Subject: My Simplest, Most Effective Technique To Charge A Magick Sigil

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A Lifelong Black Magician Shows You A Simple And Effective Sigil-Charging Technique Step By Step To Harness The Powers Of The Spirits And Bring Your Magickal Desires Into Reality As Soon As Possible
E.A. Koetting
Lifelong sorcerer and author
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Hello Friend,
Today, I’d like to walk you through how to draw and consecrate a sigil. A sigil is a symbol that is associated with a particular spirit or a particular spiritual energy. Through drawing it on paper and consecrating it, you can activate the sigil as a gateway, a gateway of power and energy with a very specific purpose. Through the charging process, you are actually going to imbue this gateway with your exact desire, releasing your desire from your body through your vision, into the gateway of the sigil.
Preparing The Tools Of Power
All you’re going to need for this is a piece of paper, a pencil and pen, and a copy of the sigil that you'd like to activate. You can use sheepskin parchment or other types of expensive paper if you wish, but I usually just use standard computer paper that I've pulled from my printer. Cut the paper into a square that you feel comfortable using. Once I have the square exactly like I like it, I'll often go around the paper with a match or lighter and burn the edges of it, just to give it a more magickal appearance. This isn't necessary, but making the sigil feel as magickal as possible helps you get in the right mindset to charge it.
Once you have your blank square of paper, lay it over the sigil of the spirit that you are trying to work with and trace over it with a pencil. Use this to create your first draft of the image, which you can later go back over with a pen to finalize. I always use pencil to do a first draft so I can go back and make sure that all the details are perfect before I fill them in with pen. If you have printed up your sigil, be sure to trace over it yourself before you proceed with the ritual, as the drawing of the sigil is actually one of the first steps of charging and consecrating it.
Visualizing Your Success Clearly To Guarantee It
As you're tracing the sigil with your pen, think about what it is that you desire. If you're aiming for financial success, imagine yourself holding the money that you would like to receive. If you're doing this for a relationship, imagine yourself holding hands with the person that you love, or making love to the person that you want to be in love with you. Whatever it is that you want to have happen, imagine it as an actual vision of the future that is certain to take place. Finish filling in the details of your sigil with the pen as you do this until it is complete.
Once you have finished drawing the sigil, it is already partially charged, already partially open as a gateway. To open it even further, hold it in front of you and begin to gaze at the sigil. Don't try to concentrate, squinting your eyes and staring hard at the sigil. Instead, do the exact opposite and relax. Relax your eyes and the small muscles around your eyes. Feel that relaxation spreading through your whole face, and then down into your body. With your vision completely relaxed and your mind and body at ease, envision what you desire. Gaze at the sigil and bring to mind an image of the thing that you desire, seeing it as clearly as you can. Push the desire itself out of your eyes into the paper, beginning to call the name of the spirit that you are summoning. You want to relax so much that it almost seems like you're looking through the paper. As you do this, hold your relaxed gaze and hold the vision of the thing that you desire. You might start to feel pressure in your third eye, a pressure of the vision that you are trying to create and manifest. If you feel that pressure, go ahead and take a deep breath in, exhale slowly, and feel that pressure dissolving as the energy passes from your eyes into the paper.
Opening The Gateway To The Astral Plane
At this point, most people will start to see visual phenomena, like lines of the sigil disappearing and reappearing. However, the most important factor is not necessarily what your eyes are doing, because your eyes, for the most part are being tricked into seeing things when you're performing spiritual work. The real vision, the true vision, is the internal vision, and that internal vision needs to remain locked on the thing that you desire, visualizing it until you have a difficult time continuing to do so. When a lot of people first begin practicing sigil magic, they believe that when they can no longer focus on their intention that the operation has failed. This is incorrect, as an absence of desire indicates that the sigil has absorbed that desire and all its associated energy. The sigil, as a gateway, has taken that energy and is now working upon it in the world.
Once this occurs, feel within you the satisfaction, the loss of anxiety or stress about the situation. The greatest place that you can reach with this is a place of peace, that as the vision leaves your mind and is no longer even able to be recalled, that all you feel towards it is peace. This might take you a few minutes, but know that at this point the sigil is now an active gateway that is bringing you exactly what you desire, exactly as you saw it.
Before you fold up the sigil and put it away, state your intention out loud. Keep in mind that you're not stating your intention to the spirit in the room, but you are actually speaking directly to the sigil, to the gateway itself. In this moment, as you're giving your final command, try to search yourself one last time for your vision. Focus on it as clearly as you can and transfer the remainder of your vision and desire into the gateway of the sigil.
Releasing The Desire To Manifest Itself
Now, go ahead and fold the sigil up and put it away. You can tuck it inside of a book, hide it somewhere in your closet, or even put it in your sock drawer. Put it somewhere that you're not going to think about it for a while, because the gateway is open, pulling what you desire to you. It's rearranging the fabric of your reality to bring you exactly what you need. Once you have done this, leave the sigil alone, forgetting about it entirely. When I'm teaching this technique to students, I'm always asked, “How soon is this going to work?” My answer is always the same: “As soon as you forget that you did it.” As long as you're sitting there waiting for the magick to happen, it will never happen.
A good deal of the magick is not done while you're gazing at the sigil or performing the ritual. Most of the magick is done when you are able to let it go and release it, being in complete peace knowing that what you desire is coming to you. You can let go of your desire fully, and that's what actually makes the magick happen. The open gateway is bringing the results to you, doing the work for you. The magick has been taken out of your hands, operating through the magical gateway, and you don't need to worry about it anymore. You can just let go and let it come.
Once this occurs, you're going to find yourself inspired in your actions, thoughts, and deeds. You're going to know exactly what you need to do to put yourself in alignment with what you desire, and it is essential that you start doing these things. Start living your life as if you already have exactly what you performed this ritual to obtain, and as if you know exactly what you need to do to get more of it. Go about your life. Forget about the ritual. Just do the things that you know you need to do, and the magick is going to happen faster than you could ever believe.
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