Subject: 12 Classic Signs You've Been CURSED

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12 Classic Signs And Symptoms That You're Suffering The Malicious Curse Of A Baneful Magician... Consult My "Curse Checklist" To Diagnose Execration Before Onset Of Trauma 

The most powerful skill in magick... the superhuman ability... the capacity to undergo the Transfiguration of Consciousness in ritual, to then summon forth the visage of an interdimensional spirit, and invite it to reveal the Secrets of Ascent... is the MOST MYSTERIOUS ability to average magicians.

We all KNOW that evocation is 1 of 3 core talents an aspiring occultist must possess to inherit the Holy Grail of Black Magick... but so few mages actually perform it.

Fear. Self-doubt. Frustration. These are the cunning thieves in the night, robbing you of your Omnipotence.

Fear of failure. Fear of angering a spirit. Fear of hauntings. Fear of blowback and backfire. Fear of moral recourse. Fear of sinning.

To inherit the Kingdom of Omnipotent Power, and Ascend to the Throne of Godhood, you need to smash these anxieties. They are blockades on the Left Hand Path. Paper tigers for you to crumple in your iron fist.

Demons are your friend. It's time you honor them as such. To form an alliance with an all-powerful demon, is to gain access to an untold wealth of spiritual knowledge, you could not otherwise attain from a mundane human source.

Here's just a brief list of types of relationships you can establish:

  • Scrying sigils of demons
  • Evoking demons to your presence
  • Forming pacts with demons
  • Undergoing demonic possession
  • Binding demons to objects

Each one of these has it's positives and negatives - but overall, if you're a devout sorcerer of the Dark Path, you embrace them all.

Right now, my Mastering Evocation: Omnipotence, course is available at a MASSIVE 30% DISCOUNT for the next 7 days only. Let me give you uncensored access to the most hardcore masterclass on building Spirit Relationships in the entire world.

If fear has stopped you in the past, then it's time to "man up" and let me help you overcome that blockade on your Path to Self-Deification - if you're reading this right now, this is your Destiny. The demons are calling you...

Listen To The Call Of The Demons »

Dear Friend,

I’m sure at some point in life, you’ve stood back and helplessly watched as your whole life crumbled down around you.  Your career and your relationship start to fall apart, your savings and investments drained just to keep the lights on, not even able to figure out how you’re going to pay your rent or settle your mortgage payment.

Of course, at these moments it’s not just finances and intimate relationships that suffer.  Instead of stopping there, whatever malevolent force that is plowing through your life also decides that your car should break down, your children fall ill, your dog turns up missing, and a tooth starts to ache.

And, nothing that you do makes any difference.  You can work ten times harder, you can put forth a thousand times more effort than ever before, but you can’t seem to hold back the flood of destruction from your life.

Come on, admit it: at some point or another, when everything you’ve worked and sacrificed for is falling down around you, you’ve secretly and silently asked yourself, “Could I be cursed?”

If you’re like me (and like it or not, you just might be), then the last thing you’d want to do is to admit this fear to anyone else.  Curses?  That’s just crazy talk.  But the question still nags in the back of your mind...

When my clients get settled in for a personal and private consultation with me, though, I’ve noticed that one of the top 5 most often asked questions is, ‘Am I cursed.”

In the moment of what feels like a tidal wave of disaster pummeling through your life, being cursed might even seem like the most logical explanation.

However, what I’ve also taken notice of is that out of the overwhelming amount of people who ask me if they’re cursed, a very slim percentage actually turn out to be.

Placing a successful curse on another person is possibly one of the most difficult ritual feats a black magician can perform.

Not only will you likely have to gather obscure fetish items, specific ritual tools, and personal links to your intended victim, but in order to REALLY curse someone, you’re going to have to do some serious hard work.

Now, I’m not talking about manual labor.  The “hard work” that I’m referring to is spiritually and psychologically exhausting.  Really, there are 2 paths that you can go down to put an effective curse on your enemy:

The 2 Paths Of An Effective Curse...

Path #1 You’ll need to build up an overwhelming amount of hatred towards your victim, and then through the ritual, you’ll have to let that hatred flow through your body into the world, directed through your ritual symbols and links towards your victim.  As the emotion pushes through your physical vessel, it sets your every cell on fire with rage, shaking your body, driving you momentarily insane with anger.  As the power of these feelings is pushed into the ritual, you’ll likely lose all control over your body, your mouth spontaneously screaming bloodlust, your arms flailing to destroy the effigies, every muscle tight and every vein pulsing.  Once the hatred is gone, though, you are far from the end of the journey.  The passing of the destructive emotions gives way to buried feelings of hurt, loss, sadness, loneliness, and the like.  Screams turn to sobs, and you realize that what you have done is irrevocable.  Your victim is going to die, and often at this juncture, you’ll realize the infantilism of your magickal actions.  Sure, in some cases curses are called for… but if we’re still being honest with each other, I think we can both admit that those cases are few and far between.

