through your entire being.  And that surge will begin to pierce through the walls of this world, emitting an indigo pulse of power that will flow throughout all of creation.

As the stream of indigo light leaves your brow, a new sensation will build:  instead of a pressure pushing at the front of your forehead, you might now notice a vacuum pressure pulling at the back of your skull, where your skull and spine meet, in the region of the Ze’al Chakra.

Although this feels as if it is a vacuum pressure, it is actually a grounding point, tethering the might of the 3 Higher Chakras to the physical dimensions through the nexion of your body.  In the same way that a kite can only rise higher when it is firmly held by a person on the ground, the grounding force of the Zeal Chakra allows the Ajna Chakra to emit increasingly potent radiation into existence.

Again, it is imperative to your own development to NOT fight this stage of the process, nor to fight the feeling of it.  It might feel uncomfortable.  It might even seem unworldly.  It is.  This is the moment when your Godself emerges in its final transformation.  The cocoon is bound to experience some discomfort.

The few who do progress to this degree of the opening of the Ajna Chakra often will consider that they have reached the end goal, and once they have acclimated to the new sensations and the new Being State, they will end the meditation, return to normal consciousness, and return to daily life, certain that they finally  made it, yet still haunted by the unsettling feeling of incompleteness, a feeling like something is just missing.

It is true that once you’ve experienced the states described above, and if you continue to enter into and hold these states for even a few minutes every day, all of the powers commonly attributed to the 3rd Eye will sprout up within you.  These abilities are amazing:  sharpened critical thinking; near-photographic memory; clarity of thought and calmness of mind; pinpoint focus; intuitive senses which overlap into clairvoyance; empathic capabilities bordering on telepathy; causal awareness so keen as to seem like prophecy.  These are amazing, but they are nothing in the shadow of the real power of the Ajna Chakra.

Shiva silently sits in meditation for 4.2 billion years, 1 Kalpa, the Vedic lifespan of existence,  always unwaveringly rooted in these very same initial Ajna states.

In the very instant that Shakti, the feminine force signifying the purest and most complete Power, descends onto Shiva’s lap, and the union between Power and Form is consummated, his 3rd Eye finally opens, unleashing a stream of indigo flame from within, which ignites every electron in existence, all of creation incinerating in cataclysmic enlightenment before his unflinching Eye.  Every molecule and every galaxy are devoured by his gaze.

This Is The True Potential Of The FULL ACTIVATION Of The Power-Eye...

This is the true potential of the full activation of the Ajna Chakra, the Power-Eye.

The practical side of this myth is indeed the opening of the 3 Lenses of the 3rd Eye.

The 1st Lens, being the commonly-known Ajna Chakra and “Psychic Eye” in the center of the forehead begins to open as soon as you bring your attention to it.  Observing the Ajna center with as much calmness as you can manage will result in a slight pressure building in your brow.  This will build into a pressure that you can feel, that your mind and body won’t be able to dismiss as mere imagination. 

As that power-pressure peaks to a plateau, the 2nd Lens opens, the Ze’al chakra, at the base of the skull, grounding and tethering the ethereal discharge to the physical body.  Rather than creating a simple feedback loop of the astral currents, though, the 3rd Eye’s transmissions will increase and will solidify.  Throwing yourself into the ecstasy of the experience will ensure the continued unfolding of this process, and will also increase your energetic output immeasurably as each second passes.

The only questions that remain are: What is the 3rd Lens of the 3rd Eye?  Where is it located?  What does it do?  And, How do I open it?

I promised that I would tell you everything that you want to know about this.  I promised that I would reveal ALL of the secrets of the 3rd Eye to you.  And I will.

The final secret to opening the 3rd Eye is more than I can cram into a couple of closing sentences for this newsletter.  In fact, I’ve already written 3x the amount of words that a newsletter should have.

But this information is just too important.  The real power of the full awakening of the 3rd Eye is as essential for us to take control of the world around us as it was for the ancient pharaohs.  All that has changed is that finally, for the first time in history, this information is available for all of us to learn, to Master, and to use as we see fit!

The 3rd and Final Secret of the Opening of the 3rd Eye will revealed in my next newsletter.  Keep an eye on your inbox, because my next email will be filled with golden knowledge.

  • Where your 3rd Eye’s Lens is located
  • What is it, and what will happen when you finally learn to open it
  • Why you’ve been lied to about your 3rd Eye
  • How to open your 3rd Eye, and How to push Unlimited Power through it!

My next newsletter is also going to include:

  • Revelations about the End of Days
  • How YOU and I are bringing about the Apocalypse
  • Why it is necessary to destroy everything in order to realize your godhood
  • Proven methods of using your opened 3rd Eye to open an acausal gateway that you’ll be able to see in front of you!
  • How all of this is ESSENTIAL to your ability to exist after your body dies

I'll talk to you again soon...

You friend,


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Disclaimer: personal success depends on your work ethic, so results will vary. Consider all information adult entertainment, and not professional or medical advice. Mainstream science does not accept magick as real. Use this information at your own risk. If you experience any problems, contact a licensed doctor. Become A Living God is not responsible for consequences of your actions. You must be 18 or older to enter.

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