Subject: Evocation Of 3-Headed Dragon, Azi Dahaka - Live Ritual

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Witness My Live Evocation Of The 3-Headed Dragon Demon, Azi Dahaka, From Ancient Persian Mythology... A Spirit Whose Shocking Power Utterly Overwhelmed Me In Ritual

Dear Friend,

Did you know that I'm now recording live rituals of my own private evocations, and releasing them for free for all to witness?

Here is my second installment, and I summon the revered serpent demon of Persian mythology, Azi Dahaka, encircled by torches, in the dead of night. He's known as the "Master of Witchcraft" and "Commander of Demons". I must confess, the unexpected happened... he totally overwhelmed me.

His power dwarfed me. So grab your popcorn, then click the image below for the spookiest occult entertainment - you can ONLY get from me!

I firmly believe that observing the success of an expert will dramatically accelerate the speed of your own learning curve. While I refer to my rituals as "entertainment", they are as real as it gets. These are *genuine* performances of demonic magick that feature only a few technical enhacements for the sake of heightening drama.

Whether they are too over-the-top, or too under-the-top, so be it - the fact remains: you're watching real magick, that gets real results.

I'll talk to you again soon...

You friend,

P.S.My schedule is filling up extremely fast. I've had quite a number of "Ritual For Hire" bookings in the last month - to the point where I may need to shut the door for a while. I have a few spots left in the near-term to perform magick FOR YOU, so you GET RESULTS. I provide 4 types of rituals, including Love, Money, Self-Defense, and Spiritual Ascent. It's perfect for anyone who needs help RIGHT NOW, but doesn't have the occult power to achieve it themselves.

Check out the fine details of booking me right here:

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Disclaimer: personal success depends on your work ethic, so results will vary. Consider all information adult entertainment, and not professional or medical advice. Mainstream science does not accept magick as real. Use this information at your own risk. If you experience any problems, contact a licensed doctor. Become A Living God is not responsible for consequences of your actions. You must be 18 or older to enter.

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