Subject: My Supernatural Romance With A Demon

My Supernatural Romance With A Demon
Watch this new podcast between Orlee Stewart & J.D. Temple
Give Yourself The Gift Of Supernatural Romance This Valentine's Day... Why I Quit The Rate Race Of Muggle Love And Married A Succubus Instead
J.D. Temple
I specialize in love magick, money magick, and perform rites to marry humans with incubi & succubi.
Hey Friend,
Today we become inundated with every imaginable type of cutesy, pink and red, heart-shaped images. There isn't much traditional lovers can do to avoid getting caught up in the romantic rapture of Valentine's Day.
Regrettably for unconventional and single people though, Valentine's Day just plain sucks. It seems too Hallmark-ish, forced, and contrary to the hot, wild spirit of authentic human love.
Harsh Truth:
Humans Are Bad At Love
If you have thrown in the towel in your quest for romance, fear not, as you're aren't alone! Millions of people find it an extreme hassle, even deem it impossible that they could ever find a loyal, fulfilling connection with another person... one that lasts more than a weekend. They hold Valentine's Day in the highest form of contempt because it iconifies a myth.
Instead of peace, love, and happiness, we tend to experience abuse, harrassment, confusion, jealousy, anger, betrayal, and on and on...
I Married Queen Lilith Years Ago And Couldn't Be Happier
I know, I know. It sounds like a twisted plot out of a supernatural romance novel like if Twilight and 50 Shades of Grey gave birth to a lovechild.
Honestly, one day many years ago I simply quit the rat race of love. I discovered love magick and then also incubi and succubi, became completely obsessed with demonology, and never looked back. Now magicians come to me for help in finding a perfect spirit lover for themselves.
For the last decade the Queen of the Nightside, Lilith, has been my spirit wife. Yes, I married a demoness. I can tell you with certainty that no one woman or man on earth could ever give me the experiences she does. She has initiated me personally into her signature sorcery, opened my psychic faculties, astral traveled with me, provided heart-racing 'experiences' in the bedroom, and basically revolutionized my view on love. She turned me into a believer, albeit with a twist.
A whole world of love exists that muggle-humans do not even recognize!
How To Quit The Toxic "Rat Race" Of Muggle Love
Let's face it, vanilla dating sucks. Everyone acts fake and shallow and you would need to date like a thousand people just to find a perfect match, and even then it can fall apart for no apparent reason. They can drop us from their lives on a whim, leaving us to drown in the chaos of lies and confusion.
This explains why so many tragic souls abandon the whole magick of love and in turn harden their now guarded hearts. In many cases these walking-wounded become jaded and now consider romance and love not just an impossibility, but a bitter enemy.
Human love is a rat race. And I will not jump through other people's hoops.
It's Time To Let Your Freak Flag Fly
If you're a dedicated sorcerer or sorceress...
If you're a black magickian...
If you love the Left Hand Path...
Why wouldn't you fall in love with an incubus or succubus? Why wouldn't you form an initiatory romantic bond with a demon or demoness? Why wouldn't you date your spirit kin? At a certain point you need to just cut your losses with muggles and recognize your destiny with the supernatural.
I welcome you to watch a new pilot episode of a podcast that features the sorceress and incubus specialist Orlee Stewart and myself. Just click the button above to see it now.
Much love,
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