Subject: How To Ground Your Serpent Power Into The Earth Goddess

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Build A Safe And Solid Foundation For Your Magickal Ascent With The Simple Technique Of Grounding And Centering... Connect And Ground Your Serpent Power Into The Earth Goddess
E.A. Koetting
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Hello Friend,
Today, I’d like to show you an important technique called grounding and centering. This is one of the first techniques you’ll come across when you’re studying magick. It’s also one of the easiest and most fundamental magickal skills that you can learn.
Using Intention To Ascend Safely
First off, what is grounding and centering? When you’re getting into high spiritual states, do you ever feel like you’re floating away, like a balloon or a kite? Grounding is a spiritual practice that tethers you to the earth. It doesn’t pull you back down, but it grounds you so, like a kite, you’re able to fly high without losing your mind and floating away. When you’re grounded and centered, you’re not going to feel imbalanced. This is quite possibly one of the simplest things you can do in your magickal practice, but you have to do it intentionally. Since these are simple, mundane actions, they are essentially powerless. When coupled with intention, however, these ordinary acts become magickal.
It’s a good idea to ground and center after major rituals, after long periods of meditation, and specifically after working through trauma, especially psychological and emotional issues of a stressful nature. Sometimes I find that if I have conflict with someone, especially someone that I care about, all that negative energy can continue to boil inside of me until I ground and center myself. Once I take the time to achieve grounding and centering, these issues often resolve themselves with little to no extra effort on my part.
Grounding — Connecting Yourself To The Earth
The first step in grounding and centering is connecting with the earth. In my case, I’ve made a summoning circle of 66 stones that I’ve consecrated as a sacred space. This is where I perform the majority of my grounding and centering exercises. Although setting aside a sacred space for rituals is ideal, all you truly need to do is make sure that you are connected to the earth before you begin. Find a quiet place where you will be undisturbed, and make sure that you are sitting directly on the earth. Once you have done this, begin slowly and deeply breathing. Inhale for nine seconds, hold the breath for nine seconds, and then slowly release the breath for nine seconds.
As you’re breathing, paying attention to your breath, you’ll also want to pay attention to the muscles in your face, especially the small muscles around your eyes and mouth. If you can relax these muscles, the smallest muscles in your face, you can let your whole body just drop into itself. Next, feel the connection to the solid, stable earth underneath you. Make sure your spine is touching the earth. Let your breath fall into a steady rhythm. At this point, some people like to visualize roots coming out of their body into the ground. I prefer to use a column of light. I’ll see a column of red light descending from underneath me into the core of the earth. I’ll also see a blue column of light coming from above, with both columns converging in the center of my body.
Centering — Being In The Present Moment
At this point, let yourself know that you are not a being that is separate from the earth. You’ve taken your body and built it from the elements of this world. You have collected your body by consuming life, the life of the earth. Your body is a part of this earth. As you meditate on this simple truth, it will be easy to feel yourself balancing out. As this happens, search inside of yourself and see you can feel any resistance, negativity, or emotional baggage. Breathe in, holding the breath at the top of your lungs. As you breathe out, release that negative energy into the earth and air. Do this three times, pulling the energy out of your spine, out of your body and into the earth. The earth can replenish you. It can recycle all of the negative energy you give it and turn it into abundance.
Now that you’re properly grounded, you can move on to centering yourself. See if you can imagine yourself floating far above the earth. Visualize yourself as a blue dot floating in space, spinning around the sun. Once you can feel yourself in this state, slowly zoom back in, moving closer and closer to where your body is sitting on the earth. With your eyes closed, feel your body, twisting your wrists and moving your fingers. Feel the sunlight on your face and the air on your skin. Open your eyes and look around at this amazing world that we are a part of. Hear all of the sounds around you. Let yourself become fully aware that all of these things, everything that you are experiencing, is part of the ritual.
When you center yourself in this way, the one thing you absolutely need to do is be here now, in the present moment. You’re not living in the future, worrying about things that you’re afraid will happen. You’re not living in the past, dwelling on things that you wish hadn’t happened. You’re right here, right now, grounded in the earth, centered in your own body. Practicing this mindfulness of the present is one of the most effective techniques you can learn to practice true spiritual and magickal hygiene.
The Ritual Of Our Lives
As black magicians, we’re doing a lot. We’re using our power all the time, constantly mixing energies around us and bringing them inside ourselves. We are the cauldron of everything that we come in contact with. As a result, we need to make sure that we take time every day to ground and center ourselves.
When we make this a regular part of our practice, we’ll be able to make it in the long haul, because we’re not here for just one ritual success. We’re not here for just one solitary spell. All of the rituals, all the spells and meditations we’re doing are part of one giant ritual, the ritual of our lives, so make sure to set grounding and centering into your intention.
You are a magician, a Living God for every single day that you’re alive. You’re not fighting a single battle. You are in a war, a game and experience that is unlike anything else, and you’re in it for the long haul. It’s going to last for the rest of your life. So please take good care of yourself, because we need you.
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