Subject: Asmodeus Teaches How LOVE Can Trigger Ascent

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Learn How Advanced Magicians Move Beyond The Limitations Of The Human Mind On The Eternal Quest For Power... How I Learned To Awaken The Dragon Within With The Guidance Of Asmoday
E.A. Koetting
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Hello Friend,
What's more important to you, power or strength? Is there even a difference between the two? I'd never considered these questions until I started working through the Gatekeeper Pathworking I did with Asmoday. I've come to some pretty clear realizations about what power is and where it falls short, and what strength is and how to tap into it. Asmodeus: The Lord of Lust, Compendium 8 becomes live August 25. You can start developing your true internal strength in advance with a free eBook chapter now.
The Illusory Quest For Power
I've been questing for power most of my life, and no doubt this is an overcompensation for lost power in early childhood where I didn't have any control over my body, my mind, my emotions, or my spirit. As I grew into my own being, that feeling of powerlessness was still there, gnawing away at me. To be completely honest, I initially started on the path of Ascent through magic to try to find power, to get so much power that no one could ever hurt me again.
You know what? It didn't work. When you're coming at a quest for anything from that fractured place, the fracture is still there. There can never be enough power to make the past right. What goes along with that, as you're questing for power, is almost always a misuse and an abuse of that power. As a result, what gets ingrained into your mind is that you're not worthy of power. You start to believe that that's why you didn't have it back then, when you were a child, because you weren't worthy of it.
Obviously, there's no real truth to that, except for the “truth” that gets wired into your mind. And once again, that fracture does not go away. You can heal, you can shift your mind, but you cannot rewrite your past, and your spirit and your heart know that. As you're scrambling for power, misusing and abusing it, the quest for power reminds you that you don't have the power that you need. Over and over again, your mind tells you “I still don’t have it.”
Awakening The Dragon Within: Achieving Balance
My relationship with power hasn’t always been a positive one. Whether it’s magical power or power of authority in the mundane world, I've always felt that, at some point, I'm going to abuse this power. Since we have all power already, what is really happening is that I'm not trusting myself with my own being. These were some of the concerns that I was bringing into working with Asmoday, and I didn't know it. I didn't know that Asmoday was going to address any of these issues. To be honest, I wasn't sure what Asmoday was going to do.
At the peak of my working with Asmoday, I was given instructions on a simple ritual to awaken the dragon within me. I was afraid of that, because the dragon is terrifyingly powerful. What would I do as a dragon? Not good things, I thought. As a result, I saw Asmoday's gifts, and I kept them at arms' length.
In the morning, I went to my summoning circle as the sun rose and performed a meditation of gratitude. I knew that for this meditation, I was going to focus all of myself on two things that I could be overwhelmingly grateful for, so that my being would overflow with gratitude. I was in a very dark place at that moment, as I was dealing with bringing my daughter into my custody to keep her safe. I knew that I had to bring out my own evil in order to smash anyone who would hurt her.
I sat in the summoning circle with all of my darkness churning, waiting to come out of me, and I brought my full attention to the two things I was grateful for: my strength, and my love for my daughter.
Strength And Love Combined:
The Source Of All Power
In my Grimoire of Asmoday, I learned from the demon of passion about the real power of strength and love combined:
The sunlight tore through me and I released a breath that I didn't know I was holding, a breath I had been holding on to most of my life, and I released it with the pain, anxiety, the fear of my own self, the fear of my own power. Even the idea of power was purged from me. Knowing then that it was not power that I needed to connect with, but that it was my own strength and love in combination that would give me all the power to do all that I would need to do, in the spirit of strength and love. The final layer was stripped away from me. The final illusion of myself, as someone who cannot be trusted with power. The fusion of my strength and my love formed the very thing that I needed and that I have had all along. These two forces combined, strength and love, are the very essence of Asmoday.
— Grimoire of Asmoday, p.51
Under a classical definition, power is the ability to do work. It means that when there's a task in front of you, you can use power, whatever power that is, to accomplish the task. And once again, when you no longer need that power, then it is not in motion. It is that strength that allows you to reach into the ether and to pull power from it.
