Subject: Receive The SWORD Of Azazel On The Super Blood Wolf Moon Eclipse

Rise King And Take Your Sword... Rise Queen And Wear Your Crown... Become An Apprentice Of Demonic Gatekeeper Azazel To Undergo The Highest Initiation And Receive His Sword Of Darkness
E.A. Koetting & J.S. Garrett Will Perform A Double-Certified Blood Pact With Azazel On The Super Blood Wolf Moon Eclipse Of January 21… They Are Looking For 33 Magicians To Fulfill His Mission
Get $3,000 off to save 85% right now
E.A. Koetting
Hello Friend,
The Sword of Azazel is the highest initiation possible in the Azazelian current. As a courtesy, he allows you to become his ally. As the Scapegoat, Azazel knows how powerful you can become through transgression and sin.
“Metaphysics calls it the Astral Body of Light, but there is a Body of Darkness. And my Sword is now in your Left Hand of Darkness.” — Azazel, p.54
The Nine Demonic Gatekeepers are preparing humanity for an unprecedented shift in human evolution, and it requires The Sword of Azazel as a Weapon of Darkness in this cosmic war against human devolution and enslavement. Humanity stands at a fork in the road as an evolutionary bifurcation occurs: the so-called "junk DNA" of humans awaken as black magicians ignite their Godhood while muggles remain left behind.
You too can undergo this supreme initiation and become a Weapon of Azazel. Rise and take your Sword. Rise and wear your crown. On the Super Blood Wolf Moon Eclipse of January 21, a group of 33 sorcerers will fulfill Azazel’s ancient mission.
Stargazers, astronomers, and magicians will be treated fourfold to a Full Moon, Wolf Moon, Super Moon and a full Lunar Eclipse on January 21. This rare lunar spectacle combines to give the night sky a red hue.
  1. Super Moon - The Lunar Goddess enters her closest point of orbit with Earth whereby demonic magick becomes most powerful
  2. Lunar Eclipse - The Lunar Goddess fully aligns herself behind Earth
  3. Blood Moon - This eclipse illuminates the Goddess in blood red
  4. Wolf Moon - Ancient priests identified seasons through lunar cycles and saw wolves howling at this blood red moon as an omen
Here's How This Works
1. Click the button below to place an order for The Sword of Azazel. Our normal rates for three custom rituals combined ranges as high as $3,499, but you can place an order for The Sword of Azazel rite for only 499 right now in either one convenient payment or two equal monthly payments of 249.50. You literally get $3,000 off to save 85% this month only.
2. J.S. Garrett and I perform the ritual The Sword of Azazel under synergy of the Super Blood Wolf Moon Eclipse on January 21.
3. You receive the full ritual video, a complete breakdown of the experience, and a magick formula for you to harness the magick power of Azazel & Ant'harratu by yourself too.
You can only place an order for this now. This ritual expires forever on January 21.
Azazel Teaches The Secrets Of EARTHLY POWER... He Teaches The Forbidden Arts Of Sorcery, Warfare & Glamor... Here's What To Expect With This Rite
We have already dedicated weeks arranging our ritual areas and will return there on the day of our rituals. The Sword of Azazel is Azazel’s pact with you. Some of the things that he promises to deliver are:
  • Magick Mentorship - Become an Apprentice of Azazel & Ant'harratu to receive their priceless counsel, magick procedures, and experiences
  • Dreamwalking - Azazel & Ant'harratu forcibly manifest in your dreams, or use your dream state to summon you to their throne rooms to counsel your magick ascent.
  • Astral Journeys - Azazel & Ant'harratu help you to astral project, and take you on extensive tours of rare and obscure areas of The Infernal Empire.
  • Physical Possession - At your welcome, Azazel & Ant'harratu possess you psychically, corporally, and energetically. They can also possess others at your command!
  • Sexual & Glamor Powers - Azazel & Ant'harratu can teach you how to seduce others, how to cast powerful sexual attraction spells, and how to use sexual energy for spellcasting
  • Magnified Spellcasting - Azazel & Ant'harratu multiply the power of your spells and rites and increases results.
  • Domination - Azazel & Ant'harratu can clear your path of all obstacles, spiritual or mundane, and can destroy those who stand in your way
  • Spiritual Autonomy - Azazel & Ant'harratu teaches you how to become a spiritually autonomous being, a law unto yourself!
What Azazel & Ant'harratu Expect From YOU
  1. Weapon of Darkness - Receive the Sword of Azazel and become his Sword. This is done in the ritual that he has instructed me to perform in your behalf.
  2. Azazelian Gnosis - Watch the ritual video that I’ll send you after the ritual is complete, and follow the instructions that I will provide for your part of the ritual to call Azazel & Ant'harratu into your life.
  3. Seek after Azazel - “Seek after Azazel” means that you’ll need to study the Compendium of Azazel, perform the meditations, rituals, and magickal practices to the best of your ability, essentially becoming Azazel’s personal apprentice!
As you keep your end of The Sword of Azazel, you can rest assured that Azazel & Ant'harratu will keep their promises to you!
You Will Not ONLY Receive The Sword Of Azazel...
You Will Become HIS Weapon Of Darkness
As a final word of warning: This ritual is not for people who are simply curious, and it is not for those who just want to see if it will work. This is a lasting and binding Initiation between you and possibly the most powerful Demonic Gatekeeper on earth.
Once I perform this pact ritual for you, Azazel & Ant'harratu will come to you, they will remain with you, and, in his own words: “You will receive my Sword of Darkness, but you will also become MY Sword of Darkness.”
Book your The Sword of Azazel rite now.
