Subject: Black Magick To Shamelessly Manipulate Human Beings

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3 Guidelines For Shamelessly Manipulating Human Beings... And The Primal Instinct To Exploit Black Magick For Personal Gain In Your Social Life

Dear Friend,

What if you could push your thoughts into another person’s mind, embedding your desires into their consciousness?

What if you were able to do this so secretly that your subject would actually assume that these foreign thoughts or desires were their own?

And, what if you could do this without having to say a single word to the other person, or even be in the same room?  What if they just woke up from a dream with your embedded commands rising from their unconscious, shaping their thoughts and actions?

You might think that this sounds like the work of a Master Hypnotist, but what I’m talking about is actually one of the simplest forms of Black Magick Ritual.

You can use the forbidden power of Black Magick to manipulate the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of anyone that you choose, at any time, for any reason.

When I first found out that I could tap into this power, I became unstoppable, bending the will of others to own twisted desires.

Of course, once you learn how to do this, you’ll be in complete control of your interactions, your career, your relationships, finances, and just about every other aspect of your life.

But, the only way that you’re going to be able to use this diabolical power of magickal mind manipulation is by adhering to these 3 easy guidelines.

Guideline #1. Assume The Black Magick Mindset.

The first thing that you’ll need to do, before even thinking about performing a ritual to influence, manipulate, or control another person is to ensure that you are operating from a Black Magick Mindset.  

The Black Magick Mindset is a way of viewing the world not as we’d like it to be, or as it would be in a perfect world, but instead is a way of seeing the world as it is, and being willing and able to do whatever is necessary to succeed in the real world. As a Black Magician, your success hinges on your ability to make decisions that will advance your goals without being influenced by a phony sense of morality or misplaced compassion.  You must understand that manipulation is necessary for survival and for excellence.  You can’t attach an ethical value to any action itself, but have to be able to predict the likely outcome of each possibility before you, and act in the best interest of yourself and your goals.  

Whether or not your want to believe it, manipulation is at the center of most of your interpersonal communications, and you are bombarded every minute of every day by manipulative messages.  As a Black Magician, you’re not compelled to ignore this obvious fact, and instead can become conscious of it, and can then learn to master it.  

This DOESN'T mean that your every interaction is disingenuous and that every word you speak must be a lie.  You simply need to lay to rest the false notion that manipulation of others is somehow inherently wrong.  Once you’ve freed yourself of this pitfall, you become the master of your own ethics, deciding to what degree you are comfortable manipulating others.  When this advice is ignored, it almost always leads to the magician manifesting situations which are self-punishing rather than exalting.

Guideline #2. Obtain A Living Relic Of Your Target - Charge It.

The actual ritual that will allow you access to the minds of others is simple.  

All you’ll need is a black candle, and an object belonging to the person that you’re trying to manipulate.  You can always use specific candle colors for specific outcomes if you like, but for most aggressive rituals, a simple black candle will work just fine. Some good magickal links to the target are personal possessions like:

  • Photographs
  • Signature
  • Jewelry
  • Clothing

But the absolute best type of link is a *physical body part* of your target - also known as a living relicAnd the easiest to obtain is usually HAIR.

I've experienced massive success using a borrowed pen or even a simple writing sample from the person I’m trying to influence.  

The best time to perform these ritual is at night when the target is asleep.  Not only do many of the spirits and powers that we call upon in magick seem more active at night, but the mind that you’re manipulating will be in a passive and receptive state, ready for you to inject your own thoughts into it.  

Set the candle on your altar, or if you’re still getting your ritual area set up, you can set it on any table or flat surface.  Shut the lights out, light the wick of the candle, and hold the magickal link in your right hand.  Let the flame draw you into its dance, pulling you deep down inside of yourself, the dark room and the world outside of it fading and the world of your Living Imagination taking the forefront.  

Once you’re locked in to the flame trance, hold your right hand over the flame, still clutching the sympathetic link to your target.  You obviously don’t want to burn yourself, so make sure that you hold your hand high enough above the wick so that you can feel the heat of the candle warming your hand and the fiery energy radiating into the link. Focus wholly on the person that you want to manipulate, at first simply viewing him or her sleeping in bed. Feel the connection between the link in your hand and the person in their bed growing as the candle continues to heat it up.  Remember that flame is a major gateway between the worlds, and doing this will active the link as a gateway between you and your target.  As the power of the link intensifies, visualize the target in the situation in which you’d like to have power over them, whether at work, school, home, or casually passing on the street.  Put yourself imaginatively in that future time and place, and, with the force of your magickal will alone, push your desire into them, the imagined future replica of the person acting, saying, and doing what you are programming him or her to act, say, and do.  You can focus on the one sentence that they would speak to signal your control over them, or you can simply focus on the emotions and thoughts that you want to instill in them.  In either case, in order for you to project these thoughts and feelings to another person, you first have to make them real for yourself, so feel what you want them to feel, and as you think what you want that person to think, bring the emotion and the importance of those ideas to the forefront of your imagination.  This will solidify the ideas, and literally turn them into astral forms that indeed can travel beyond your body and brain and into another consciousness.  

