Subject: [Order Now] The World's First Grimoire Of Amaymon

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First 100 magicians only
Order The World's First Grimoire Of Amaymon...
Lucifer Reveals His True Face To Humanity As Six Black Magicians Record Their Ritual Gnosis In An Unprecedented Group Book Of Shadows...
E.A. Koetting
Dear Friend,
You may place an order for your Compendium of Lucifer now.
We are in direct communication with the most powerful and most feared devils known to man, collectively calling themselves The Gatekeepers. They claim to have made contact with the human race in preparation for an unprecedented leap in human evolution.
For the past three months, I've dedicated myself to the darkest manifestation of Lucifer-Amaymon — the Black Sun, the Dragon's Eye. He is a hidden god and the dark origin of Lucifer's light. He is the darkness within the void.
I've turned my body, mind, and soul over to Lucifer-Amaymon, invoking and evoking him, channeling his knowledge, inviting him to possess me and to speak through me. Amaymon has taken control of my thoughts, my behaviors, and of every detail of my life; all sacrificed to him so I could learn his secrets of ascent.
And I did learn more than I ever thought possible — all of the insights that I gained, along with authentic possessions, real time astral bilocation, and demonic communion.
Now of course I wrote down and filmed all of the rites and discoveries.
I'm handing you over six hours of footage, caught live in true 1080p high definition video with crystal clear audio. So everything that I received, you will receive, along with ritual instructions that you can use right now to make contact with Amaymon yourself, and all of his power and his knowledge will be yours.
Now I've gathered all of my ritual notes, my step-by-step ritual outlines, my discoveries and my findings in working with Lucifer, as well as the verbatim transcript of all that he spoke to and through me. And I have compiled mankind's first ever Grimoire of Amaymon.
Numerous other black magicians from across the globe have also been contacted by Lucifer-Amaymon. And we have been draw together for this work, to reveal all that we have received. Many of our revelations were identical. Most of our conclusions are eerily aligned. All of our rituals bring forth the Dark Lord Amaymon into this world. The most powerful, capable, and well-researched black magicians have joined with me to create a comprehensive group Book of Shadows called Compendium of Lucifer-Amaymon: the Enlightener. This compendium features extensive essays, precise rituals, academic excursuses and magical insights from the world's leading dark sorcerers.
  1. Grimoire of Amaymon - E.A. Koetting
  2. Alchemy of Halo & Horn - Kurtis Joseph
  3. The Alchemy of Lucifer-Amaymon - Edgar Kerval
  4. Luciferian Amaymon - Bill Duvendack
  5. Faces of the Condemned - Asbjorn Torvol
  6. Lucifer: Opener of Paths - Frank White
With this compendium and these video courses, you will have everything that you need to open a gateway into the infernal empire and call forth Lucifer-Amaymon into this world. Once you do, you'll never be the same.
Receive A FREE Flag Of Lucifer
I have arranged my Black Sun Covenant riual, Pathworking of Lucifer course, and Compendium of Lucifer grimoire into simple and affordable tiers to help you as much as possible.
The first 100 magicians who place an order for Tiers 1, 2, and 3 will receive a beautifully sinister Flag of Lucifer - FREE as a gift. To see these tiers and place an order for yourself or a loved one, click this button below right now:
This has been a long crazy experience so far with many more exciting magick discoveries to come!
Talk again soon,
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