Subject: A Real Black Magician Shows His Most Powerful Candle Magick Spell

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A Master Black Magician Shows You How To Perform A Simple But Powerful Candle Magick Spell, And How To Fully Manifest Your Intentions And Desires Into The Real World Of Your Life
E.A. Koetting
Lifelong sorcerer and author
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Hello Friend,
In a lot of the consultations that I’ve been doing lately, I’ve been asked the same question over and over again: how does one perform a simple candle magick spell? Since I’ve been getting this question so frequently, I figured that I would just go ahead and share this technique with all of you.
Candle Magick Is Easy,
But Do NOT Underestimate Its Power
Candle magick is one of the first types of magick that I learned when I was young. It is extremely easy to perform, but that doesn’t mean that you should underestimate its power. All you need to perform it, of course, is a single candle. I would suggest using either a plain white or black candle for your first few spells. It’s said that white is used to attract something to you, while black is used to push something away. Some practitioners profess the exact opposite. In practice, I’ve found that it’s impossible to call something into your life without pushing something else away, and vice versa. For this reason, simply use whichever is calling to you.
Besides your candle, all you need to perform this spell is an intention. What are you aiming this magick at? What do you want to occur, manifest, or materialize? Once you have your intention firmly placed in your mind, the first step is to create a link with the candle flame itself. This is crucial, as fire is one of the great gateways between the worlds. Gaze into the candle flame, taking a few deep breaths. As you exhale, exhale just a little bit more than usual.
How To Project Your Desire
You’ll feel a flushing of all the energy, anxiety, and stress that’s inside of you. As you gaze into the flame, see if you can feel these energies moving out of yourself and into the flame. As you inhale, try to feel yourself breathing in that fiery energy. Once you find that your mind has sunk down just a bit, just enough that all the chatter has gone away and you’re not thinking, you’re going to bring your mind and imagination firmly towards what it is that you want to happen. Imagine it as if it’s a scene in a movie or a photo of the future, the moment when this spell works.
What will the result of your spell look like? As I’m doing this in my own magickal workings, I’ll usually hold my hand over the candle. Don’t get your hand too close to the flame, as you don’t want to burn yourself. Just place it close enough that you can feel, as you exhale, that your energy comes out of your arm, travelling out of your hand, through the air between the candle flame and your hand. As this happens, think about the thing that you want to occur. Visualize it and feel the emotion that you’re going to experience when this spell has come true.
How To Align Your Magick With Success
Continue gazing at the candle’s flame as you visualize and feel these things. The key here is to take yourself out of your present moment, out of whatever you’re experiencing that has caused you to come to magick for a solution. Pluck yourself out of that and place yourself firmly in the future, where your desire has already come to pass. Feel it and see it as if it has already happened. Let your body respond to these visualizations, feeling yourself knowing that your desires have already taken place.
At the moment this happens, state your intention out loud, forming your command upon reality by the powers of magick, the powers of darkness and light. Once you have stated your intention, simply say “Come now into this world and bring about these shifts and these changes for my benefit. Increase that which needs to be increased. Remove that which needs to be removed. So it is done.” In the saying of the words “so it is done,” you’re not merely closing the ritual. You are acknowledging that the spell has been cast. The magick is at work, and now all that you need to do is put yourself into alignment with your success.
Go do the things that you can do in the world to make your desires happen. Go rush into the battlefield knowing that you’re going to be protected and guided. Only you can go forth and do the work that you need to do, and the opportunities that you require will awaken and open. The connections that need to be made will be made. Through this simple candle magick spell, you will offload any tension and anxiety that you have, replacing them with certainty and calm confidence, seeing the vision of the thing that you desire. When you project your energy into the candle flame, release it entirely, and give the final words of command, your energy will be released into the world to work the magick that needs to be worked.
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