Subject: ✨Your Weekly Astrology Forecast 💫

Dear Stargazers,

If your to-do list for the coming week includes a number of things that require a definite outcome, the good news is that the void moon periods this week are so brief that you're unlikely to experience any down time because of them.

JANUARY 15 - 21, 2024
All dates and times are given in EST.

Monday, January 15

Today's easy relationship between the Sun and Neptune offers an opportunity to develop your creative expression. Although it can take any form, this influence is especially favorable for artistic pursuits.

Besides inspiring creativity, this planetary combination is excellent for furthering your spiritual development, as well as for meditation, yoga and other mind-body disciplines.

Given the combined influences of the empathic Pisces Moon and the humble Sun-Neptune sextile, you're likely to feel more compassion for others, which could inspire you to contribute to a food pantry or make some other type of charitable donation.

After a very brief void moon (11:33 PM - 11:49 PM EST), the transiting Moon enters Aries and the energy takes on a dynamic tone.

Tuesday, January 16.

If you're behind on any personal or professional projects, today's transiting Aries Moon is likely to light a fire under you to get it done. Even if you are caught up on everything, this motivating lunar energy is likely to inspire you to take action in some area of your life.

That said, mid-afternoon could bring some tension when the transiting Aries Moon squares off with transiting Mars in Capricorn. If so, you're likely to feel that someone is stepping on your toes (or possibly vice versa), and in reality, that may very well be the case.

No matter the offense, given the strong egos of the planetary players involved in this aspect, it's possible that both parties will believe they're in the right. Should that turn out to be the case, you will be wise to consider whether fighting this particular battle is worth your energy.

Wednesday, January 17.

As yesterday's galvanizing energy continues to flow throughout the day, its ambitious influence will inspire many of you to set loftier goals.

And in strong contrast to yesterday, the mid-afternoon brings a loving interlude between the transiting Aries Moon and Venus in Sagittarius that not only promotes feelings of affection and self-worth, but also attracts people who genuinely support you.

However, when the evening rolls around, a clash between the transiting Aries Moon and the Capricorn Sun suggests that some of you could experience an internal struggle between what you want to do and what you feel you need to do. If possible, delay trying to resolve the issue until tomorrow when you will have greater energetic support to do so.

Thursday, January 18.

After a very brief void (3:04 AM - 3:13 AM), the transiting Moon enters Taurus, where it will spend the day engaging in a series of fortunate aspects with Saturn, Mercury, Jupiter and Mars that will lend support to all of your endeavors.

In addition, today's sextile between Mercury in Capricorn and Saturn in Pisces offers an opportunity to tap into practical intuition to solve problems, brainstorm ideas and make plans for the future. The ease of the sextile also makes this an excellent day for expressing your thoughts or opinions to other people, who are more likely to understand and support your vision.

Friday, January 19.

Although the transiting Taurus Moon favors money matters and the Mercury-Jupiter trine is excellent for negotiations, contract signings and transactions (buy/sell, offer and acceptance), the Venus-Neptune square warns that at best financial opportunities or products are not all they're cracked up to be and at worst, they're a total scam.

Unfortunately, the same can be said for ll types of relationships today. While the Mercury-Jupiter trine promotes communication and agreement, the Venus-Neptune square warns that you could be the victim of a smooth talker. As a result, any promises or commitments made today aren't likely to be kept, and you should be especially wary of anyone who expresses an interest in your personal finances. This is not the day to loan money to someone because it's highly unlikely that you'll ever see it again.

On a different note, when the Moon teams up with Uranus (12:00 PM - 2:00 PM EST), some of you could experience a sudden or unexpected event that throws you off your game. If so, the influence of the Mercury-Jupiter trine can help you think on your feet and make a quick rebound. However, you still need to be mindful of the Venus-Neptune square because if the matter involves money or a relationship, there's a good chance you don't have all the facts and will need to dig deeper to sort them out.

Saturday, January 20.

After being void for exactly one minute (8:58 AM - 8:59 AM), the transiting Moon enters Gemini, and as it moves forward through the sign, the pace of the day picks up. Although this lunar influence is a light-hearted one, its levity is likely to be overshadowed by the intense vibe of today's Sun-Pluto conjunction.

The transiting Sun enters Aquarius at 9:08 AM (Happy birthday, Aquarius!), and transiting Pluto enters Aquarius at 7:56 PM.

Sunday, January 21.

The influence of today's transiting Gemini Moon is an excellent one for socializing with friends, catching up on the news, brainstorming ideas and activities that stimulate the mind, such as crosswords, logic puzzles and any type of strategic game.

Given the restless nature of this influence, some of you will prefer to get out and go for a drive or take a long walk or a bike ride, and if so, you'll probably invite someone to join you.


As the 11th sign of the zodiac, you're here to teach us how to think progressively, not take things personally, be a team player and understand that all living things are connected.

Wishing everyone born under the Aquarius Sun a brilliant solar return!


In last week's newsletter, I promised to discuss the influence of the January 20 Sun-Pluto conjunction in Aquarius (which would have also included a discussion about how this Pluto in Aquarius cycle will affect you).

Unfortunately, my pup Valentino took ill this week and I spent most of Thursday at the vet's office. After a number of tests, I received good news on Friday, and he was definitely doing better.

However, last night (Saturday) he was suddenly in tremendous pain, so we spent the evening in the local Animal ER hospital. This seems to be an entirely different issue (a pinched nerve or something like it in the neck). Muscle relaxants help and he had a good night but he's not feeling great today. I will be speaking with our regular vet tomorrow.

As a result, I simply didn't have the time to get it done in time for today, and given his current situation, as well as my needing to accommodate a day's worth of clients this week, I'm not making any promises to have it ready for next week's newsletter.

I thank you for your understanding, as well as any prayers, affirmations and healing you can send Valentino's way.

Until next time,

May Jupiter's blessings be your constant companion,

Debra Anne Clement

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