Subject: My First Encounter With Daemon Asmodeus 31 Years Ago

ASMODEUS: The Lord Of Lust, Compendium 8
The Black Dragon Teaches True Love Spells
E.A. Koetting    S. Connolly    Edgar Kerval
Bill Duvendack    Orlee Stewart    6 More Authors
Order Midnight Monday Night
"In My Personal Experience With Asmodeus, I’ve Found This Daemon’s Energy Rather Playful And Joyful, Encouraging Me To Indulge In My Passions With Wild Abandon." — S. Connolly, p.112
S. Connolly
Hello Friend,
It's author and daemonolater, S. Connolly, here. What if I told you that working with a single Daemon had the power to transform your existence into a life of joy? One where you could wake up every morning excited about your day and your future?
It’s true and I am about to share with you something extraordinary.
Are You The Right Fit For The Daemon Of Lust?
But first, I have to ask you a question and I want you to be honest with yourself. Have you found your calling? Have you really explored those things that spark your passion, and do you wake up in the morning excited about your day? If you said yes, congratulations. You’re one of the few. Most people wake up, smack the alarm clock and groan, maybe pull the pillow over their head because their day-to-day life doesn’t bring them joy. They’ve lost that excitement and zest for life they had when they were younger. Or perhaps they’ve just accepted defeat and they sleepwalk to work. They live for the weekend because the crushing weight of responsibility saps their energy during the week. It doesn’t have to be that way!
What Can The Daemon King Asmodeus Do For You?
Working with the Daemon King Asmodeus can change all of that. About now, someone out there is thinking, “The Daemon of lust can help me like my job?” Yes. That and SO much more. Don’t forget that there are many aspects to the Asmodeus Daemonic current. While sure, Asmodeus can help you fulfill all your sexual desires, he’s not a one trick Daemon. The power of Asmodeus can transform your life into a life filled with passion, joy, and serenity. He can help you face your fears or guilt about sexuality and help you overcome sexual trauma. But more importantly – he can help you find the thing you’re most passionate about and help you manifest more of it in your life, whether it’s your career, social life, creative life, or your spiritual life.
I’m going to give you some tools to help you make this happen for yourself. In my mini-grimoire, Grimorium Asmodeus, part of the Compendium of Asmodeus, I’m going to give you the rituals, spells, meditations, orations, pact making guidance, all the correspondences of Asmodeus and more, used successfully by Daemonolaters for years, to manifest more joy and happiness in their lives. Why? Because I want you to experience the joy of overcoming those things holding you back from an unfulfilling life!
Even something as simple as meditating with Asmodeus and connecting with the Asmodai current can help to transform your life into a life you love. That’s the first thing I’m going to teach you.
My First Encounteer With Asmodeus 31 Years Ago
But first I want to share that I met Asmodeus back in 1989, and the memories of my interaction with this Daemonic force are some of the most joyous experiences of my youth, filled with laughter and happiness, and excitement. Since then, I’ve worked extensively with Asmodeus and the Asmodai to transform my life. I live my passion every day and I’m a firm believer that you can, too! I know how amazing it was to break away from the eight to six grind, six days a week in favor of living my dreams, and I think the world would be a better place if we all could lead the joyful lives we want for ourselves. That’s why I’m sharing this information with you. As a magician – you have the power to manifest what you desire and to change the course of your life. Sometimes it just takes a little Daemonic influence to push you in the right direction.
You won’t even need a lot of magickal implements if you don’t want them, and you can modify the work so that the magickal work itself brings you as much joy as possible! I won’t be asking you to acquire hard to obtain magickal items if you don’t want to use them. The rituals should work the same and be just as effective in the astral temple as they are in the real world.
So, are you ready to take this journey with me? Are you ready to start living to the fullest and making your desires and dreams a reality?
Harness the power of Asmodeus and you can have whatever your heart desires.
"Grimoirium Asmodeus" — Unlock The Magick Of Demonic Gatekeeper Asmodeus With My Mini-Grimoire And 10 Others In "Compendium Of Asmodeus"
Who: E.A. Koetting, S. Connolly, Edgar Kerval, Bill Duvendack, Orlee Stewart, Conner Kendall, J.D. Temple, Winter Laake, Zeraphina Angelus, Xag Darklight & C.H. Richard
What: ASMODEUS: The Lord of Lust, Compendium 7
When: Tomorrow. Tuesday, August 25
Where: Receive your free chapter here
Why: Ascent through true love magick with Asmodeus
Tuesday, August 25, unlock ancient secrets of the Demonic Gatekeeper — Asmodeus or Asmoday — with a 413-page group grimoire full of priceless gnosis channeled by 11 of the world's top demonologists, sorcerers, and black witches. For the first time ever, the Black Dragon, a.k.a. Lord of Lust, teaches true, high-powered, love spells and love magick to humanity.
In Compendium of Asmodeus, you're going to learn:
Foreword. Timothy - Evolutionary Democracy: The Black Rose Revolution
1. E.A. Koetting - The Grimoire of Asmoday
2. S. Connolly - Grimorium Asmodeus
3. Edgar Kerval - Beyond the Gate of Burning Fire
4. Bill Duvendack - Asmodeus: Lord of the Jinn
5. Orlee Stewart - The Forbidden Fruit
6. J.D. Temple - Enter Asmodeus: Awakening the God Mouth
7. Conner Kendall - Asmodeus: The Dark King of Fire
8. Winter Laake - Asmodeus: Nine Angles, Nine Gates
9. Zeraphina Angelus - Asmodeus: Infernal Union of Lust & Rage
10. Xag Darklight - Vivlion Tun Asmodeus
11. C.H. Richard - Asmoday & the Infernal Dragon
At midnight tonight, August 25 (Tuesday), let the Black Dragon, Asmodeus, initiate you into his true love magick. Elevate your ascent higher than ever with group grimoire, Asmodeus: The Lord of Lust, Compendium 8 of the Nine Demonic Gatekeepers saga. Download your FREE chapter right now:
I will see you tonight.
Talk again soon,
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