Hold your focus on the pushing of the thoughts and feelings into your target until your focus naturally begins to wane and you start to find it difficult to maintain your concentration. This is a signal that you have exhausted all of your desire and attachment to the outcome, and you can then close the ritual by stating your command aloud, giving the name of the person you are manipulating, and stating, “I possess you and I bind you to…” and state exactly what you want the individual to do differently, in accordance with the intentions that you pushed into their consciousness.  When you state this, as well as any other command, you need to KNOW that you’re not just speaking words, but that your command in that moment is as the voice of the Almighty, and all of creation will obey.  Blow out the candle.

Guideline #3. Forget The Ritual Ever Happened.

Without this final step, no ritual would be successful.  After the ritual has been completed, you must release your attachment to the outcome, being certain of its success.  A good rule-of-thumb to keep in mind is that your ritual will always be found to be successful as soon as you’ve forgotten that you performed the ritual in the first place.  You need to put the ritual, your intended outcome, and everything surrounding the person that you are manipulating  out of your mind.  

If you were able to successfully exhaust your desire in the ritual itself, this shouldn’t be difficult at all, and you may actually find that your mind automatically retracts itself from thoughts about the ritual and its conclusion.  If the situation that you’re trying to alter through this ritual is too pressing and too present in your everyday life to simply put out of mind, you can program yourself to automatically do what I call “thought-substitution.”  

I found early on that my thoughts were the most important – and the most unpredictable – element of manifesting success in any avenue.  In order to bring my thoughts under my control, I trained myself to substitute the undesirable or counterproductive thought with a more productive and desirable thought.  For instance, if I have an important business deal pending, and in order to achieve the outcome that I want I perform this ritual to manipulate a key person in the arrangement, after the ritual is complete, every time a thought arises about the deal, I will instantly push that natural, “floating thought,” out of the way by bringing to mind the visualization of my desired outcome that I used as my focal point in the ritual.  You have to do this immediately, so that the wandering thought doesn’t have a chance to stir up emotion, which would then create a counterproductive thought-form that would be projected into the situation, sometimes entirely negating your magickal working completely.  You see, thoughts on their own are neither positive or negative, neither productive nor are they destructive.  It is only when thoughts are fused with strong emotions that they develop the force needed to condense into physical reality on their own.  For this reason, you’ll also need to connect a positive and productive emotion to the quick visualization of the successful outcome.  As soon as the random thought has been replaced by your substitute thought, something that you can do that is almost certain to further empower the ritual that you have performed is to smile.  Smile, and mean it.  

Feel the joy, peace, and power of your magickal might, the satisfaction of knowing that, with a simple ritual, you can rearrange and manipulate any aspect of reality.  And smile specifically about the satisfaction of having achieved a successful outcome for this ritual.  Even though you may still be waiting for the success to fully materialize, you must be certain of that success from the time that you gave the verbal command in the ritual itself, all the way until you have achieved exactly what you wanted.  So, smile as if your spell has already been successful, and you’ll find that the your level of certainty of success will determine how quickly and how powerfully your spell will work.  On the other hand, if you don’t bring your thoughts and feelings under your control, you will create powerful thoughtforms that will work AGAINST you and will destroy any chance of magickal success

If you follow all 3 of these guidelines, your ritual is guaranteed to work!  All that you have to do now is follow up with whatever physical action might be required.  Basically, do whatever it is you would have done to move the situation forward if you didn’t have Godlike Powers, and your physical actions will combine with your magickal actions to ensure your place as the Living God of your World!

I'll talk to you again soon...

You friend,

P.S. Did you know I have a Video Podcast? Join master sorcerer Nate Bales and I for a highly enlightening and often controversial discussion of Magick Ascent and the occult. It's all available right now, RIGHT HERE.

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Disclaimer: personal success depends on your work ethic, so results will vary. Consider all information adult entertainment, and not professional or medical advice. Mainstream science does not accept magick as real. Use this information at your own risk. If you experience any problems, contact a licensed doctor. Become A Living God is not responsible for consequences of your actions. You must be 18 or older to enter.

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