Subject: Full Harvest Moon - Lucifer's Favorite Night

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E.A. Koetting & Kurtis Joseph perform a double-certified blood pact with Lucifer-Amaymon on the Full Harvest Moon...
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Mark Your Calendar For Lucifer's Favorite Night... The History, Myth & Power Of The Harvest Moon... Harness The Literal Black Sun September 24th
E.A. Koetting
Hey Friend,
Previously, I gave you some mythological background and insights into the most ancient Egyptian deity, Amun, and his rebirth in the underworld as the Black Sun.
In case you missed it, the basic story goes something like this:
In the myths of Egypt, and especially those dealing with the dark side and the underworld, it is written that when the sun sets, it sheds its illusory light and takes on a new body… a body of darkness. Thus, Ra is transformed into Amun. Amun then journeys through the Nightside as the Black Sun.
What I didn’t tell you last week is that as Amun descends into the underworld, in the world above - THIS world - Amun leaves his son, Khonsu, the god of the moon, in the sky in his place, to watch over nighttime travelers and to protect and guide those who walk in the darkness.
As with all occult secrets, there are multiple ways to interpret this.
There Is No More Potent Time To Open The Gates Than The Harvest Moon!
Sure, you could view this whole myth as just that… a myth!
People who don’t think very deeply about things would say that this was the primitive Egyptian way of explaining the setting of the sun and the rising of the moon.
The greatest mistake made in academia is the underestimation of ancient civilizations, and it is my belief that the marginalization of Egypt’s knowledge is not accidental.
Those of us who actually practice magick know that there is definite power in the phases of the moon, in the alignment of celestial spheres, and in timing our rites to align with Gateways in time.
And there is no more potent time to open the Gates to the Infernal Empire than on the day and the eve of the Harvest Moon.
As the sun sets on the eve of September 24th of 2018, within minutes the full moon will rise over the horizon, brighter, closer, and more colorful than ever!
In fact, the Harvest Moon is called such because the intensity of the moonlight lights their fields so perfectly it is as if the sun hadn’t set at all. It is as if there is another sun in the sky.
Magickal Power Bubbles Beneath
The Beauty Of The Harvest Moon!
Physically, the visual effects of the Harvest Moon are due to several factors, including atmosphere, human binocular vision and depth perception, and angular mathematics.
Magickally, though, massive power bubbles beneath the beauty of the Harvest Moon. This event is in actuality a tethering of the underworld or other-worlds to the physical world, a crossover between the realms of darkness and the world of matter.
This eve has been celebrated through magick and ceremony in nearly every culture across the globe and throughout history.
It has been called the “Wine Moon,” not only due to its reddened color, but also because this is when grapes are plump and ready for collecting, making wine, and celebrating the harvest through a Bacchanalia.
This has also been referred to as the Elk Call Moon, as it is a perfect night for hunting, and as the Full Corn Moon by Native Americans as they harvested crops throughout the night, and as the Singing Moon as the festivals held to mark it would be ushered in with loud singing, music, dancing, and sometimes even orgy!
In even deeper mythology, in China and Japan this night has been called the Chrysanthemum Moon, most obviously because of the dramatic light and colour change in the lunar orb, but also in remembrance of their myths of a Goddess who was led into the Dark Night by a trickster fire god.
Now, when I think “Trickster Fire God,” I think about Lucifer and Loki. Indeed, this is Lucifer’s night if ever he has one, and there is no doubt that it is the night of Loki.
The Norse recognized the Harvest Moon as the first full moon after the first frost of the winter seasons. Norse sorcerers considered it as the most powerful moon of the year and called it “Loki’s Moon,” as this was the night that Loki could always be invoked!
How To Make The Most Of The Harvest Moon
In every tradition, the Harvest Moon marks the beginning of the thinning of the veil and the initiation of the “Dark Times” when the world becomes colder and the nights become longer.
It is a time for completion, an opportunity to tie up loose ends, trim stray edges, and to finish what has been left undone. It is a chance to begin anew and to move forward with a clean slate.
The Harvest Moon is perfect for any sort of Black Magick, especially the magick of the underworld and the demonic, as this is the day that the goddess Persephone descends to the underworld, this fullest moon signaling her to make good on her pact with Hades.
The Inuit have a similar myth of their goddess Sedna, who was flung into the underworld by way of the ocean, but rather than perishing she looked towards the darkness and took power over it, becoming the Queen of Adlivun, the world of spirits.
This is a time to embrace the death of who you used to be and the resurrection in your place of the God that you can become. This Harvest Moon is the Gate of Change.
On this day, September 24th, I will call upon Lucifer-Amaymon, who was called in ancient times Amun, The Black Sun.
In my evocations of him, Amaymon made a covenant with me, and he extended it to all mankind, to any who would join him and accept the pact. I’ll send you more details about the specifics of this Black Sun Covenant later, but as the Harvest Moon rises I am going to seal this covenant.
I will be joined in this rare ritual blood-pact by Kurtis Joseph, one of the most powerful black magicians that I’ve ever met, and together we are going to materialize Lucifer-Amaymon and we are going to certify this Black Sun Covenant with our blood and with our souls.
As the sun sets and the moon rises, we are going to mark the end of one era and the beginning of another.
And we invite you to join in it with us!
Talk again soon,
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