Subject: Weekly Astrology Update: Positive Energy Ahead!

Dear Stargazers,

There are some very helpful planetary influences


March 29 - April 4, 2021

All dates are given in the Eastern Time Zone.


Apr. 03: Mercury enters Aries

BEST DAYS: While there are other days during this time frame that are fine, these are the best of the bunch. What do I mean by the best? The energy is flowing, the moon isn't void and there's a greater likelihood for happy and/or productive outcomes.

Mar. 31, Apr. 1

BEST AVOIDED: The energies on these days aren't favorable for new ventures or any activity where you want or need a definite result. If you must schedule something, you may have to think on your feet, or there may be a need for patience or flexibility.

Mar. 29


Mar. 29: Mercury conjunct Neptune

The murky side of this energy warns against engaging in negotiations and practical business matters because it is easier to be mislead or deceived at this time. A far better use of this energy is to engage in creative, healing or spiritual activities such as writing, journaling, meditation or intuitive development, which are strongly supported by this influence.

Mar. 30: Venus sextile Saturn

When the planet of relationships cozies up to the planet of responsibility, it's a good time to discuss your expectations. Whether it involves romance, friendship, business or even family, the energy of this transit suggests that everyone involves people will be more willing listen, as well as make any necessary compromises.

If a new relationship begins under this transit, it could involve an age difference where one partner is decidedly older, mature or established than the other. Since Venus also rules money, this energy can be helpful for business relationships and financial judgment.

Mar. 31: Sun sextile Saturn

This is a good day for professional matters. Should you need to meet a deadline or spend additional time on a project, this influence suggests you'll have the stamina and concentration to successfully do so.

Apr. 02: Mercury sextile Pluto

The combination of these planetary energies can be very helpful for getting to the heart of a matter or for tackling projects that require concentration and attention to detail. It's also a favorable time to study medicine, psychology, mediumship or any other subject that examines the inner workings of the body, mind or spirit. 


April 3 - 20, 2021

While Mercury is in Aries, he’s able to learn new subjects at lightning speed and finds it easy to think on his feet. However, he also tends to lose patience with anyone who fails to keep pace with him.

He’s also quick to anger and quick to answer, which means absent a few deep breaths, his tongue can sling barbs that inflict more than a little damage upon his target.

Consequently, while Mercury is in Aries we may find it easier to process new concepts and be motivated to study. However, our patience with others is likely to wear thin more easily, and since we’re more likely to jump to conclusions, words are apt to fly out of our mouth that we’ll quickly regret.

As the first sign of the zodiac and the natural ruler of the first house, Aries’ focus is often on “me, myself and I,” and during this time, Mercury can be very self-centered. In turn, our thoughts may be so focused on ourselves that we completely forget to consider others.

However, Aries is also an extremely noble sign that seeks to defend and protect others, and when its higher side is expressed, Mercury can be a knight in shining armor.

And so can we.

To all who are celebrating the festival of liberation, I wish you a joyous Passover.

Until next week,

May Jupiter's blessings be your constant companion,

Debra Anne Clement

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