Subject: Astarte's "Goddess Water" To Unleash Your Inner Love God

“GODDESS WATER” — Harness The Love Magick Of The Goddess Astarte To Flood Your Love Life With Power And Irresistible Attraction… Unleash Your “Inner God” With Nectar Of The Goddess
The All-New Elixir To Fuel Your Love Magick
A Full Bottle    30-Minute Consultation    Online Course
By Barbie Garrett, Astarte & Medusa
A hand-crafted, hand-consecrated limited edition of 50 bottles
How I Discovered Astarte’s “Goddess Water” — A Magick Elixir To Harness Her Love Magick And Unleash The Inner God Of Both Men And Women... Today You Annihilate An Ancient Double Standard
Barbie Garrett
Black Magick Barbie
Hello Friend,
Please let me introduce myself. I am Black Magick Barbie, a long-time witch and wife of ritualist J.S. Garrett.
I discovered a magick elixir called “Goddess Water” that truly revolutionized my love life. Over this past decade, to be brutally honset, my self-confidence had hit rock bottom, causing my love life to suffer horribly.
To summarize a long journey of self-discovery, I found myself in an extremely toxic relationship with a dangerous man who had violently and emotionally assaulted me for years. I suffered “Stockholm syndrome” and allowed him to destroy my mental health for over a decade. I left him, and as years passed, I found myself almost 100 pounds overweight, suffering postpartum depression from my children, cleaning rental cabins to scrape through life as a single mother.
As a broken woman, I had “let myself go” physically. I truly hated myself, felt ugly, and believed no man could ever love me again. The uglier I felt, the more I believed no one could love me, descending into a horrible self-fulfilling death spiral.
In My Time Of Worst Desperation, The Goddess Astarte Saved Me…
My entire life turned around when I fell in love with my husband today, the popular ritualist J.S. Garrett, who introduced me to the life-changing love magick of the goddess Astarte. He helped me to “unleash my inner goddess,” performing his Rite of Deification and Reverse Baptism rituals with me privately. As months passed, my self-love increased and self-hatred decreased, dramatically. The ball and chain of old traumas, indoctrinated promiscuity guilt, and ugly feelings finally disappeared. I lost weight, dressed in hot new clothes and makeup, rediscovered my beauty, revived my libido, and felt reborn.
I became a true goddess for the first time in my life. I no longer cared when jealous “haters” would roll their eyes, or try to insult me, because I reclaimed the full power of my “inner goddess.”
Astarte’s Nine-Day Ritual To Formulate Her
“Goddess Water” A.K.A. Love Potion
Early one morning, the goddess Astarte called me to summon her. I entered her ritual with no instructions and carefully followed her guidance through my intuition. Astarte initiated me with a life-changing, nine-day pathworking through both moon and body cycles, revealing a talismanic elixir to harness her love forces directly.
Over these nine days, Astarte helped me to formulate an elixir of “goddess water” — an elixir to a fully empower a magician or witch to reclaim their love life, abolish shame, and awakened their inner god or goddess. And now, I share this same precious elixir with you…
8 Tested & Proven Ways That Astarte’s Elixir Has Increased My Results With Love & Glamor Magick
  1. Splash your Goddess Water on an altar, anoint your candles, and consecrate your talismans to harness the fiery forces of Astarte
  2. Use it as a manifestation base in ritual to evoke the gods of love and cast high-powered love spells to ignite new love
  3. Wear your Goddess Water as a perfume or cologne to channel Astarte’s energy, exude self-confidence, and radiate magnetic attraction in normal life
  4. Infuse your Goddess Water into your makeup to raise your beauty, increase your self-love, and perform glamor magick
  5. Adorn your artwork with it to heighten the excitement and admiration of your patrons or viewers
  6. Spray or spritz your Goddess Water on your bed, furniture, walls, car, and private space to flood your room with Astarte’s energy and magnify your loving experience.
  7. Cast a protective circle with Goddess Water to defend your space from toxic social energy and remain guilt-free
  8. Enhance any ritual, spell, and talisman with Astarte’s Goddess Water by harnessing the forces of the goddess
Release The Ball And Chain Of Self-Hatred, Anxiety, And Guilt From The Ankle Of Your Love Life Forever... Order Your Bottle Of "Goddess Water" Now And Receive A FREE 30-Minute Consultation With Your Consecration Course & eBook Grimoire
Do not let old traumas, anxieties, and depression ruin your love life forever. Do not let “haters” insult you. With your Goddess Water, you are going to harness the magick of the goddess Astarte to flood your love life with power and irresistible attraction. With your Goddess Water, you are going to finally unleash your “inner love god” with a clean conscience, and truly love yourself for the first time.
Let me know how you like it in your personal consultation with me.
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