It’s that strength that allows you to take all the hatred, pain, and fear within you and turn them into power. This isn’t the end goal, though, except being able to harness power to accomplish the task in front of you. What you keep, what stays with you forever, is strength combined with love, the spiritual gift of Asmoday.
Even when I don’t feel like I have my life together, even in times when I feel like I’ve been beaten down by the world and circumstances just aren’t in my favor, I can look within and feel strength. Even when I look to the past and see all the misery I’ve endured, and I remember feeling powerless, I can look inside and remember that I am strong. I have power. And I will carry that power with me forever.
A “Prohibited” Demonic Grimoire Of Shamanic Witchcraft For Left Hand Path Magicians… Let A REAL Colombian Shaman Show You How To Harness The Godlike Power Of Entheogens For Open-Eyed Gnosis With The Qliphothic Gods & Goddesses
The sinister shaman, Edgar Kerval, and I have penned a new double-grimoire called Herbarium Diabolicum and The Poison Path, including a companion video course featuring my ritual pathworking and insights. It’s a collaborative grimoire that combines the forces of two spiritual fields for advanced gnosis. This double-grimoire combines:
1. Demonic black magick, a.k.a. Qliphothic Magick
2. Indigenous entheogenic spirituality, a.k.a. Shamanism
Book 1. Edgar Kerval’s “Herbarium Diabolicum” Grimoire Features More Than A Simple Apothecary’s Cookbook Of Recipes, It Pioneers Ancient Shamanic Witchcraft Into A Guide For Modern Demonic Ascent
An authentic shaman who lives in Colombia in South America, my coauthor Edgar Kerval, provides you a four-part book with 18 chapters, every one of them showing you how to access the priceless magick power hidden within a panoply of forbidden, sacred plants, while pathworking through demonic realms of The Tree of Qliphoth. Edgar gives you exact step-by-step recipes for formulating organic potions, tinctures, powders, and more concoctions. However, Herbarium Diabolicum is much more than simply an apothecary’s cookbook — it is packed with invocations, conjurations, meditations, and evocations to open the Gates of the Abyss.
Book 2: E.A. Koetting’s “The Poison Path” Grimoire Reveals Illicit Shamanism For The Dark Adept Through Uncensored Records Of His Real Life Experiences With 13 Entheogenic Gateways
My candid confessions and careful counsel in book two, The Poison Path, open your Third Eye to multiple realities through a multitude of psychotropic substances — each substance opening a doorway within a cosmology of parallel Spirit Worlds. It allows you to access hidden realms and secret dimensions, and their native knowledge. In The Poison Path, I highlight 13 key substances, or 13 entheogenic gateways, each of them activating magick powers, abilities, and insights, and each of them extracting unique sacrifices from you. In The Poison Path, I reveal the lessons that I myself learned through experimenting with these doorways, and I pass along those same insights to help you navigate these often dangerous and perhaps even deadly paths.
Anyone can open the doors and receive their treasures, but you must beware the pitfalls of addiction and destruction, for which many of these substances are notorious. As a unique feature, The Poison Path discloses how to experience “flashbacks” to revive high-powered, life-changing magick experiences without needing to consume those same substances again.
And my favorite part — these two grimoires together form the world’s most comprehensive guide to the darkest and most powerful methods of sinister shamanism without requiring submission to an initiatory hierarchy, oaths of secrecy, or arbitrary vows of loyalty to me and Edgar.
Place your order now for The Complete Herbarium Diabolicum — it includes a precious leather edition of Herbarium Diabolicum by Edgar Kerval, including The Poison Path by E.A. Koetting within it, and access to watch the online streaming course, The Poison Path: Illicit Shamanism for the Dark Adept. When you order them altogether, you get $100 off to save 21%.
Learn the REAL TRUTH about magick ascent with "The Devil's Plants" that the Christian "War on drugs" does not want you to know...
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