Subject: Meet my new baby

Hi Friend, 

I'm excited to share with you that I've just given a new body of work! The Awakened Artist is the culmination of my life experience as a singer, songwriter, performer, vocal coach, life coach, co-founder/director of a teen non-profit, spiritual seeker, mother and human work-in-progress. 

Especially in the last few years, I have felt strong guidance to bring this work forth - and now I understand the 'Divine Timing' of it. In this current tumultuous, polarized experience of our world, it's easy to sink into the collective trance of despair, cynicism and blame. But like Albert Einstein warned us, “We can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.

We're on the cusp of a New Era of Humanity, where Artists and Creative Spirits are the new pioneers. Imagine a world that is centered around the wisdom of our hearts, instead of the conditioned fears of our minds. As we emerge into this more consciously awakened era, we are hungry for art, entertainment and media that open the heart, resonate with the soul, and enliven the spirit. 

The Awakened Artist is a global Intentional Community of Creatives that is dedicated to THRIVING (not just surviving) and consciously living in a state of wholeness and self-expression - as catalysts for co-creating a world made from love, compassion and concern for the Highest Good of ALL - starting with ourselves and connecting as community. Want to get a taste of how The Awakened Artist works?

 Join me for a FREE Introductory Webinar

6:30 - 8:00 pm (EST/USA) 

Please invite your family, friends and fellow artists who may also be interested in joining us for the May 3 FREE webinarBe sure to sign up and visit the website to learn more about The Awakened Artist  Course, Private Coaching, Membership Circle and energy Card Readings

Together, let us harness the power of LOVE and ART 
to heal and re-create our world. 

Be sure to SIGN UP for the FREE webinar this coming WednesdayMay 3. Email me if you have any questions or issues with the sign-up. You can access the call live by phone or online. If you can't attend live, the link to the recorded playback will be sent to everyone who signs up. I look forward to being with you on the call, and to inspiring you to imagine new possibilities for your art, your life and our beautiful world!

Many blessings,

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” ~ Helen Keller

36 Windmill Drive, Clementon, NJ 08021, United States
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