Path #2 If hatred either isn’t there in the first place, or if it can’t be circulated through your system hard enough and fast enough to cause the necessary psychic explosion, the other option is exactly the opposite: nonattachment.  Enter the Crossroads, Invoke the spirits of Death, and direct them to your enemy with no emotion, not a hint of anger, no thought for their suffering, no lingering on the past harm that they have done.  You must divorce yourself entirely from all human sensitivity.  You must become stone, directing the very essence of your victim’s demise toward them as they sleep.  You must become a hunter of humans, a sinister predator, unmoved by the horror of your own actions, and equally unmoved by the injustice of the actions of others towards you.  Through this avenue, the curse is performed out of real necessity, as all emotion has been removed.  Such an internal compartmentalization is difficult if not impossible for most people, as is the ability to push these powers without the aid of the emotions. Through discipline and persistence, it can be mastered.

Whichever of these two your supposed magickal attacker may use against you, the one thing that you can be sure of is that he or she is going to have to work HARD to get you.   In fact, in order to successfully curse someone, your desire for their destruction must be greater than their desire for self-preservation – and you’re still going to have to learn how to push power in a way that few magicians are even capable of.

What this means for you, the possible victim of a curse, is that in reality, the work that goes into a successful curse makes it quite unlikely that you have done anything so offensive to the one of the very small minority of black magicians capable of laying a powerful curse on you.

The Most Common Causes Of Sudden And Unprovoked Devastation Of Your Affairs In Life, In Order Of Most To Least...

  1. Your own conscious or unconscious mismanagement of your affairs.
  2. Self-sabotage that travels through the route of spiritually manifesting disorder in your life, usually as a means to avoid some other perceived pain or discomfort.
  3. Often, the fear of being cursed causes you, the supposed “Victim” to  supernaturally work against yourself.  This is especially true for those who are dabblers or newcomers in the occult, and is exponentially accelerated if you have firsthand knowledge of the magickal successes of your assumed attacker.  In the end, most “magicians” don’t have to perform the ritual of a curse at all, because the offending party will go about killing themselves through their fear of the curse!
  4. Energetic fluctuations in your invisible, intangible environment should also be observed, as the natural ebb and flow of these magickal energies can offset any physical actions that you might be taking.  If you do a bit of research, you might also find some interesting correlations between the periods of downfall in your life and specific astrological or elemental alignments.
  5. Lastly, there is a chance that a curse is active, and is responsible for your problems.  Note that this is the least likely scenario.

Still Believe You're Cursed? Rifle Through My “Curse Checklist”. Below Are 12 Classic Signs Of A Baneful Curse...

  1. Sudden, unusual, and constant “bad luck.”
  2. Physical, psychological, and emotional fatigue, which is not alleviated with sleep, eating, exercise, or even medication.
  3. Sudden financial difficulties.
  4. Vivid and terrifying nightmares.
  5. Sleep paralysis repeating for at least 3 consecutive days.
  6. Dwelling on depressing or even suicidal thoughts and feelings, inconsistent with your natural emotional and mental state.
  7. Family and friends distancing themselves from you for no reason.
  8. A constant sense of anxiety, not traceable to any mundane source or circumstance, but a sudden sense of impending harm.
  9. The disappearance or deaths of household pets.
  10. Unexplained family deaths.
  11. An increase in peripheral entity-detection; seeing “shadow people” more often and in greater numbers than is normal.
  12. An increase in poltergeist activity in your home or work place.

Even with all of these telltale signs, though, there is one fail-safe means of finding out whether or not you have been cursed.  Sit in meditation.  Enter the theta-gamma trance state, disconnecting with the physical world and linking up to the worlds of spirit. Quiet your mind and quiet your emotions.  In complete internal silence and peace, ask yourself if you are cursed.  The answer will arise spontaneously if you are cursed. Remember that this is not something you’re asking your *emotions* to tell you, but you are asking the Highest part of yourself, the Living God part of yourself that is omniscient.  That part of yourself is never afraid, never weak, never worried, so if the answer comes to you in the form of panic, then you haven’t sunk deep enough into yourself to connect with your Godlike Mind.

Most of the time, if you’re even a little bit sensitive, psychically, you will feel the energy of the cursing moving towards you, trespassing into your home, pressing against your forehead, the immeasurable pressure bearing down on you, trying to force you to give up and let it take control.

If you can sense this, then recognize it for being a curse, and repel it using any banishing ritual that you are comfortable with and confident about, and the curse will progress no farther.  You may have to repeat this, as many curses must be performed at least 3 nights in a row, and possibly as much as 18 nights in a row, but you have the power to keep it at bay.

If, instead, you are certain that you are under the influence of a powerful curse already, and you are experiencing the symptoms listed above, much more drastic action is needed, and you’ll likely need the help of a competent professional.

Please make use of my availability for personal consultations, so we can determine once and for all whether you are cursed, and if you are, I can help free you from its effects forever, and bind the black magicians who have attacked you, so that their rituals will be impotent against you.

Book A Personal Consultation »

I'll talk to you again soon...

You friend,


If the idea of casting effective curses, and performing baneful magick is intriguing to you, I recommend you read my ruthless book on execration, called "Baneful Magick". It's the only truly diehard guide to magical violence and destruction that I know exists. In fact, inside it, I reveal a specific ritual for ending a person's life. So approach with caution. Click right here to check it out.

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Disclaimer: personal success depends on your work ethic, so results will vary. Consider all information adult entertainment, and not professional or medical advice. Mainstream science does not accept magick as real. Use this information at your own risk. If you experience any problems, contact a licensed doctor. Become A Living God is not responsible for consequences of your actions. You must be 18 or older to enter.

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