Talk again soon,
Here's How This Works
1. Click the button below to place an order for The Sword of Azazel. Our normal rates for three custom rituals combined ranges as high as $3,499, but you can place an order for The Sword of Azazel rite for only 499 right now in either one convenient payment or two equal monthly payments of 249.50. You literally get $3,000 off to save 85% this month only.
2. J.S. Garrett and I perform the ritual The Sword of Azazel under synergy of the Super Blood Wolf Moon Eclipse on January 21.
3. You receive the full ritual video, a complete breakdown of the experience, and a magick formula for you to harness the magick power of Azazel & Ant'harratu by yourself too.
You can only place an order for this now. This ritual expires forever on January 21.
Excerpt From Compendium Of Azazel
Always remember nothing is given for free. The payment for these powerful talismans isn’t always what you imagine it might be. Azazel gave me a weapon, all the instructions, and all the training that I would need to use and wield it for the rest of time. For this, I have made a second pact with Azazel, a pact that will endure forever. This pact is not written in paper or sealed by signing, but is branded onto my soul and sealed with my blood, the blood of a god.
Here’s the pact: to inherit Azazel’s weapon, and for it to become my weapon, I must become Azazel’s weapon. I have become a sword in the hands of the Great Serpent.
I have become a sword in the hands of the Great Serpent. — p.45
Support For The Third Demonic Gatekeeper
I am truly honored to participate in this working with so many excellent authors of the Occult field. This Compendium is a compilation of genuine accounts and detailed encounters from real magickians who have actually done the necessary work in order to know this entity on a personal level. They have come together to share these firsthand experiences for the sake of those who would seek a deeper understanding of the force that is Azazel. And though he may appear in a slightly different light to some than others it is abundantly clear that he is heavily invested in the evolution of our species and that he is willing to help guide those who would dare to reach for personal power and liberation in their quest to achieve Godhood.
J.S. GARRETT, author of The Silent Voice of Azazel
The Compendium of Azazel was a transformative experience into the heart of the adversary enriched my practice as both a writer and a magician. Through the collecting my observations and insights from the Demonic Gatekeeper, I was reached a new level of understanding into the darkest parts of myself and how that can enrich our spiritual process. The Compendium allowed me to reflect upon his revelations and process them into a formulae that other magicians could use to gain power too. I am honored to share these reflections with other magicians that I greatly admire and provide a place to convey the messages that Azazel generously gifted unto us.
ORLEE STEWART, author of Feeding of the Forgotten/em>
Azazel is a key entity in my personal journey of overcoming the deep spiritual transformation that needs to take place within you if you want to truly walk between the worlds. He showed me how to enter the gates to he netherworld and how to attain influence with the gods and magick forces. As the opportunity to participate in this Compendium of Azazel arose I immediately jumped on board, because Azazel is one of the few entities that absolutely will transform you. By performing the rituals and reading about the experiences in this work, they will transform your being, and you will never be the same again. In fact, you will be closer to your highest potential than ever before.
FRANK WHITE, author of AZAZEL: The Conqueror
In my pathworking with the demon Azazel he made it very apparent to me that we are in fact on the cusp of a new spiritual aeon. Life as we now know it shall never ever be the same again once man has fully embraced the darkness found within the very consciousness of this prevailing spiritual current. All of those who willingly accept and take on the mark shall without a doubt also boldly leave one. This is the eye of the tiger, the thrill of the fight, the pushing back against that which intends to control through utter domination.
We are the last of the pioneers that shall traverse this earthly plane, and the first in a long line of many to come after us that will continue to push the limits of our own realities in pursuit of that which opens the gateway within ourselves to reveal the true God therein. It is for these reasons that I have been so deeply honored, humbled, and infernally blessed to leave one of my many marks within the body of this compendiums text alongside the invaluable trappings of so many of my dear friends and colleagues. This tome shall truly be one for the ages.
J.D. TEMPLE, author of Azazel, the Way, the Truth & the Absence of Light
Azazel is an interesting character I have worked with a few times in the distant past, only coming back to work with him for this anthology. In “Awakening Lucifer” I discussed many concepts and ideas having to do with him, but lo and behold, the possibility to participate in this project came up, and I took it!
The ten other authors that contributed to this gatekeeper tome was the deciding factor for me when it came to deciding to participate. Many of them are well known to long time practitioners, and several others are stepping into their own spotlight through not only this work, but their own individual efforts.
Collaborative efforts like this always pique my interest because you get many perspectives which can enhance your relationship with Azazel. In addition, you get introduced to many current occult practitioners and their works. In a way, every anthology is actually a community, but what sets this tome apart is that it is one of a series of NINE books, the likes of which has not been completed, let alone attempted, until now.
BILL DUVENDACK, author of The Grimoire of the Watchers
Become a Living God’s book on Azazel caught my interest because of my experience with him. I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to contribute to his diabolical nature and sinister gnosis! In “Father of Transgression,” you will get a first-hand look at his power and usefulness.
ASENATH MASON, author of The Father of Transgression
Place Your Order Right Now
1. Click the button below to place an order for The Sword of Azazel. Our normal rates for three custom rituals combined ranges as high as $3,499, but you can place an order for The Sword of Azazel rite for only 499 right now in either one convenient payment or two equal monthly payments of 249.50. You literally get $3,000 off to save 85% this month only.
2. J.S. Garrett and I perform the ritual The Sword of Azazel under synergy of the Super Blood Wolf Moon Eclipse on January 21.
3. You receive the full ritual video, a complete breakdown of the experience, and a magick formula for you to harness the magick power of Azazel & Ant'harratu by yourself too.
You can only place an order for this now. This ritual expires forever on January 21.
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Consider this adult knowledge, and not legal or medical advice. Use this newsletter at your own risk. Become A Living God is not responsible for your magick. This newsletter is for readers of age 18 or older only.