Subject: How I Became A Psychic Bodyguard - My First Attack Story

Mastering Psychic Self-Defense
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Here's The True Story Of How I Was Dragged Into My First Experience Of A Full-Blown Possession... We Need To Raise Awareness And Educate Ourselves On Psychic Self-Defense — Not Hide
Robert Bruce
Hey Friend, it's mystic & author, Robert Bruce.
People have asked me how I ever got involved with psychic self-defense and neg spirits. I tell them that I was dragged in kicking and screaming, which is the truth. No sane person would deliberately expose themselves to that kind of stuff. It’s just too scary to contemplate. Far easier to bury your head in the sand and pretend it doesn’t exist outside of scary movies. I used to do the same. Sometimes I wish I still could.
My first experience with full possession happened when I was about 25 years old. At the time, I had a large group of friends and we used to socialise frequently. On one Friday night, about a dozen of us were hanging out at Billy’s place. Billy and his brother Kevin had recently become born again Christians. They were passionate about it, but this did not stop them partying.
To set the stage… it was late in the evening and we were all sitting around listening to music and sipping beer. No one there ever smoked dope or took drugs. There was another set of brothers with us, Dave, Tony, and Dick. Dave was really drunk and torturing us with his bad guitar efforts. He had been complaining recently about poltergeist activity in his house, but we all thought he was just making it up to get attention. His brother, Dick, was also there. Dick was a professional jockey, very fit and light and tee total. He was drinking soda and reading the racing guides. I was injured and my right hand was bandaged and swollen, after having a stingray barb removed a few days back.
When the trouble started, Dave moaned for help, saying that something got hold of him. A few moments later he fell to n the floor convulsing and babbling in what sounded like another language. His brother, Dick, collapsed at exactly the same time. He was also convulsing and babbling incoherently. In the low light of the room, their faces appeared to have a greenish tinge. The other brother, Tony, was concerned but seemed completely unaffected.
After a few minutes, we realized that something totally weird was happening. I did not know what to do, but my two Christian friends thought they did and sprang into action. In the twenty-minutes or so that followed, they prayed passionately, using bibles and crosses and holy water and speaking in tongues. There were many loud ‘Get behind me Satan’ and ‘The Lord’s Prayer’ and ‘The 23rd Psalm’, etc. They gave it everything they had. The possessed brothers were unaffected and continued twitching and babbling. We were all scared and none of us knew what to do.
I had never seen anything like this and did not know what to do. At this time, I was meditating and fasting and astral projecting, and was running a healing center with my mother. But none of that was any help. Then I got an idea. When I gave healing in an altered state, something much greater than I am came over me. Logic told me that this might help, if I could pull it off in such a stressful situation. I tried to appear calm, as if I knew what I was doing. I told everyone what I was going to do. I sat and closed my eyes and tried to induce an altered state, which at this time in my life took about thirty-minutes.
What happened next surprised me. I fell into a full altered state in twenty-seconds. I vaguely remember raising my right hand, and then blacked out. I became conscious later and the first thing I felt was pain in my injured hand. Everyone was kneeling on the floor in front of me and smiling. Dick was holding tightly to my right hand and had broken some stitches, making it bleed. I had no idea what had just happened. I asked them and they said that, after I sat down, I raised my right hand and said ‘Stop!’ in a deep voice. And, everything stopped. The two possessed brothers came back to their senses and the house filled with a peaceful atmosphere. Then I gathered them to me and talked to them for the rest of the time, in a beautiful voice that was not my own. The strange thing here is that not one of them remembered any details of what I had said.
The next week on Sunday afternoon, we had all gone to the local pub for dinner. Tony had a stomach bug, so stayed behind at Billy’s place watching TV. We all arrived back a few hours later, at about 9pm, to the strangest sight. Tony was curled up in the corner of the main room with all the furniture in the room on top of him, including the big couch and armchairs and table and chairs. It took us awhile to clear it off of him, including some broken glass. He was not injured, but was totally out of it and moaning. He was not convulsing and babbling like his brothers were the week before, but he seemed worse in some respects. We put him on the couch, once we had it upright again, and tried to bring him around. We were worried and considered calling the ambulance.
Now, also, another part of this is when a person hates somebody, if somebody has done something terrible to them and they die hating a person, maybe this person destroyed their family or their career or their business or did something really evil to them. A person can die with that hatred in them and after death, in the afterlife, that person can continue hating that person, continue wishing vengeance on that person. And as a ghost, they have more power to inflict suffering upon the person, the object of their hatred. And so this person after death may continue, as a ghost, attacking this person and trying to get revenge.
Then I got another idea, while my Christian friends were giving him a good praying over and splashing with holy water. I suggested we put him under the shower. They thought it was a good idea and helped. We carried him in and held him under the shower. It was winter and the water was cold. Tony came to his senses almost immediately, but we held him under the shower for a full minute before we let him out. He was shivering but seemed fine. He was completely sober as he had not been drinking. He had no idea what had happened. The last thing he remembered was watching the football on TV.
I did not know it at the time, but in the last event it was the running water that freed Tony from whatever it was that was possessing him, when we held him under the shower. I cannot explain how his two brothers were freed in the earlier event.
“Thoughts And Prayers” Will Not Save You… Perform These Life-Saving Techniques When Desperate Times Call For Desperate Measures
This 14-hour, high-definition, no-nonsense, mastery course provides literally every battle-proven technique and secret I have discovered and utilized to defend children, the elderly, the disabled, politicians, celebrities, and normal people from possession, invasion, haunting, attack, and intoxication.
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  • Biology & psychology of ghost hauntings, harmful negs, elemental leeches, and more
  • Bulletproof countermeasures against death curses, bloodline curses, and coven wars
  • How to quarantine and fumigate a violent poltergeist
  • How to decontaminate your energy body entirely
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  • My unfiltered “war stories” from 40 years in the trenches as a psychic bodyguard
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