Subject: The Black Diamond - How The Lord Of Darkness Triggers The Apocalypse

ASMODEUS: The Lord Of Lust, Compendium 8
The Black Dragon Teaches Dangerously Powerful Love Spells
E.A. Koetting    S. Connolly    Edgar Kerval
Bill Duvendack    Orlee Stewart    6 More Authors
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The Magick Manifestation Of The Black Diamond — How To Become The Lord Of Darkness Through The Nine Demonic Gatekeepers And Trigger Your Personal Apocalypse As The Antichrist
E.A. Koetting
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Hello Friend,
Having recently finished working through the entirety of the Gatekeeper pathworking, I’d like to share my thoughts on what happens when one successfully integrates all nine Gatekeepers into their being. This transformation is one of the most potent experiences I’ve gone through in my magickal career, with results that might surprise even the most seasoned occultists.
The True Meaning Of
“The Antichrist” And “The Apocalypse”
The Gatekeeper Pathworking, when worked through fully, concludes with all 9 forming one body of “The Prince of Darkness” which then possesses the black magician. The addition of the Unknown Principle, the Prince of Darkness, the manifestation of the Black Diamond itself, overwhelms the identity of the individual self, making him/her Power Incarnate and “The Antichrist” to bring about “The Apocalypse.”
While this apocalypse is indeed undeniably real, it is a personal apocalypse in which the magician’s entire reality (situations, relationships, careers, household, housing, plans, or assumptions/beliefs) are utterly destroyed or at the very least extremely altered. Any or every aspect of the magician’s life may be removed, turned upside down, or significantly disturbed, and for certain all that the magician has been unaware of, all of the problems not with the world but within the self and the daily life, are forced to the surface.
The magician's task is to return to his/her center, rediscover who they are as a New Being, what the circumstances of their lives need to become to be fully satisfied, to be their most authentic selves, and to enjoy their existence as their constant state.
Putting One’s House In Order —
Traversing The Paths Of Delusion
The former world, life, and self no longer exist, and the “new heavens and new earth” await the command of the magician, who must self-resurrect not as who he used to be, but as a new being having been birthed by the Seed of Darkness injected into the womb of the flesh.
The magician must first put himself in order, destroying the past self and creating a clear vision of who one can become, and commit to doing all that must be done to make it so.
The magician is then to “Put His House in Order,” inventorying all that remains in his reality once the black storm has cleared and determining what to keep, what to remove, and what to inject into his new life, congruent with the standards of his new self. Here, the Shadow Self re-emerges, similar to Satan and his legions being loosed from the pit 1000 years after the conclusion of the biblical apocalypse. The magician will see the work - magickal and physical - that is in front of him, and will be tempted to retreat back to sedating the godself and playing the victim, or might think that they have received a special calling to save the world or at least a portion of the world's population from disaster, or the magician may go the opposite direction and become the Destroyer, taking on the whole world all at once, and in the process possibly destroying all remnants of the former life and connections and allies that he or she once had.
These are the three paths of delusion and my departing intention (and I think the natural evolution) of this pathworking is for the individual to banish all delusions of righteous quests, global domination, or victimhood, and instead arrive to the most clear perception of reality exactly as it is, with challenges to overcome, personality flaws to correct, and most of all, with actions that must be taken and vices that must be avoided to create a life that he or she can truly enjoy and feel fulfilled in.
The Backwards Path To Nirvana —
Awakening The True Self
In essence, this pathworking as a whole allows the magician to experience the very high and very low states of being, to wield every forbidden power, to become a weapon against oppression, to rise above every god, to summon every excessive pleasure, all to discover through unrestricted access to more and more of everything, that “more” is not the path to freedom, individuality, and power, but that it naturally leads in the opposite direction, and the chase after power itself is affirmation of one's own powerlessness.
