Subject: The Awakened Artist Master Class

Hi Friend, 

I'm excited to share with you about a new offering at The Awakened Artist! The Awakened Artist Master Class - for all creative and performing artists. This 5-hour workshop is a beautiful synthesis of some of the most potent and heart-opening processes of our work. 

There are 2 upcoming workshops:
 Sunday, September 17th in the Philly/South Jersey area 
 Sunday, October 8th in Nashville, TN
If you or anyone you know is interested, please read on!

Would you like to:
* Be more connected with your own unique creative essence and purpose?
* Have more power, presence and impact as a creative or performing artist?
* Move out of surviving and into thriving as a creative human being?
* Connect with other heart-centered artists within a safe creative community?
* Leave a legacy of love through your art and your life?

As a creative being – you know that there is a way to live that inspires the highest and best in people. We all long to create a beautiful, safe, thriving world in the same way we create great music, films, books and performances. These are struggles worthy of our blood, sweat and tears!

The Awakened Artist Master Class is for you!
If you are ready to take your artistry to the next level 
and to step into your fullest potential and leadership as an artist.

In this master class you will take a deep dive into your own artistic soul as you:
* Experience a more awakened and embodied connection with your own unique soul
* Clear away what is not resonant with your deeper truths and yearnings
* Share yourself with others in a safe, intimate space as you discover the power &
magic of community

Register by September 4 - $65 
Register by September 16 - $75
At the Door - $85

Register by September 8 - $75 
Register by September 28 - $95
After Sept 28 - $125

*2 BONUSES for attending the Workshop:
* You can purchase The Awakened Artist Course (within 1 week of workshop) for $55 (originally $111)
* 1 month free membership to The Awakened Artist Membership Circle ($28 value)
(along with 2 free months membership if you purchase the Course = 3 free months)

Click HERE for more info or to register 

(there will be 2 short breaks during workshop – Please bring snacks & dress comfortably)

ABOUT DEB - Deb’s passion and commitment to expanding the Highest Good for Humankind drive everything she does. A singer, songwriter, sometimes screenwriter, and former circus showgirl, Deb is convinced that ‘awakened art’ has the viral potential to exponentially uplift and change the world, heart by heart. A top NYC & Philadelphia area voice teacher for over 3 decades, she coaches artists and performers to express themselves authentically, with power and presence. As a life coach, she supports artists and others in clearing out all that is not resonant with their true soul essence. This allows their soul to more naturally express and resonate its unique beauty into the world, to light the way for others to discover their own soul path.

Click HERE if you're ready to register!

Please consider joining us in South Jersey or Nashville this fall for an inspiring afternoon with some wonderful creative spirits like yourself! Feel free to forward this email on to your friends and family.

Love and blessings,

36 Windmill Drive, Clementon, NJ 08021, United States
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