From a purely mystical view, this can be dismissed or marginalized as an opposite way of arriving to Nirvana by walking the eightfold backwards, with the additional ninth step of self-destruction, indulging in every sin to be freed from it, rather than abstaining from every desire to rise above it, both paths meeting at the place of the non attached 'now'. To the black magician who has undergone the transformation, however, the transformation itself and the treasure gained is substantial, measurable, and undeniable.
We are not merely calling these gatekeepers, but we are becoming them, fully and permanently, and in order to do so we must drop a facet of the illusion of who we thought we were, as well as the things in our lives that are unsuitable to that gatekeeper, and to the greater Being we are becoming. In tandem with the giving up of old things is the generation of the new: New capabilities, powers, strengths, and insights. We might find that we have new goals, interests, a new sense of self-discipline, and new opportunities. We absolutely discover above all else a new understanding of who we are and what we are capable of, as well as a new experienced knowledge of being power rather than needing power.
Lastly, the sorcerer who has opened all nine gates and has become all nine gatekeepers, and has become the Prince of Darkness, and has integrated them all into his full self, is not being possessed by any of them, but he is possessing all of them within himself, able to evoke them by spewing them from the bottomless pit within, or to commune with them through silence turned within. The magician moves forward in life no longer seeking power, as he has demonstrated for himself through the passing of each gate and the ascent above their trials that he now has all power within him, possessed by him, as the gatekeepers and their knowledge and power has been consumed, digested, metabolized, and integrated into his very soul.
ASMODEUS: The Lord Of Lust, Compendium 8
The Official Uncensored Demonic Grimoire On How To Perform The Most Dangerously Powerful Love Magick In Human History – For Consenting Adults Only
I will let you in on a guilty secret of mine…
Previously, I never truly liked love magick. I had always felt my mixed feelings.
On one hand, I have always known that love magick WORKS from personal experience as young man. In fact, it often works “too much” and your human subject becomes “crazy in love” — thus bringing a new form of unexpected trouble into your life. However, on the other hand, love magick always felt forced to me.
Why could I joyously show sorcerers how to perform the deadliest baneful magick without any shame, but then suddenly my conscience flip-flopped and felt guilty when I showed those same sorcerers how to perform love magick?
This moral dilemma bothered me.
When the Lord of Lust, Asmodeus, revealed his “Asmoday’s True Love Ritual” to me — I confronted him in ritual, divulging my ethical confusion. Over a long “witching hour” gnosis experience, the Lord of Lust resolved my concern, and now I fully support empowering magicians to harness the power of love magick.
In writing this grimoire, Asmoday urged me to devote a chapter to love spells. I resisted almost as a default position, and the pressure of Asmoday’s silent urging increased. I continued to resist, silently omitting the chapter. The longer I held my position, the more obvious it became that I was hiding from something, using morality as a mask.
Asmoday laid a challenge before me as I have worked through this Gate, and especially as I examined my stance on love spells: “Tell the truth.” — p.36
As a lifelong black magician, I have vowed to always tell the truth about magick without censorship or suppression. I have vowed to always respect you as a rational magician, and agreed to tell the truth, letting you think for yourself, forming moral stances by yourself.
Find out the remainder of my true story with unlocking the full power of love magick under gnosis of Asmodeus, and learn how to perform these dangerously powerful rituals yourself...
As I explained, prior to my pathworking with Asmodeus, I never truly liked love spells. However, the Lord of Lust helped me to recognize that love spells transcend simply “getting laid” and fully transform a magician into a human who naturally manifests true love in people around them. A world full of more humans loving one another sounds like a utopia to me.
My biggest breakthrough with love magick occurred when I finally fell in love with myself and became a better lover — patching over holes and untying knots from past traumas. The ultimate power of love magick is not in causing others to love you, but in helping yourself to become better at loving others.
11 of the world’s top sorcerers welcome you to enter gnosis with Asmodeus, the Lord of Lust, and finally let yourself love yourself…
Talk again soon,
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